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speedo won't work as i'm pretty sure the r32 speedo is cable driven while the later models are electronic. could probably overcome this by using the r34 gearbox, but will then have issues with the fact that the r34 sends the signal through the ecu and the r32 does it differently.

not sure about tacho

People forget one thing about the RB20.

Wind up the boost + basic mods till something goes pop and then jst drop another one in.

Their pretty cheap these days

so are rb25s and they last longer

NA section always provides a good lol :/:)

Edited by 32_Dave
I beleive that it isn't legal to put a motor from an older car into a newer one??

not certain though.

Certainly isn't allowed in SA; Not sure about other states tho ... I'd be contacting appropriate transport authorities and checking - but I'd doubt it'd be allowed (given ADRs, emissions, etc)

only difference is that to then go faster the rb20 is easier to extract more power out of. but that said, i'd go a rb25 because they will put out with the very basic mods (exhaust, cooler and a bit more boost) than what an rb20 will with more mods.

There was someone on this forum with an orange R34 4 Door with an SR20DET. The idea was that the SR20's could pull a lot of power with a smaller (2litre) engine which also reduced the weight and improved weight distribution.

I'm not sure how this compares to an RB20DET? One thing for sure is that you'll save on injectors, sparks, coilpacks etc.. with there only being 4 instead of 6.

If you were going to go to the effort of an engine swap, at leaste do it once do it right and put a larger displacement RB25 engine in, or why not turbocharge the RB25DE NEO?

Thanks all for the input :) running on rb20de neo is really a pain in the arse ... underpower! was thinking of TC it but have thought of throwing in a rb20det from a r32 will be much easy. seems like it not a great idea comparing to TC my rb20de neo. i am looking for those bolt-on kit for my r34 now but was advised to get parts from r33 will be cheaper ...

Thanks all for the input :) running on rb20de neo is really a pain in the arse ... underpower! was thinking of TC it but have thought of throwing in a rb20det from a r32 will be much easy. seems like it not a great idea comparing to TC my rb20de neo. i am looking for those bolt-on kit for my r34 now but was advised to get parts from r33 will be cheaper ...

Dude all i can say is research research research... I researched for over a year about what my better options were, and only now am i going through with the engine swap in my car, basically turning it into a GTT. It is one hell of a pain in the ass, easiest option by far would be to sell and buy a GTT. Reasons I didnt do that are because the body of my car is in very good condition, and i have spent over $10000 in upgrading the brakes, suspension, body kit, paint, everything. So really the only thing i was missing was the GTT engine, gearbox and drivetrain; decided that if i was to start again and buy a stock GTT, i would be back to square one, where the only thing i liked about the car would be the engine, etc. and i would have to spend money everywhere else again. Also I am just very attached to my car :D

There is a thread on here about how to turbocharge your NA, have a read of that and also speak to N-DAWG and 666Dan as they have been through it themselves and gave me some good advice about it.

Before you go looking for more power though, have you upgraded your brakes and suspension? Because if you stinge on those things, your power upgrade will not be very much fun at all...

My 2c

If you mod your car it'll probably be illegal and even if it isn't, you can still be defected for it and engineer's can still be reluctant to put their name on it (especially if the owner is clever enough to 'opt' for an RB20). I believe there's actually some legal problem with putting a smaller engine into a car too (at least in the sensible state of Vic).

I have been told by guys who've swapped RB20s into Silvias that it's the worst decision they ever made and when their budgets get back up to strength they usually reverse the swap or sell and buy another. A Silvia for sale with an RB20 is like a girl with the Jack. SR20s are capable of much more power, much more durable, better on fuel if that's on your list and more reliable.

But, you've got an R34, there's a reason Nissan dropped the RB20 when they thought of the RB25; and all your engine mounting points, gearbox mounts, driveline, aircon, other electrics etc. I would assume would mostly match up with an RB25DET. I think you'll find money you spend on the RB25DET will be way less than the cost difference or time consumption if you diy of putting in an RB20. If you just wanna be unique, try a 2JZ (Supra) or something?

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