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Dont tell them and get the job :). Your only 10 weeks Kel, alot can change between now and the bubs birth anyway.

If we live life worrying about 'what if' we'd go no where. Just go at it, its your chance at a great job that you will love. DO IT. DO IT NOW. GOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOOGGOOGOGOGOGOGOGOGO!

Edited by Weezy

Being involved myself in running a small business, I know how hard it is out there. Just as Andrew said, the business has a business to run, the fact that you will be off for however many weeks will directly affect that business. In good conscience I think you should front up straight away and tell them, at the end of the day, I would hope a potential employee would be the same with me if I were hiring

i think i will call the person dave said

and i might not say anything till im 12 weeks and ill tell them and ill also say to them that when the 3 months probation is up if i am not doing my job like the others then get rid of me

When it comes to matters like this honesty really is the best policy, Kel.

The company in question is national but staff recruitment for this particular branch would be up to the branch manager and their offsiders would it not? Perhaps the manager has a positive outlook on career/working mothers, perhaps they don't (not that the latter is likely to admit it). The other thing to bear in mind is... company policy is one thing, reality is another.

  whatsisname said:
The company in question is national but staff recruitment for this particular branch would be up to the branch manager and their offsiders would it not? Perhaps the manager has a positive outlook on career/working mothers, perhaps they don't (not that the latter is likely to admit it). The other thing to bear in mind is... company policy is one thing, reality is another.

and reality is the one that'll turn around and f**k you faster than you can think if you bullshit from the word go.

if you progress past the first interview without a word of your pregnancy being said, itll more than likely come up in subsequent interview. may aswell get it out the way quickly.

if they dont hire you, they dont hire you, be it for your pregnancy or any other reason. just lay your cards on the table and be prepared for any possible outcome.

Edited by scandyflick

Firstly, congratulations! If this is your first don't bother "preparing for your life to change forever", because no amount of preparation will help you with the reality of sleep deprivation that will be unleashed in 7 months! Enjoy!

Secondly, as a small business owner I have interviewed many people over the years, and whilst it is illegal to discriminate on the grounds of pregnancy; however it is practically presents a lot of difficulties due to all the above stated reasons, ie sickness, lethargy (yes all too real!) and having to get temps is to cover the maternity leave, training them up just to let them go etc.

As a parent I understand why you wouldn't disclose it at this early stage. But be aware that when you do eventually "confess", your employer is likely to feel you were dishonest in the interview - you may lose their trust and it will count against you for your future career prospects within the company.

As a footnote, I believe that in South Australia if you have been employed for less than 12 months when you give birth you don't have any statutory right to maternity leave, so the company may be able to terminate your employment rather than give you maternity leave.

To those who say " Don't tell them if they don't ask", you do realsie that they legally can't ask directly. It would only be asked as part of a medical fitness question.

As Andrew eluded too, they will find out before your 3 months is up and they won't be happy if they find out you knew before you took the job and kept it to yourself.

And AFAIK within the 3 months they don't have to give you a reason for your termination.

Anyhow it's up to you, but i feel it will bite you in the ass if your not completely honest.

Edited by D_Stirls

Treat them how you would wish to be treated yourself, If you think you shouldn't be told by someone you wish to employ that they were pregnant-then dont, however-if you think that a potential employee of yours should have the nuts to be straight up then tell them.

Remember what goes around comes around

if you have to go for a medical and pee in a cup for a drug test and it comes back your pregnant what are you going to do ? . act all surprised and say i didnt know . i believe you should be upfront myself .

congrats by the way

cheers dean

This is exciting times for you.

I think being honest is best as you have already said that this type of job does not come up often.

If you lie then this job probably will never come up again for YOU.

Dishonest employees always get found out eventually.

I say this as a parent and a small business owner.

When i worked for a very large bank i was employing staff for a position and the best perosn got the job. She was 8 weeks pregnant and was upfront about it. As she was the best person for the job and we were experiencing growth the 2nd pick got a contract job starting at the same time and was to finish when candiate 1 came back from unpaid maternity leave. win win

As it turned out candiate 1 did not come back, candidate 2 still woks there and i left 7 years ago. Life is strange.

Good luck with it all.

Semislickr32: Hi and no this is my second baby

I went to the job interview and was ready to tell them that i was pregnant and then i decided not to as she told me this was the first stage of the interviews, (good son of rajab there has to be another interview) so i said nothing becuse the questions were directed at "why do you want to work for us" and "what is your retail experiance" ect no questions about me and it was a few tests. So when and if i get another interview (if i passed this section) i will tell them at that one cause i think that interview will be a bit more presonal.

I have also just applied for a job at a Bank as a teller tonight

Its getting hard as im now 11 weeks so if anyone on here knows anyone looking to hire someone then please let me know i really need a job and im not interested in maternaty pay/leave becuase i obviously wouldnt have worked for the company for more than 12 months

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