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i think modds could be left on, but just make it so that no cut and shuts could be brought in. All the Backyarders moved from complianing R33's in a tin shed to 88-89 R31-R32's in the tin shed. There the same tyep of cars that they bring in all crapy and need panel beating this is what we should be wanting to stop. Modds shouldnt be a problem But the GOV dont see it that way. It is a bit hard but at lease if the RAWS was to import 15 year olds then at least we know the cars will be in good condition when you guys go to pick them up.

At the moment we have an 1987 R31 - GTS-X at a work.

Black and Very stock. This is a one off car as it was owned by a Collector in Japan and we pick it up last time we were in Japan. This car is in show room condition. Im not saying that they have to be like that but just not the cut jobs.

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As an R32 owner all I can say is im happy there doing this. The last thing I need is a bunch of beaten up 89 GTR's coming in and ruining the value of all skylines (whos going to buy an r33/r34 when a dealer sells them an "immaculate" gtr for the same price thats actually an 89 beater?)

But thats just my opinion.

Totally agree .... all these R32s that will come in under the 15 year rule are gonna make us R32 owners lose a lot of money on resale values :(

Realistically what are the percentage of enthusiast driving 15 year old imports compared to total number of vehicals on the road. Give us a break we just would like to own a nice car ,15 years after some rich @$#!# has finished with it and this is our only chance.

Realistically what are the percentage of enthusiast driving 15 year old imports compared to total number of vehicals on the road. Give us a break we just would like to own a nice car ,15 years after some rich @$#!# has finished with it and this is our only chance.

i totally agree with you FLO, as i have said before not all of us are rich and can afford a late model car, and the 15yr old imports are really good value and are much better than a 15yr old local car.

The main point is if the government hadn't ****ed up the normal SEVS stuff, then there wouldn't be such a demand on the 15 year cars. The solution is simple: revise the SEVS laws to make them slightly more reasonable, more people will go back to SEVS and the 15 year rule won't become so in demand. Even just allowing a simple things as aftermarket wheels, aftermarket gearshifters or exhausts would make a *huge* difference to the practicality of the SEVS laws.  

Its a very simple solution

i totally agree predator with your idea and DOTARS should seriously consider it.

i mean not allowing things like aftermarket wheels etc and a few other minor things is bloody ridiculous.

seems like a Dictatorship to me !!! why let every body be told what they can and cant do or drive im sure there should be some changes but if you let them stop this it will surly let Dotars squash out the scheme all together which is what they said they wanted to happen to the RAWS scheme  

Yes why not change it to a harder compliance scheme than the 15yr rules and increase the price of it so it does not hurt the current prices then maybe they could relax the rule to 10yrs. Just because there was an increase to 15yr old import does not mean stop it all together and it was mainly due to the fact Raws was not up and running like it should have been, people in the industry had to buy something and yes it was 15yr old cars.

Question ??  will your kids be able to enjoy a car like this when they get there license

a 10yr old rule would kick mega ass.

unrestricted importation of all model R32's and the first of the R33's. :(

i totally agree predator with your idea and DOTARS should seriously consider it.

i mean not allowing things like aftermarket wheels etc and a few other minor things is bloody ridiculous.

It is a simple point, the car is to be how it left the factory for the ADR evidence packs that are being compiled.

It costs a lot of money for the tests and you could comply aftermarket exhaust's if you paid the $4,000 per test and so on but where do you start.

Read all the 50 plus documents on RAWS and SEVS on the subject before you start making comment.

It should be our god damn given right to be able to drive what ever we like, say if i wanted to buy a current model V12 century or the current infiniti for example if i had the cash i should be able to and no one can stop me or do anything about it cause thats what i want to drive. no one should have the right to say what we can and cant drive.

It is a simple point, the car is to be how it left the factory for the ADR evidence packs that are being compiled.  

It costs a lot of money for the tests and you could comply aftermarket exhaust's if you paid the $4,000 per test and so on but where do you start.

