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line up the holes on the cam gears with the lines on the backing plate to set the cams then line up the crank by aligning the crank pulley with its reletave marks....you will see them when you get that far into it. You will need a pulley puller to do it though. also when the crank is right then the front piston is a TDC.

Also a genuine belt also has the lines on the belt to show you where everything should be.

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Yeah, that would work just as well.

What kind of timing light do you have?

- The type that taps into the lead, or

- The type with the magnet loops, that wraps around your lead?

If you have the later, then dont bother with a lead on coil pack no 1, and use the wire on top of the igniter module...

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by lowlux

yeah but cant u just get no1 coil off and put a spark plug lead between the coil and the spark plug? would that work?

No you can't, because the coil connects onto the sparkplug by a little spring-loaded electrode (like the one in the centre of a distributor cap). No way you can connect a plug lead.

I've since been told (but not confirmed for myself) that any timing light that has the connector that clips over the plug lead will work using the timing loop on the ignitor pack.

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