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New Drift Club In Victoria


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hey guys, i know afew you are into drifting and some of you have an interest so just wanted to get publicity out there for this club im in and me and some mates are getting off the ground so stop by the forums and say hi everyone :D


cheers, Joe.

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wtf is this shit?

We already have VicDrift and legal events they organise. You silly cunts will ruin it for the rest of us with your "drift meets". If you dickheads wanna meet up in your cars and pull off skids on the streets, don't drag the rest of the community down with you. Keep it legal, and stick to official bodies with far more history and reputation than a bunch of kids who wanna slide in industrials.

In summary, I'll make this simple and crystal clear:

South East Slideways is NOT welcome on SAU, do not ever post up links to the forum, facebook group, their events, or anything to do with this "club". Anyone found doing so will be banned.

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dont be a hater, so what if theres a street section have you not noticed warnings and shit? yer totally i will rock up to an advertised meet in baysy for skids wtf have a proper look before you lecture me on how i behave when u know nothing about me or the club or events we choose to run, when u see a skid meet posted then have a go at me, and what vicdrift have drift clubs outlawed to be the only one? wanna tell night reign to shut down, ps, if you notice afew other forums have a street section sept its mostly of japanese vids go lecture them to please.

*edit* btw speaking of examples ever ban the guy who was caught sliding westmeet, booked, and car shown with SAU sticker on a current affair? yep were totally guna be on ACA to mhmmm...

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So what about the warnings?

All it says it be careful when talking "about" it. It is still OK to do so, and therefore condoned/supported by having such a section devoted to it.

We couldn't care less about what other people/forums do. The issue is when they want to come here and cross promote on OUR forum, that is when the line is crossed.

As for the ACA rubbish, it was just that.

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Whats so bad about using NS? Its were everything Drift in Victoria happens anyway.

No offence, but more victorian forums yet its not like anything other than cruises ever happen.. Will you guys be organising drift days?

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wtf is this shit?

We already have VicDrift and legal events they organise. You silly flamin mongrels will ruin it for the rest of us with your "drift meets". If you dickheads wanna meet up in your cars and pull off skids on the streets, don't drag the rest of the community down with you. Keep it legal, and stick to official bodies with far more history and reputation than a bunch of kids who wanna slide in industrials.

In summary, I'll make this simple and crystal clear:

South East Slideways is NOT welcome on SAU, do not ever post up links to the forum, facebook group, their events, or anything to do with this "club". Anyone found doing so will be banned.

As the creator of the South East Slideways group and the Club President, I'm appalled at your attitude.

sprinter666 may have been wrong in posting a link to another forum here, but WE IN NO WAY SUPPORT ON STREET DRIFTING. We do have a section to discuss on-street drifting as well as track drifting at the users own risk, but this does not mean we organise illegal events.

If you take the time to read the rules, this is all clearly detailed.

We are just a group of good friends who saw a hole in the drift community, VicDrift's forum is basically dead and NS is really not the place to hold drift discussions effectively.

You're welcome to your own opinion, but please make sure you have your facts straight before making accusations.

Thanks, Gordon MacK (fae)

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WE IN NO WAY SUPPORT ON STREET DRIFTING. We do have a section to discuss on-street drifting

In no less than 20 words you contradict yourself in amazing fashion. Top work.

All the "rules" say is be careful what you say. :thumbsup:

It does not say anything that you are against such topics, behaviour or otherwise.

You have a "street drift" devoted section and at the same time want to attempt to have people believe that you don't support it?

If you didnt support it there would not be such a section devoted to it, and users would not be allowed to discuss it. It's as simple as that.

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In no less than 20 words you contradict yourself in amazing fashion. Top work.

All the "rules" say is be careful what you say. :thumbsup:

It does not say anything that you are against such topics, behaviour or otherwise.

You have a "street drift" devoted section and at the same time want to attempt to have people believe that you don't support it?

If you didnt support it there would not be such a section devoted to it, and users would not be allowed to discuss it. It's as simple as that.

We don't have a section devoted to street drifting. You'll notice that the subforum is called Track and Street Drifting.

If you open up your dictionary and read the definition of 'support' I think we'll understand each other a little better. We are not against Street Drifting, but we do not support it either. This is why we don't run illegal events or defend Street Drifters in any way.

I honestly don't know why you're getting so up in arms about it. I've been to quite a few of SAU's cruises in the past few years and I can say with utter conviction that your events are less than legal.

We're clearly not getting through to anyone here, pehaps it's best to lock this thread and move on.

Edited by gmack
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appologies for snapping back knee jerk reaction. get where your comming from, i dont agree however and im proud to be heavily involved with this and cant wait to see our deca and track days come to fruition after some hard work. either way ill see you out on cruises but i hope u get used to the club because i damn sure want it to last a while regardless off your opinion of one section in our forum. bottom line people will discuss it whether theres a section or not so im happy its there whether its to discuss raids at west meets n have a laugh or check out vids of taniguchi banging is gt apex trueno through the hills in the 80's.

sorry for the strong argument i have my opinion and respect yours the end :thumbsup: peace and love!

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We don't have a section devoted to street drifting. You'll notice that the subforum is called Track and Street Drifting.

If you open up your dictionary and read the definition of 'support' I think we'll understand each other a little better. We are not against Street Drifting, but we do not support it either. This is why we don't run illegal events or defend Street Drifters in any way.

I honestly don't know why you're getting so up in arms about it. I've been to quite a few of SAU's cruises in the past few years and I can say with utter conviction that your events are less than legal.

We're clearly not getting through to anyone here, pehaps it's best to lock this thread and move on.

Utter conviction. Interesting.

Rather sweeping statement don't you think? Having attended many SAU events over the years and been involved in the organising of them too, I can tell you it is a sweeping statement. Warnings are issued to the group as a whole prior to an event incase anyone thinks they can act up, due not only to the reputation of the club and the ability of the demographic attending but because of the law. Anyone caught acting up either on the day or in the wrap up's after is quickly addressed. The behaviour I have seen on SAU cruises is very good as a general rule of thumb and the very few examples of poor behaviour, are shut down fast.

I also notice you are not a club member so am not sure how you can say that with utter conviction

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We are not against Street Drifting, but we do not support it either. This is why we don't run illegal events or defend Street Drifters in any way.

I honestly don't know why you're getting so up in arms about it. I've been to quite a few of SAU's cruises in the past few years and I can say with utter conviction that your events are less than legal.

We're clearly not getting through to anyone here, pehaps it's best to lock this thread and move on.

You have a section, you are harbouring it. You let them talk about it but you don't defend them...

BTW - I've never said you are running illegal events either.

All the SAU-Vic cruises I've been on for the most part every single person behaves without major issue at all, I'd know - i get a report after each event.

To make a statement to the contrary is nothing more than a lie.

What happens @ open meets, i couldn't care less about. Either way there are no sections devoted to such activity, nor is it condoned/supported or otherwise.

A distinct difference.

Anyway i agree - this should be locked. Such illegal behaviour and places that openly let discussion go on, have no place here.

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