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nicknick, be realistic. if your gonna not only cruise, but race on the streets, while making your car look like a prime defect target with the carbon bonnet, no plate etc, you really have no grounds to be saying "stupid cops". What do you expect them to do with a car that screams to them "DEFECT ME". If you dont want to be defected, use some smarts. 51jay has a point.

btw i also dont get the point of leaving the front plate off ? if the cops are chasing you they are gonna be behind you anyway?

also nicknick, are you on P's?

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nicknick, be realistic. if your gonna not only cruise, but race on the streets, while making your car look like a prime defect target with the carbon bonnet, no plate etc, you really have no grounds to be saying "stupid cops". What do you expect them to do with a car that screams to them "DEFECT ME". If you dont want to be defected, use some smarts. 51jay has a point.

btw i also dont get the point of leaving the front plate off ? if the cops are chasing you they are gonna be behind you anyway?

also nicknick, are you on P's?

nicknick I think you were just trolling for confrontation from the forum. I don't expect you to respond to this in a constructive way, so the challenge has been presented. I hope to be surprised.

As far as street racing goes, you have to be a complete fool to think you are THE MAN for participating. Take it to the track (not drag) where RICE is treated as the W*NK that it is and I expect you will get shown up as the simplistic unskilled vehicle operator I suspect you are from your responses thus far. (Are you on your P's?)

I manage to drive a reasonably fast track car on the streets without ever getting defected or speed fines, but that is a matter of attitude and attention to detail, not avoiding attention. You can hide a lot of defectable things by finishing them to look almost stock, not RICING UP. Yes carbon bonnets have race value but paint them or something to avoid attention if you must have it on (say on the way to and from the track).

Carbon bonnets have to be one of the most dangerous pedestrian hazards after bull bars, and I bet if they [bullbars] were cool you'd have one of them too. This is why they are, in part, illegal. I would put it to you that perhaps most pedestrians will be in the wrong when hit by a vehicle, but the general attitude will be the car driver is the baddie, and if you slice them up with a fracturing carbon bonnet you will wear it. The long term effects on their body, of having carbon sharps permanently embedded, will possibly ruin their lives and you WILL be sued for the long term medical bills as your insurance, if you have any, will drop you to take the fall.

Bonnets take 5 minutes to fit so why have it for the open road? (other than the previous example)

I think the general expectation on this forum is one of responsible discussion and vehicle ownership, not breaking the law and running from police. Respect that or you will get what is due.

Your serve, you will be judged on your response!

forstly I am not on my P's. im 25 next month, secondly i know someone maybe 51jay is gonna write something like "your immature for 25 or whatever" but as most of you dont live in SYDNEY, let em explain, Thursday and sunday nights are the biggest get together of cars from all around sydney, hundreds of cars get togething at certain places to meet up and have some fun, usually the places we race are open with very long wide streets over 500-600 meters long, thats where we drag, not juts me but everyone who has a car worth showing off.

sorry to say but ive been doing it since i was 18 and had a vp clubby, so in sydney its just normal to go to the runs, anyways i dotn wanna argue over a few technicalities, most people dont have their front number plate on and if you dont belive me I ask of any sydney people reading this thread to contribute and tell us if they have participated in the runs on sunday or thursday nights...

I have to agree with nick nick.... every forum member from every forum reckon they're such angels and would never do anything illegal... yet every time i go to the runs (wherever they may be) who is it i see?... FORUM MEMBERS!... let's cut the b***s**t eh guys?... (P.S. I don't race but i do attend runs for the entertainment factor)... I prefer to drag on the strip for the safety factor etc.... but i don't have any problems watching and enjoying 'street racers'...

The wieght of these 2 quality responses on behalf of the street racing legends leads me to believe there should be a shoot on capture law for Fast and Furious wannabes.

I retire satisfied and unsurprised by the lack of intellect related with street racing, and await your attendance at a real race track one day.

