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If they are doing that, there should be a blanket ban "No p plater is allowed to drive these cars: x, x,x, x, x, x". Its not hard to enforce at all, you drive a powerful car and the cops catch you, you get fined. I mean unofficially its been that way for years in Victoria, it just has gradually "reverted" in this era of turbo charged cars. I remember when i first started driving, there were cars that i could simply *not* register and drive.. such a 308 commodore, 250 Cortina. I mean they're nothing now, but back then they were what a fast skyline is today and desireable. Lots of people wanted them, but not many could afford them, or wanted to get pulled over.  

It was a known fact, and not many people got around, people just did without. I mean, f*ck is it THAT hard to drive a slower car for 3 years?? does a p-plater HAVE to have a really fast car for the first few years of driving? i mean think of the money you save for a start! You need *something* to look forward to after drving for a few years.. i think its a worthy goal to try and encourage drivers to remain accident (and to an extend penalty) free  

I don't know why the restrictions have been relaxed, but they clearly have.

Just because mines ride off 2 cars that doesnt mean the rest of us are nut cases. It seems that he canrt handle power and shouldnt be aloud to drive a skyline for long long time.

When did you get your skyline ? and at what age did you want a skyline ? do you need to drive a fast car.. ? most people dont just like them because their fast you know. You would have been P*ssed of if you were still young and didnt have a skyline and wanted to buy one. well now that your older and have one dont you care what happanes to the p-platers?

no having a go at any one... :) lol

any way this thread has said alot of good info.. hope everyone learns somthing and mostly you mines :D

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While everyone on the entire forum is reading this thread, I'd just like to say that i have a pair of brand new GTR side skirts for a R33 GTS-t for sale. Anybody interested :D

Link: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/fo...8488#post638488

Oh and... tough break Mines.

Now thats smart but :)

While everyone on the entire forum is reading this thread, I'd just like to say that i have a pair of brand new GTR side skirts for a R33 GTS-t for sale. Anybody interested :)

Link: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/fo...8488#post638488

Oh and... tough break Mines.

LOL very smart idear :D:D

I am simply disgusted.

I too have sat back and read ur 'put down' posts to drivers of less expensive cars, i bit my tounge, but now i have to say your a brat!!!!!

One day life will give u a big reality check, even bigger than writting off daddy's gtr... yes the car may have been in your name, but IT WAS YOU PARENTS CAR as they paid for it. You have no right to look down on anyone!

It also pisses me off because when i was looking at a gtr the insurance was too high and i didnt think it was worth it, so im waiting till im a bit older or have 4-5k to throw away. But you got everything given too you and still ****ed up...

There is no excuse for being a spoilt prick. Leave the forums.

PS if when I have kids.... if they turn out like you... I have really stuffed up as a parent.

well now that your older and have one dont you care what happanes to the p-platers?

I think it's because he DOES care, that he's voting for the restriction.

I also agree that P-platers should have power restrictions. As predator said:

is it THAT hard to drive a slower car for 3 years?? does a p-plater HAVE to have a really fast car for the first few years of driving?

It's extremely telling that everyone 24-25 and older is saying how much they've matured and learnt since they were 17-21, myself included.

It's also extremely telling that EVERY SINGLE PERSON in this thread who has posted "No" to the power restriction has been under 21.

There is no doubt in my mind that you will change your views as you mature in the next 3-4 years and be calling for a power restriction for P-Platers too when you look back on your younger years, even though you think you are a mature and sensible example of a P-Plater.

PS if when I have kids.... if they turn out like you... I have really stuffed up as a parent.

WHOA!!! That might just be the single harshest comment given in this thread so far eek3.gif

I am 21 and im FOR a power restriction... Too many idiots like mines ruining lives.

I beleive you should be allowed to drive a powerfull car if you hve done a serious advanced driving course. Thankfully if that law was in place, clearly mines WOULD NOT HAVE PASSED!

