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  • 2 weeks later...

got this the other week, played it for longer than i realised, then went out and broke my arm.

so itll be a while before i play it again. :(

Has anybody noticed the spelling mistakes scattered throughout the game?

E.g Anti-materi-E-l rifle :down:

for what its worth, thats not a mispelling.

anti-materiel rifle is a designation given to rifles that are designed primarily to take out equipment, ie, tanks, armoured vehicles, etc, but theyre still capable of being used in an anti-personnel role.

spellings a bit weird though, yeah.

Edited by scandyflick

for what its worth, thats not a mispelling.

anti-materiel rifle is a designation given to rifles that are designed primarily to take out equipment, ie, tanks, armoured vehicles, etc, but theyre still capable of being used in an anti-personnel role.

spellings a bit weird though, yeah.

freakin OWNED

got this the other week, played it for longer than i realised, then went out and broke my arm.

so itll be a while before i play it again. :(

for what its worth, thats not a mispelling.

anti-materiel rifle is a designation given to rifles that are designed primarily to take out equipment, ie, tanks, armoured vehicles, etc, but theyre still capable of being used in an anti-personnel role.

spellings a bit weird though, yeah.

What does that go to teach you??

dont go outside you will get hurt :yes:

  • 1 month later...

just discovered this thread and 'great success'

only on lvl 8 and still yet to get a companion, maybe coz kept all the charisma type stats low? buiding up speech etc now but boy its sucks not having enough to get through any conversation tree beyond 'hi' 'why are u here' and bye'

also i got through the power station level, killed all the robots only to find out i had to go turn on a back up generator. anyone know where this is? i found a power stationy looking thing just over the valley and tried to get on the computer in there but the NCR pogues just told me to leave.

Of course i ignored them and by the time i walked out the door i was 'hated' by the NCR. made t impossible to talk to the night guard in the nearby town and start the quest.

went back to vegas and started the cannibal casino quest, of course told the father at the bar where his son was instantly ending any chance of a more subtle win at the quest., chased out by assassins only to find out i was now 'neutral to the NCR....

can only assume it was related to my dealings in vegas or was it just a matter of time?

oh and thanks for posting the caravan video, had left it till now.

will find this deathclaw path, hate those f**kers...death in two hits.:domokun:

also i got through the power station level, killed all the robots only to find out i had to go turn on a back up generator. anyone know where this is? i found a power stationy looking thing just over the valley and tried to get on the computer in there but the NCR pogues just told me to leave.

Of course i ignored them and by the time i walked out the door i was 'hated' by the NCR. made t impossible to talk to the night guard in the nearby town and start the quest.

google is your friend, plenty of guides out there around companions you can recruit but I always found it more fun to try myself first playthrough

I'm guessin you're talking about helios one where you are trying to turn on the solar panels in the power station? the backup generator is in the same building on the bottom floor just before you climb the stairs to get outside the tower & turn the panels on. (look for a large square supercomputer looking thing with a screen on it & there's a cable with smoke coming from it) The power station where ncr told you to keep out is important later in the game

I'm hanging out for the new DLC, finished the dead money one

ah thanks mate, will go have another look. poked around everything computer looking at the time but obviously not hard enough.

finally got a companion from black mountain, swarthy mexican and now i have enough parts to fix the ncr kitchen machine. woot!

probably already seen if you're a fallout fan but this made me laugh, don't have much time for games anymore so always behind the 8-ball with these things lol

Hadnt seen this, pretty decent budget for something so random :unsure:

was a bit lame with the acting but some awesome props and passable effects for a home made low budget thing. some of the other fan made stuff was slightly better, killed a good hour or two :P

ok so got back to Camp McCarren and loaded up with processor parts from my stash, clicked on the damn thing and nuthin!

re checked and doubled checked even writing it all down, definitely had everything i needed but no luck :(

looks like i will need to use the next two level ups to get my repair skill up to 70 then use a magazine to make it 80 and fix the damn thing that way.

as a side note i found the sniper with lesbian tendencies and PTS re a mutant rape, talked to her mates and convinced her to see a doc about it. random but cool sidequest.

ran around stealing ammo and forgot to save for half an hour or so (no doors out there so not automatic) and of course it froze.

the only game i have played since GTA san andreas which froze so often.

almost makes me want to throw it out the window.


some like it some don't, it's more of a prologue for the coming DLC,

i liked it from the story point of view & I only got it coz I had Xbox live points to spare

there's a few extra guns, some light armor 'assasin suit?' which is good if you don't want to wear heavy armor, 1 type of enemy to fight which is pretty easy even on hardcore mode

I don't know about other versions but the xbox version has a glitch that pretty much lets you walk away with all the loot in the casino vault at the end I walked out with 30+ gold bars worth around $10k each lulz

i just accidently killed mr house..

thought i was hacking his network for the follower girl outside his casino, saw an option to open a door on the monitor. thought why not?!

soon as i backed out of the screen his robots were trying to kill me.

was too late to save so just took them all out (surprisingly easily) and went and found the old geezer. didnt seem to be much of an option other than taking him out by that point.

yes man just stands there outside say 'hi' while the mission prompter keeps telling me to go back to him.

did a few side quests but it doesnt feel the same anymore.

is it pathetic that im mourning a video game character i didnt even really meet in game? new vegas just feels so empty without him.,

oh and is that DLC for new vega? want 10k to buy all the body mods from that doc outside the gate near the gunrunners.

or he crawled outta there laughing hysterically for 5 hours..

pretty much spot on, but normally you wouldn't be able to get out of there fast enough if you were encumbered :laugh: originally I just trapped the old guy in the vault to get the achievement but reloaded a separate savegame to try & get all the gold bars.

Found this out on a random google search, There's a glitch on the 360 (dunno if it would be the same on ps3/pc) where you crawl right up to the forcefield where that old brotherhood of steel guy starts talking to you before he tries to kill you. If you press right up against the forcefield when he finishes talking you switch places when the game places him inside the room you are in

you have to lay down some mines or C4 beforehand as it's the only way to kill him once you switch places & if you can't kill him you get stuck in limbo between the forcefield & the exit door (which only unlocks after he dies)

takes a bit of practice but done it in the end, only have to make the short crawl to the exit. great success :thumbsup:

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