Well there are one or two cars that have carbon fibre bonnets that are legal (I think the R34 GT-R N1 is legal) so like anything, if it's OEM and passed crash testing, it's fine.

But since we all have dodgy 'Made In China' bonnets from Carmate etc. - I wouldn't say they are technically legal.

You can get defected for them and I guess rightly so. I've had lots of cops look over my carbon fibre bonnet (some them covetedly!) and they never asked me about it.

Carbon/fibre panels are unlikely to be defected as they are painted up and they look just like the OEM panels. The cops won't bother to run a magnet over your guards.


i think that nicknick and DJ984 are right, a lot of people in sydney attend the illegal drags, maybe not to race but to watch, and have fun when the police come to see how many cars they can pull over. usually doesnt happen anymore..

but also most people that race have big setups on their cars and have somehting to proove, ive been going for many years and have never seen an accident or fatal crash from street racing,.

now you tell me something, out of 1000 illegal street races that i have watched and not 1 accident, how much safer is racing at the creek when their are accidents all the time.

i dont agreee with the street racing but if someone is gonna race their car no matter what, it is quite enjoyable watching 8000rpm launches in back streets in the middle of the night...

ive been going for many years and have never seen an accident or fatal crash from street racing,.  

now you tell me something, out of 1000 illegal street races that i have watched and not 1 accident, how much safer is racing at the creek when their are accidents all the time

I understad your point, but its not only the safety aspects of what you are doing, its the simple fact that the whole illegal drag racing is frowned upon by the public/authorities and many enthusiasts for other reasons.

So whilst you have not seen any accidents at the illegal drags, yet you claim there are plenty at Eastern Creek. If thats true then that tells me that if they can happen in a controlled environment like EC, then its only luck that is stopping it from happeneing in you local industrial area.

So whist i wont argue about the amount of accidents at the illegal street drags, other aspects that must be considered are the illegal use of a road which is shared by other traffic.

Ok at 3am or whenever your doing it there is minimal traffic...but mechanical failures on these strips of road do impact the safety of the street. I know of several cars that have failed whilst racing, and these accidents would have resulted in plenty of dropped oil and other debris. Out of control cars hitting telegraph oles resulting in downed power lines, are all factors that will increase the liklihood of an accident, both for those racing and those using the road in the coming days.

So its not only the safety issue, its the general anti-social behaviour that can follow the scene. Back in '94/95 there was a strong stolen parts market with the whole Auburn/Homebush car/illegal racing scene. Im sure that todays illegal street racing scene still is a hotspot for the trading of stolen parts and other illegal activities.

You say the police arent stopping them as regularly as they use to, well that would concern me, why are they allowing it to continue? Id be concerned about one of those Magnas/Commodore/Falcons attending being a surveilance car, with certain plain colthes officers collecting intel on all those attending. "I was driving along minding my own business when they pulled me over for no reason and searched my car... blah blah blah." I have heard a person complaining about this, but he doesnt believe the two are connected/related.

With WSID now open with weekly meets, its a no brainer to be doing illegal drags, if you are seriously interested in just racing your car then you wouldnt even be considering the illegal drags. I think most just favour the fact that they are doing something 'illegal' and feel as though they are knights of the round table jousting for honour blah, blah, blah by doing somehting not condoned by the wider community

There are countless reasons i could list why it shouldnt be done, but im not going to change your mind, whilst you think its cool/safe you will likely keep attending...and only because you are only watching doesnt mean the arm of the law will go any softer on you if caught attending on the night.

dear Roy, seriously you have some very good points, and id like to add to your comments but saying $50 dollars to go attend WSID isnt gonna break the budget if you want to race, but like you said i think its the whole illegal scene that attracts some people to the races, when i go and watch, maybe some times participate in the events at hand, there are so many cars that i think the police dont know what to do , also about the survailance, like nicknick said, (which wasnt a bad point and shouldt be condemned for it), lots of the cars that attend, and i mean heaps of them that race take their front plates off their cars so if by some chance they get chased by police or recorded , all they have to do is report their front numberplate stolen and the police really cant do anything about it, even if they do see the rear numberplate there is no law stating that if your numberplate is used in a offence not relating to yourself, you cannot be charged with the crime

Do you know of anyone that has got in trouble at one of these sorts of meets, who has used the pearler, "my car ws stolen" or "my plates were stolen".

