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Alot of what you guys said is true and it seems as though there are many reasons why they should and why they should not scrap the 15 year old rule. I personally think that they should not scrap it...why? because I'm not made of money and I'd take an 89 R32 GTR over any brand new aussie built car of approx equal value....but thats where the problem lies...

Those car enthusianists or those who want some power in their car know that the technology in these 15 year old cars, is far more superior than SOME locally made cars and so your average joe blow is gonna want to get the best value for his money....therefore he buys an import and the aussie car market suffers.

15 year old cars are a cause for concern as things such as rust and bad engine emissions can start to kick in but does the government really think that a 15 year aussie made car is gonna be safer/cleaner than a japanese one? Of course they don't!!

Introducing the 30 year old rule greatly increases the chances of bringing in crap but the government knows that the import volume will be lower as the mentality is "how many ppl want a 30 year old car" and if they do, they are the "real enthusiasts."

I agree with the guys who said to set limits on the number of 15 year olds that can be brought in to protect the local market and have inspections to ensure they're safe, but don't rid your average middle class guy, who is not made of money, from having one of a series of legendary cars today, just because he can't afford one of the later models.

The main point is if the government hadn't ****ed up the normal SEVS stuff, then there wouldn't be such a demand on the 15 year cars. The solution is simple: revise the SEVS laws to make them slightly more reasonable, more people will go back to SEVS and the 15 year rule won't become so in demand. Even just allowing a simple things as aftermarket wheels, aftermarket gearshifters or exhausts would make a *huge* difference to the practicality of the SEVS laws.

Its a very simple solution

I recon the new rules will be good otherwise every 18 year who thinks they are Michael Schumacher will have a R32 GTR and cause everyones insurance costs to go up and the cops will get even worse with imports after they start writing them off and just being noobs on the road.

For my first piece of evidence i call forward MINES_DATSUN :P

I reckon its probably a better idea that they start getting more strict on power-weight limits and bans for certain cars for people under 20.. rather than trying to prevent the cars getting into the country, i mean if a younger guy doesn't get a 15 year car they're gonna get a GTS-T aren't they? Stopping the source ain't gonna work, as there are too many of the cars in the country already.

seems like a Dictatorship to me !!! why let every body be told what they can and cant do or drive im sure there should be some changes but if you let them stop this it will surly let Dotars squash out the scheme all together which is what they said they wanted to happen to the RAWS scheme

Yes why not change it to a harder compliance scheme than the 15yr rules and increase the price of it so it does not hurt the current prices then maybe they could relax the rule to 10yrs. Just because there was an increase to 15yr old import does not mean stop it all together and it was mainly due to the fact Raws was not up and running like it should have been, people in the industry had to buy something and yes it was 15yr old cars.

Question ?? will your kids be able to enjoy a car like this when they get there license

A, DOTR's watch this forum so dont go on about things you only hear third hand.

B, What you are looking at isnt the complete document, their is also comment about the companys currently setting up to import only 15 year cars.

Their are dealers who cant pass the criminal history check for RAWS and brokers getting buyiers to bring in the biggest piece of shit, as long as they pay the $1,100 they dont care what they buy.

The current lobby groups representing RAWS workshops want their members who are going through a living hell to actualy see a reason to keep going and justify the $50,000 to $100,000 they have invested and not seen a return yet.

We are currently working on evidence for R32's and 300Z's so the ruling wont stop them coming in. I have 3 people looking for R32 compliance on GTR's as they want a clean 1994 model, not some thrashed repainted piece of shit with a fake speedo reading just to save a few thousand dollars (dont reply to that as I know what it all costs).

Their will always be a limit on the number of imported second hand cars it is a fact and RAWS will now be the way 90% of the importers will bring the cars in.

Most of the people I know are going to tick B,

From 1 January 2005, allow only vehicles manufactured prior to 1 January 1989, to be imported without restriction, ie. no more 1989+ models.

Not that it makes a difference as the decision is alredy made, as they give you 2 options most will not tick and one that will keep more of the lobby groups happy.

quote "Their are dealers who cant pass the criminal history check for RAWS and brokers getting buyiers to bring in the biggest piece of shit, as long as they pay the $1,100 they dont care what they buy. "

nice comment

if you have a dealers license you have passed the criminal check

any body that i have brokered a piece of shit to put your hand up here.