Read all the 50 plus documents on RAWS and SEVS on the subject before you start making comment.

yeh i know and i have read that but the point i was trying to make is if they relax the system abit and allow a few minor aftermarket bits like wheels etc it would be a much better system.

yeh i know and i have read that but the point i was trying to make is if they relax the system abit and allow a few minor aftermarket bits like wheels etc it would be a much better system.

It will never happen and it is making it harder for all RAWS as well because the standard car will cost more compared to a hotted up local car.

Nobody is saying it is a good system just we have to work with what we have or shit happens.

It will never happen and it is making it harder for all RAWS as well because the standard car will cost more compared to a hotted up local car.

Nobody is saying it is a good system just we have to work with what we have or shit happens.

yep thats true.

hopefully the new system gets better as time goes by and the 15yr old rule stays as it is.

basically we're not going to have access to any good imports in a few years if DOTARS have their way with the australian publics ass.

Bitching about it in a forum wont do ANYTHING - we need to do something REAL about it. Instead of sitting around, like after they nailed RAWS and going 'oh hey that sucked'

all you poofs that heat the 15 year old rule for polution reasons

you know that one of the option available is you can import 30 years old cars without restriction.... that means your drive the ***ers of the boat and onto the road.... now they must be more polution friendly than a cat equiped 15 year old import

and ive said before all you ***ers that say your import resale values will drop because of he 15 year rule... just ask the original owners of the r32 gtrs what happened to the price of there cars when you imported all your unsafe reshelled , chrashed gtr's


Resale value, customer requirements, wanting a safer car, wanting a cheap GTR or any other reason you can think up, dont mean anything to the decision makers and the people they listen to.

In todays paper one of these groups which represent most car dealers made a coment on the 15 year rule change with statements like.

The 15 year rule is looked at like a loop hole to get around RAWS,

A number of bussinesses are advertising on the internet to source 1989 models to be imported this year. What is even more remarkable is that these older vehicles, which will more than likely be in a worse state of mechanical repair, do not have to meet current emissions performance or sefety requirements like a car coming through RAWS.

Or about bringing in even older ones for sale that have no specialist or enthusiast value, Toyota Crowns, flat bed trucks or the run of the mill BMW.

The MTA's position is that all vehicles imported to Australia should comply with the SEVS and RAWS requirements. To do less is to allow other countrys to off load their junk on to Australian roads at a time when we are trying to establish a substantial vehicle manufacturing base, improve the quality of vehicle emissions and increse our level of road safety.

Also finaly stated"You dont ned to be Albert Einstein to work out this is a done deal".

When Toyota want nothing to come in, and the larger dealer and importer lobby groups want the cars to come in but are willing to let it be for limited models of a high quality vehicle and companys with a lot of money invested that cant afford to do the wrong thing.

Tell me how you can compete with it and when the decision is already made no body will listen to you as it is falling on deaf ears.

It is a fact it will cost more to get that GTR in just put up with it, as it will be a better car and people wont plate a 1991 Soarer as a 1994 like they did under CPA.

Dont complain about my statements as it is fact not my personal view, I work with a lot of RAWS around Australia, members of the lobby groups and help others with the 15 year rule on car imports.

I am on both sides but I will work with what I have.

Why dont you spend more time lobbying and complaining to the government about homeless people and Hospitals running out of money.

Why dont you spend more time lobbying and complaining to the government about homeless people and Hospitals running out of money.

Damn Straight! that is what the government should be more worried about, and spending more time on that and LEAVING the ****ing import system (any of it!) alone. How many accidents have really been attributed to dodgy "unsafe" cars.. damn well hardly anything, even the government's research has proved that less than 5% off accidents have any relation to the roadworthiness of a car. Dumb shit people kill cars, not cars kill people

**** the local market, a Liberal Government is SUPPOSED to *by definition* not interfere in the way in which a free market is run.. but they sure as hell don't act like it these days. Let the market control itself, don't interfere by placing increasing damn restrictions on things that we can and can't do!

and well people are buying more new cars then ever before, so i don't see what the problem is in the first place.. .