It's also extremely telling that EVERY SINGLE PERSON in this thread who has posted "No" to the power restriction has been under 21.

Im 20 and purchased a NA because of the Power/Weight laws, I could have easily got a gtst, but didn't. My skyline is a huge jump in power over my old car(which i still have btw), so i appreciate it even more.

Laws are there for a reason. Even if you dont understand why, but we all know why.

I see p plated gtstgtr as well as other High powered cars eg. V8s all the time, and i will say with experience they think they are better drivers than everyone else on the road. This is about state of mind.

I would never get something as powerful as a gtr and not have any form of safe practice in it, thats just stupid.

Public roads aren't controlled, and accidents do happen.

I didn't say that every person under 21 has posted NO to the restriction,

I said that every person who said NO to the restriction was under 21 :)

I have no doubt that there are many sensible younger members on our Skylines Forums and we're glad to have you with us! bigthumb.gif

Mines dude, I feel for you, but You sorta did have it coming, you dont ever EVER drive on a public road near the edge of your limitations and ability. EVER.

Save it for the track.

I am 32, and have not had a prang since i was 17. That time it was from being in the wrong place in the wrong time, and wasnt my fault.

I drive a powerfull twin turbo VL (very much uprated suspension to make it handle better than a ...well...VL...) and Yes, I have pushed the envolope just a tad sometimes, but always on a straight line, and when there is no one else on the road. You simply have to look and think further ahead than your immediate view, and velocity. THINK.

I should hope after one bingle going too quickly would teach you to slow down, and save it for the track, but two? well i dunno.......

I dont appreciate the carelessness you have displayed, regarding your well being, and also the disregard for valuable possesions, namely, a GTR< and now our insurance premiums will be even higher. Its not appreciated.

But Im not trying to flame you. I believe many different people from different walks of life, if put in the exact same place, with the exact same feelings and cards delt in life, would do almost the same thing.

So for god sake, everyone save your fast driving for the track.

Its quite simple here

People who feel they cant handle the power of a skyline or any fast car...dont drive it

If you arent confident dont drive it

If your shit at turning the car, reading the traffic 100metres ahead and observing conditions ...dont drive a powerful car

Its just the tossers who cant drive who **** it for the young people who can

I beleive you should be allowed to drive a powerfull car if you have done a serious advanced driving course.

Using your post as its the latest along that theme...so not trying to antagonise you. :)

I agree thats a step in the right direction, but do you think doing a Defensive and Advanced Driving Course will make any difference???

Reason i ask is, that unless you walk away from such courses with the realisation that there is no way a GTR can be driven anywhere near its limits on the public road, then it isnt going to help you a lot.

Doing such a course isnt a green light to drive at the limits of the vehicle on the road. Its meant to give you increased awareness of the dynamics of the car, how it behaves in different conditions/situations... and modify (if required) your thinking and approach to driving/sharing the road.

If anything with the wrong mindset these courses can perhaps increase the chances of an accident as the driver may believe they are now better able to control the car and drive beyond the limits of the conditions/road/car/driver or combination of.

I dont know... so many sides of the story to consider.

I think it's because he DOES care, that he's voting for the restriction.

exactly.. young people do dumb shit, i did dumb shit, my friends did some dumb shit, hell i still do dumb shit sometimes, and for the most part of the people I *do* know they're lucky and are walking around today. But there are plenty out there that aren't so lucky, and you don't want to be one of them.

Do you realise Mines how close you were to being seriously paralysed or suffering brain damage? Drinking out of a straw for the rest of you're life, maybe not being able to even string a sentence together? (hang on a sec... :)) Can you even comprehend that and what life would be like if that happened to you.. Being one of those "retards" you laugh at in the street, coz i am sure you are the type that probably would. Not everybody who is like that was born that way you know.

When did you get your skyline ? and at what age did you want a skyline ? do you need to drive a fast car.. ? most people dont just like them because their fast you know. You would have been P*ssed of if you were still young and didnt have a skyline and wanted to buy one. well now that your older and have one dont you care what happanes to the p-platers?