BTW please ask your broker if they do have a license im happy to show mine.

there still are some company's who try to please and not think of money first. If all i can buy you is a peice of shit i will tell you and warn not to buy.

Yes i do believe the decision has been made and this is the way to make it happen. i dont mind changes as long as it does trully help the scheme. i have plenty of friends from the old scheme who from day 1 had compliance companies they are good people they spent plenty getting compliance up and running and have now pulled out they are not criminals either!! they do comply 15yr old imports due to the fact the scheme was way to time consuming and costly to set up again, what do you do when imports are all you know.

they are people just like you and me.

some discretion is needed in some comments please take care.

With the check it is very strick, more than dealers licence.

A couple of places have been kicked out of the RAWS system and some have been told to start again.

I personaly know of people investing $50,000 plus and pulling out, if you have the cleanest car, the best evidence, the cleanest work shop, know the rules back to front and have a lot of money it still dosent mean you will get a RAWS.

The idea is to limit the amount of cars that come in, a person with a lobby group for members investing $100,000 plus in RAWS have more behind them than some dealer or broker trying to make a quick buck.

I have no problems with brokers as I help one, it is about the cars that come in.

well i know one raw that has been approved and surley should not have been if there was a strict check he definatly would not get it approved

and yes i do know the check is the same as for dealers NO Criminal history or Fraud

enough said

well i know one raw that has been approved and surley should not have been if there was a strict check he definatly would not get it approved  

and yes i do know the check is the same as for dealers NO Criminal history or Fraud  

enough said


Please be very carefull with your comments, you seem to have many accusation's of the brokerage system- on what do base these claims?????


When a broker advertises take the parts off comply it and put back on later, advertising the good parts to help sucker them in.

14. Disposal of Non-Complying Parts

The workshop must have procedures and records to confirm that all non-complying parts removed from vehicles are either re-exported or destroyed. While the tyres on the imported vehicle still have to be replaced with new tyres, the tyres removed from the vehicle do not need to be destroyed. However, records need to be kept to show where the removed tyres have gone.

The vehicle is to be in the control of the RAW at all times.

How about a free secure storage and they use a forklift to push the vehicle and it is shit happens.

Take the money for the job, take car of a vehicle that some kid just spent his savings on.

It is some quick buck fly by nighters without dealer licences that are screwing the system to start with and isnt helping to keep the system.

I help some brokers find cars and plates and I dont expect a kick back like some do.

I knew about this 15 year rule change over three months ago and I told people, like the year month problems only one broker was telling his customers to be carefull along the lines of it is going to happen.

Advertising vehicles that will be knocked back due to crash damage, dont tell them info like. Accident history or rear qtrs replaced and the poor punter has to have the car exported because the RAW knocks it back.

Seems like the ONLY reason the ONLY reason this is a problem because our good old government screwed up the new RAWS system in the first place, and made it to restrictive, too much paperwork and whatever else. I can't believe almost 8 months on or so compliance is STILL not available for many popular cars such as R34 and R32! Thats simply appauling, for ANY form of introduction of a law change!

Anyhow, get writing people. I know I'm putting my letter together with some valid points. They might listen, they might not, but its worth putting together.

Everybody has their own interests to protect and will playing it with whatever perspective helps THEM.. when really the only people that SHOULD matter are joe-bloggs public.

I want some feed back on this idea.

Stop all 15 year old cars being imported by anybody and make a RAW be the only ppl who can import a 15 year old car. This will help reduce the number of cars comming in but will also give the RAWS anothr 100 cars in a new area. Also the RAW should do the same as what they have to do with there compliance cars. Make sure it does not have rust and make sure it is not accident repaired. This will help stop all the SHIT cars comming in and we will only hvae good quality cars.

Thats not a bad suggestion... BUT if you think about it how many cars have *not* been in some form of accident in 15 years? Each year older the car gets, the likelihood is increased. I doubt you'd find any aussie car that hasn't been in some form of mid-sized accident. Sure you don't want major accident damaged cars, cut and shut, but it depends where the line is drawn.

And if you make it as strict as RAWS as in no modifications, etc again it gets worse the older the car gets - what car 15 years+ old still has all original parts? That only makes things worse in a way.. but i suppose it also makes people who really want a 15 year old car, want it for what it is, not because it can be fully modified.

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