Damn Straight! that is what the government should be more worried about, and spending more time on that and LEAVING the ****ing import system (any of it!) alone. How many accidents have really been attributed to dodgy "unsafe" cars.. damn well hardly anything, even the government's research has proved that less than 5% off accidents have any relation to the roadworthiness of a car.  Dumb shit people kill cars, not cars kill people

**** the local market, a Liberal Government is SUPPOSED to *by definition* not interfere in the way in which a free market is run.. but they sure as hell don't act like it these days.  Let the market control itself, don't interfere by placing increasing damn restrictions on things that we can and can't do!

and well people are buying more new cars then ever before, so i don't see what the problem is in the first place.. .

your certainly right there predator and i totally agree with you.

The real world in Japan is this, If you have the right person spending your money.

I can buy a good 1994 R33 or 180 cheaper cheaper than a 1988 Series 4 RX7.

A clean 1988 Landcruiser with under 80,000 klm costs more than a 1997 Stagea.

And a low klm 1992 GTR can be bought cheaper than a 1989.

Yes it is easyier to import the older cars, but like everything else you pay for what you get.

Once RAWS settles down the only varying factor will be the cost of parts and the fee will be standard as anybody can now do any car on the list. Some people will pay up to $2,000 plus repair work to comply a 1988 RX7 and pay $4,500 + Tyres for 1997 Stagea.

With a buy price of 400,000 FOB plus a broker fee of $1,100 and compliance of $2,000 and ORC for a RX7 and a 1997 Stagea for 600,000 FOB, compliance of $4,500 plus tyres and I personaly know of workshops who will help you get a clean car for a no brokerage fee, if you use the right buyiers that send clean cars, (offical auction cost to show no kick back).

I know certain cars are for certain people this is just an example, some people want you to buy these older cars because they still get the fee so why not use the fee to get a better value car for your money.

Remember the days of paying $7,000+ for a GTIR CPA plate and people still paid the dollars.

Do you really think that Toyota want the current shape 80 Series Landcruisers hitting our shores in 12 Months.

The people that this rule will effect the most is the dreaded car sales man and the people selling the cars in Japan and that broker who wants that fee, so really should you listen to their point of view. THINK ABOUT IT.

It is nothing to do with the guys at DOTR's answering your emails and phone calls so please dont make comments about them they only do as they are told.

you just love giveing miss information drift dont you and your comparisons arent a true representation of the market. $2000 for compliance of a 15 yearold car that doesnt heven happen in victoria. 400 000 for an rx 7 I can guarantee you that car would be modified where as the stagea is stock.

also the rx7 is a different type of car compared to a rx7 how much is compliance on a series 7 rx 7 is it 4500 I think you will find it alot higher.I can see you only trying to feather the nest of your raws buddies. the 15 year rule has its own place in the market persoanlly when it comes to gtrs I tell people to get the later ones rather than the 89 models for various reasons. but these new rules if they come in will limit different cars like the laurel and pao and many other from coming in cause the raws will not bother with them as the numbers of the cars they can do is severly limitied.

personaly I would prefer the 15 year rules to stay the same. becuae if we get to a raws type system for the olders the cost of compliace will be very high.

also compare the average 15 year old merc or bm from japan 80-160,000 klms the comparable car here in aus has 2-300,000 klms plus the car hasnt been subject to the rigorious 2 yearly inspection regime that applys to the japanese cars. So there for you dont tend to have high levels of rust or body damge as these cars tend to be wrecked when there is a large amount of work required. the 15 year old car buyer is generally not your later model car buyer it is some one who wants a specific car for a specific reason ie an enthusiast.


exactly the only one who gets hurt is the enthusiast if this rule comes into play stopping all 15yr old imports, i for one love some of the older cars for what they are there is nothing here like them in some cases. maybe it should be looked at closer yes but all this broker this broker that why bad mouth us we are not the only people importing cars. i only buy graded cars and i have very qualified buyer in japan who is a good friend there has never been a problem in quality , i have warned people not to buy R grade vehicle unless i can get it inspected hands on. Im sure you have issues DRIFTT but hey not every body just wants to buy the first car they see for there customer.

Back to the point 15yr rules is what you are here to speak your voice about.

take care

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