The police would be sure to pursue the matter, as in addition to getting you for the original offence, they would be chasing you for filing fraudulent police report + others that they could think of.

Plates are recorded against models of cars, the date that you report the plates stolen would not add up...you would want to be removing all forms of id, front/rear plates, stickers, sure technically what you are saying may add up, but i would not want to be relying on that practice to bail me out of trouble.

My experiences have been some of the ppl getting defected for things like bonnets have been observed prior doing something they prehaps shouldnt have been. As you say the police may not be able to get you for the initial act, but they may pursue the matter in other ways, like so many defects you sell the car or its taken off the road.

I agree with what Roy is saying....

I attend illegal drags for the same reasons i attend the 'laps'. That is, both the social factors and the entertainment...

You may think this sounds stupid but i really don't care...

If I want to race someone, i'll do it on the strip (Thankyou son of rajab for WSID!!! :P). But i still enjoy going to the illegal runs with mates and sitting there (or standing) and watching the others do burnouts or runs or whatever...

I realise that most likely there ARE undercover police there, i don't doubt that for a minute... but i'm more than happy to let them pull me over and breath test me or go over my car because my plates say "regularly attends street meets" in the system.

That is a consequence of my actions and i am happy to live with that...

I also agree with what roy is saying about the people who complain and refuse to acknowledge the 'link'...

But as i said befor i HATE when people get on a forum and flame someone for chirping second when they're the people i see at the street races.... (may have exagerated on the chirping second bit there but you get the picture)...

both roy and dj984 are right, the are people who wont admit they would love to addent the street races and only say its stupid because they havnt ever been, and what roy said about cops following up on fraudulant claims, in all my time ive never heard of a police chase where the "street racer" has got away and been charged for it, theres always some techinical difficulty that cops expericance prooving that that is the car that was racing last night, with or without the numberplates on.

THINK ABOUT THIS what if one day you woke up in the morning and your gtr front numberplate or, all your numberplates were missing, you report it first thing in the morning to the poilice, and as your reporting it, the poilce tell you that your car was in a hit and run, or street racing, and what not, how do you proove that it wasnt you that was driving nor that it was your car? you might get someone say you were at home or at a freinds house all night, but then again, what if it was you, well then how could the police proove it was you driving,i mean all you would have to do is have your parents say you were home all night, as you know most parents would lie to the police to keep you out of jail. I know you must be thinking thats so illegal you dont even want to be thinking about it, but thats the price you pay for wantin those few hours of fun on sunday nights.

gotta love my parents.........:rofl::)

sorry to those people who might get offended at the fact you drag your parents into situations like that, but what can you do, thats life.

Nothing short of car playgrounds (like footy fields) will stop these gatherings, as discussed on the Soarer site (I know, but there are some sweet sc400's out there). If it were easy to blow off the steam and legal I would go along and sign a disclaimer and have fun. It's great excitement, but I will maintain my control and wait to get to the appropriate venue and refuse to participate in the off track scene, other than cruises, due to the general perception.

People will do what they want, just don't come on here and bleat and whine when defected or fined and definitely don't brag about doing illegal stuff. Your details can be subpoenaed from the admins so just think of them when posting. I have had to rethink after a reminder myself but I care for the contiinuance of this forum. It's my shopping mall :rofl:

like skylinegeoff said, cops can aquire any information they want fro mthese forums, but then again i dont want o sound like a smart ass and dont take it the wrong way but once again they cannot proove that the owner of this computer is in fact the one typing to these threads, or someone hacking the ip address of this residence..

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