Well its true I wanted a fast/sporty car for a while ... but i knew that insurance, experience, and above all my bank balance couldn't take it at that age (and don't draw the friggin jealousy card, its not it), and thats what everybody told me, even though i did think they were largely full of sheet at the time. Most of the time I *do* care what happens to p-platers, and it pisses me off a lot of the time it appears cops are purely out to make life hell for them.. but its incidents like this that just bring it home for a lot of people, even those that are more moderate about what people should and shouldn't be able to do in life..

and *above all* I probably know personally about 4 people on this forum who have made some SERIOUS **** ups in a skyline on p-plates and written off (or nearly written off) their cars. They're not dickheads either, and the power of the car and some inexperience was probably the key, so it can happen to anybody.

Just to throw some more fuel to the fire:

I'm 24 so I wouldn't know if im in the experienced or inexperienced crowd but I do know that I will be applying for Defence Driving then Advanced Driving Courses when my R32GTR comes in(hopefully before March :wassup: ).

My reasoning is that I've seen enough of my friends screw up on public roads and I'm sh*t scared of the car, but I still "want" it. I say "want" because it isn't as if you NEED a powerful car, and the difference in WANT and NEED is that it is a choice. If you can make a decision, you should be mature enough to know the consequences. Those stupid laws people are discussing are there to stop IDIOTS who cant think for themselves, be able to have the PRIVILEDGE of driving.

My proposal would be for all drivers to have at least Defensive Driving under their belt before you can move into a high performance car. That would at least allow the "mature" young ones(?!?) the chance to prove they aren't HOONS.

All those propsing defensive driving courses to allow younger drivers to be licenced to drive powerful cars, I say this:

All P-plate drivers should have to complete a defensive driving and advanced driving course (skidpan, slalom, braking test, awareness test, etc) before allowing them to graduate to full licence, regardless of what car they want to drive.

Oh, show all new drivers that "gruesome" video that I've heard that police show repeat drunk drivers too.

If you want shock tactics, then I suggest a flying lap around a racetrack for any "L" platers. Doesn't even have to be a high po car, any car will do...When you've been at the limit and you're not in control....then you know fear.. :)

I don't really agree with shock tactics though, I reckon there's enough people with enoguh brains to soak up info at a drivers training course...else, they'd just fail.

Holy Crap! Can't believe i read all that.

Mines my car is only a GTST but the way i treat it u would think it was a Porche. I appreciate this car cos I worked for it. Before this i had an 81 XD falcon, 76 Escort, VB then VL commos - all much slower than even a GTST.

When you've worked for something yourself u treat it with a lot of respect cos when u look at it you know the work that went into it. If you keep getting handed these powerful cars on a platter then u have no respect. If u continue down this track it is only a matter of time till u kill yourself or others.

Its your choice though. Youve been given 2 second chances, how many more will you have maybe a million maybe none. Do yourself a favour get a job buy a cheap car, learn to drive, learn respect, stay alive... realise you're not GOD for drving a GTR so very fast.

Experience is great, but i still believe its the attitude that counts.

And when ppl refer to driving ed and defensive driving course (Defensive comes before Advanced Driving Courses) they focus more on attitude with only part of the day spend behind the wheel.

Has anyone had a scare when driving normally??? Now that wakes you up to how things that can change in an instant!

Yes, I sure have. I was driving normally into the kink at Wakefield when the back end overtook the front...at 160...passenger needed new underwear.

Lets face it....with incidents like this...there is no way in the world *anyone* will be dfreely driving high powered cars in 20 years time.

Either GPS enforced speed limits or automatically driven cars.

Enjoy it now....and take it onto the track

oh, BTW, this incident is also exactly why manufacturers build understeer into all cars these days.

Next time you are graunching across the road towards the gutter in a tight corner think of this thread and how much worse it would be to do it side on :D

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