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Great Ocean Road Cruise

GTR 94

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Great ideas.

ECR 33, can you please PM me your e-mail address. So i can update you after this weekend's discussion (as you probably wont be there being geelong and all ;))

As for camping, i'd be up for that.

I know of several places, and one is very secure with only one exit/entry

And if numbers are not too high, i have a house we can use, but i can only let members i know well as it's worth a fair bit of $$$.

but it's like 5 mins walk from the safe camping ground i know of so that's good.

Im sure something can be arranged easily anyways.

And im thinking then (if we camp) we can do a 2-part cruise.

Day One - Apollo Bay/BBQ/beers etc.

Day Two - Cruise down to the 12 Apostles etc and do some sightseeing and drive back that afternoon after lunch or something.


just a few ideas crossing my mind at the moment ;)

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My other reason for thinking of staying the night was that IF there is a large number of people that can't make it down on the Saturday but really want to do a GOR cruise, then a second crew can head on down Sunday morning and meet up with the over nighters. This will increase the number of happy campers in our newly developed Club that aims to please!

And camping sounds great. All we need is a skyline wagon to bring the beer!

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This is sounding great ppl! esp. the camping part ;).

May not be able to make it on Sunday (for drinks at BOR's) as i have a BBQ that night ;), so KEEP me posted.

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Any more ideas people?

or thoughts???

if your not coming to the SAU drinks this Sunday then post whatever you think up here as the specifics will be decided on Sunday between who-ever is there.

I'm just going to say that the cruise will probably go to Apollo Bay, that's a very reasonable distance without going 'too far'

Suggestions so far:

1) Split two day cruise, drive down to somewhere like Apollo Bay and camp the night.

2) Have two groups for two days, the Sat people camp, and then the second run of people come down on Sunday ?

3) Just go there and back, same day.

Attached is a pic of one of the last GOR cruises... Just to get you all into groove a bit more.

Simply awesome shots



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Id hate to burst anyones bubble... but maybe we should make it for early March...

Just saw this up on the MCCR site....

** Now i guess everyone wants to know whats coming up! Well theres a regs cruise, an open daytime bbq cruise a massive nighttime cruise and also a inter-club great ocean road weekend away in late Feb. But details on that one will be released next week. :thumbdwn: **

Id hate to driveup there the same time that they are... we all know the cops love MCCR

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HHmmm... thanks for that... something i didnt want to hear, but good none-the-less.

I'll take it to drinks tomorrow and put it on the table.

Also i'll ask around a few people i know and see what the deal is exactly...

There are a few other routes that we can take to go to Apollo Bay. And then we can still do the 12 Apostles/campin etc.

anyways... what were you doing looking at the MCCR site?



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knew that was comin...lol

I stopped going on their wankk cruises over a yr ago.. they still send me emails to tell me when the next cruise is.. so i went to it.. Its actually been months and months since ive even been on their website.. But lucky my intuition told me to look...LOL

Not able to make it tomorrow unfortunately.. :P

Will see you guys soon though!!

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28th still sounds like a good idea regardless of other cruises on that day. SKYLINE people will turn up to a SKYLINE/sports cruise. If we have to we can always go the backway from Apollo Bay to Geelong through the hills and the other half the GOR or vice versa. There's a bit of fun either way.

Camping also sounds like a good idea as long as it's set a fair way in advance. All ideas are sounding good, so assuming my car's finished and back on the road by then, count me in!!!

Pick a date and i'm there!

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They certainly do have a bad rep with the cops...

Thats why i would rather go on a diff weekend.. but i suppose thats up to the guys organising the cruise..

So.. i may or may not be in..

Cheers!! ;)

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Xplodeskyline, MCCR is the Melbourne Car Cruise Registry. A fairly big club of all kinds of cars. When out and about there's always a few d**kheads causin trouble. Bit of a cop magnet.

If too many people want to change the date because of this, then soon after would be good otherwise it will never happen.

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After the current discussion on MCCR and their choice of day for cruisin, i feel it is time we find out roughly how many cars will be attending just so we have numbers in mind.

R31Nismoid and Snowman wat r ur opinons on the MCCR and the current date of choice?

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I've have not checked the MCCR web-site so i dunno if they have some with a date.

But we will still go ahead i think. If we cross path's then we do.

Nothing that can be done. We have a few options for different routes etc so it shouldnt pose a problem if we are all early and puntcual.

I'd say the camping thing is out ???

I'll probably be staying down there for the night. though. Just easier.

Come on guys!

More input gets a better cruise

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