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awesome awesome aweosme day.

big thanks to SAU vic for setting up the event and Micolour for sponsoring the event.

loads of fun and skid pan lay out was just pure awesomeness...even though i probably went the wrong way the most out of all ;)

cant wait for the next one

post pics pplz :P

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that was an awesome day even though i just came to watch. A big shoutout to to everyone involved without any of you guys/girls this would never happen. That skidpan layout was so good, a big A+ for that one. loved that chaser out there it looks mint and looked like you were having alot of fun. those porsche's sounded so good also. way to many other wicked cars there to name id be here forever lol. saw the silver r34 gtr upclose and now i want to hurry up and get mine so badly ;) .

edit: for the people that did come home today, hope you made it all home safe, that weather was shit.

  scotty014 said:
loved that chaser out there it looks mint and looked like you were having alot of fun.

that was me man. thanks :) really happy with the way my boat sailed around the skid pan lol. comparing this to the R34, the chaser was way more fun on the skid pan then the 34.

lol phil iw as wrecked. left after i got my 3 battles in. handed keys over to my mate and slept all the way home lol. the weather did hold up and started pissing down when we were heading home.

It was another great DECA today, the weather held out ok. It was a bit chilly but no rain.

Thanks to all the SAU Vic guys and girls did a good job helping out with timing and flag duties.

I cant wait to see the vids from the skidpan from this arvo of the battles and fun afterwards.


PS Al, i did my best smokey r33 gtst impersonation for you........

lol out of the 4 of us all 3 were passed out hahahaha.

we really did have a ood mixture of cars. anyone spot the the TVR (think it was a Cerbera???) that thing sounded insane. would have been awesome to see it on the track.

but the porsche were just awesome and killing it.

need pics posted dammit

  ashneel said:
that was me man. thanks :wacko: really happy with the way my boat sailed around the skid pan lol. comparing this to the R34, the chaser was way more fun on the skid pan then the 34.

lol phil iw as wrecked. left after i got my 3 battles in. handed keys over to my mate and slept all the way home lol. the weather did hold up and started pissing down when we were heading home.

i thought it was your car, i love it it looks tops :) . and 'Nutr33' great driving, loved your expression session at the end :laugh: .

had a great day again

thankyou x 11ty billion to ryan, bec, mick, and everyone else that was involved in making this event happen!

wonder how the guy en the open wheeler went on the drive home lol :)

another awesome DECA, thanks to all the volunteers, organisers and to micolour for sponsoring the event

i am totally wrecked, the drive back was not very fun with aquaplaning at anything over 100

it was nice to meet lots of new people

thanks to all the people that let me get a ride in their car :)

can't wait for the pics

  joeyjoejoejuniorshabadoo said:
fkn lol

shame about the R pete :'(

cant wait for the next deca!

loved your car mate, nice colour also and it was an animal out there :blink: .

i dont have any pics though, i forgot the camera :down:

Indeed a fantastic day!!! One of the best Decas yet I think, and thats BIG thanks to Ryan and whoever else helps come up with the layouts behind the scenes.

The chicanes and bus stop were absoultely 100% setup, both long and mini wangs. Im also glad you guys decided to can the round-about bit. That looked sooo dicey!

The skidpan for the day was also very good, the very last battle was by far one of the most fun and technical ones ever!

Thanks to Bec and all other Volunteers who helped run the day, Timmy and Campbell you guys actually did alright! Haha.

Cheers Russell for lending me your car for the last battle, RWD is also alot of fun, also to those who also offered cars for me to drive.

Thanks to Hamish and Russell? (driver of 32GTR) who offered help if anything went wrong with my car on the way home. Thanks guys.

Keen to see how everybody went last night...im sure it wouldve been awesome as usual.

was good fun, been too long, reminded me how fun that skidpan is again..sideways ftw..2nd skidpan and last battle were my faves

would have liked to make a weekend out of it but oh well...next time. thanks to all the organisers, things are running a lot smoother now compared to 5 deca's ago..

the rain on the way home was ridiculous as we started nearing melbourne..josh, the elfin dude would have had a ball i'm sure..

did anyone see this on the way up on sat morning? We spotted this swirling like pattern up in the clouds..looked real damn odd..pretty awesome..ended up being a rocket launch


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