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Whats the go with people how are pierced or tattoo'd? Can we still donate or do we have to wait a certain amount of time?
you have to wait a certain amount of time, i think it was 6 months but i could be wrong so dont quote me on that.

*LOUD YOUR WRONG BUZZER* Lol the waiting period is 12 Months!

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Nice one :blink: Yup I will be there every two weeks, the machine set up is rad, I didn't notice it taking longer than normal blood but maybe I just have a faster flow than others.

When are you due next for plasma? Available in two weeks? :)

???? You must have incredible flow! If donating Plasma is the same as your blood!

From the Red Cross Site:

We suggest you allow about an hour for your visit to the Australian Red Cross Blood Service. A standard whole blood collection only takes 5-10 minutes, but it also takes time to fill out the questionnaire, be interviewed privately and enjoy a rest and refreshment afterwards. For your safety it is strongly recommended that you rest for 15 minutes after the blood donation to minimise the risk of fainting.

A plasma donation takes a bit longer - about 45 minutes for the collection component.

Wow this is awesome guys!! So I'm thinking June 16th or 17th, will ask again closer to the time to confirm but will probably have to book a bit in advance since there is a few of us :thumbsup: I might even investigate a group donation which can be done in a chosen location, but will see how it goes with what they think of the numbers.

Roll call is as follows: Add/remove yourself if need be :nyaanyaa:







turbo x-trail (by correspondance :))

At least 3 of my mates from motorcycle riding.

HEKT1K (maybe?)

fasthally (maybe?)

*LOUD YOUR WRONG BUZZER* Lol the waiting period is 12 Months!

IIRC, the waiting period for piercings is only 6 weeks.

When I got my lip that's what I was told.

Tattoos are definitely 12 months though!

Wow this is awesome guys!! So I'm thinking June 16th or 17th, will ask again closer to the time to confirm but will probably have to book a bit in advance since there is a few of us :domokun: I might even investigate a group donation which can be done in a chosen location, but will see how it goes with what they think of the numbers.

Roll call is as follows: Add/remove yourself if need be :)







turbo x-trail (by correspondance :thumbsup: )

At least 3 of my mates from motorcycle riding.

HEKT1K (maybe?)

fasthally (maybe?)

Lol wow when did I agree to this Charlie? Haha, lemme pull up my exam my schedule, if there is no exam on the day you make it I'll see you there :) or we can just make it after the 28th :nyaanyaa:

hehe, yeah this is just going on rough judgments :blush:

Sounds go on the date plan!

Lol riding a motorcycle isn't probably the safest of idea's after just giving blood but I shall be there on mine if it's not raining :(

I've been many times, it doesn't hurt at all, just a little prick, then you feel nothing.

I can't go anytime soon however, due to being on medication. But it is a great initiative to see.

Unless is IV medication you should be alright bro

lol i have a reeaaaal closeup pic of the needle in my arm from the last time i did plasma. not sure if posting it up will be counter productive to getting newbies to come

lol, yeah I think we should avoid that one...

It really is painless apart from a prick, which is easy since I walk into door frames and trip over ALL THE TIME. This has become the savest, most painless place for me :thumbsup:

They still banning gay people from donating blood?

If you're serious you should give the Blood Bank a call, I have never asked for details for obvious reasons

I share needles, been infected with countless diseases, take drugs, just recently got a bunch of tattoos from a dirty needle and frequently have unprotected anal sex with random male partners.

Can I donate?

They still banning gay people from donating blood?

Unfortunately it appears that way



This fact sheet provides information concerning the Australian Red Cross Blood Service (ARCBS) donor deferral policies, particularly with respect to male to male sex.

The relevant eligibility criteria for donors are listed on the Frequently Asked Questions page. Anyone who has engaged in male to male sex is deferred by the ARCBS from blood donation for a period of twelve months following the last occurrence of such activity.

The deferral of males who have had male to male sex is based on two factors: the statistically higher incidence of some blood borne diseases (such as HIV) and the existence of ‘window period’ infections.

In terms of statistics, the National Centre in HIV Epidemiology and Clinical Research (University of New South Wales) reports that men with a history of male to male sexual contact continue to make up the majority of people diagnosed with AIDS and HIV infection in Australia. These statistics are regularly reviewed by ARCBS.

A window period infection is the time between contraction of a disease and the ability to detect the infection using currently available screening tests. This window period contributes to the risk of the disease not being detected and being passed on in the blood supply.

In Australia, State and Territory legislation and governments require that the ARCBS screens blood donors on the basis of declared issues. The ARCBS uses the Donor Questionnaire to perform this screen and determine donor eligibility. All donors are required to answer Yes or No to the question relating to male to male sex (along with other questions relating to identified risk factors) and sign a declaration that they have answered the question honestly and to the best of their knowledge. A false declaration will result in prosecution.

Our community demands, and is entitled to, the safest possible blood supply and our actions are focused on delivering sufficient and safe blood to all who require it.

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