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I haven't been in an import in a while but now that i have my new skyline my heart skips a beat when i see a cop car haha. How often do you guys get pulled over? is it almost a certainty if you end up with a cop car behind you? Whats the attitude of most cops towards skylines these days? is it basically pull over/ instant yellow sticker?


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Yeh I've had my car for a year now, only been pulled over twice, one time the cop just thought it was a nice car and wanted to check it out, and the other time was when I got stickered.

I don't really worry about cops, I don't drive like an idiot so they don't really have any reason to pull me over. I was a bit unlucky the time I got stickered because the light that illuminates my license plate had popped out and was hanging down so they pulled me over to get me to fix that and then called some 'experts' to get a second opinion on whether my exhaust was too loud. Those 'experts' pretty much raped me for bullshit things, so that was a bad experience. But no biggy, I filed a complaint and got repaid for all my expenses :P

Ive been driving my R33 Skyline daily for around 3 years. Havent been pulled over once :D

I run a HKS Dragger Exhuast which sounds very nice, but it isnt very loud...

My brother has a R33 Skyline with a very loud exhaust and has been pulled over around 4-6 times...

I think if the car doesnt sound too loud and doesnt have a mega BOV, the cops wont notice as much...

I run a BOV, but just dont let it go off near police! lol


Driven my 33R for around a year and a half and been pulled over 4 times. Twice were just RBT road blocks, once was the day I slapped on my SAU sticker (probably only a few months back) no issues from the police as everything was fine, and once was a quick check of the car as it sounded "loud". Overall they didn't take very long to look over the car and realise its a pretty stock GTR apart from the exhaust.

i tend to find that if you drive in peak hour / heavy traffic areas, its very unlikely to get pulled over. Thats pretty much 80% of my driving but its a different story on weekends or even weeknights.

My 32 was my daily for nearly 3 years, through various levels of modification.. got pulled over 3 times.. first by D's because I gave it a bit of welly on to Leach Hwy, pulled me over to tell me to take it easy, popped bonnet, made me rev engine etc, cya on your way.

Second time, had just put 3L in, then had to take car to suspension shop, picked it up, hadn't sorted bonnet not shutting properly (passenger side sat up about 4", was only on the safety latch). Had a new 3L and new suspension setup, grabbed 2nd a bit too vigourously across an intersection on the way home. Cops were going other way, didn't see me but heard it, took a while to catch up, pulled me over, asked me to pop bonnet.. I asked if they had anything to cut the cable tie.. it went downhill pretty quickly from there.. drove home with a yellow sticker :P

Third time, heading in to work in town on Xmas eve, cops in paddy wagon saw wrong colour rego sticker (was 2 days late :D ), cops went over my car, pop bonnet, ask for permits etc, had a chat about the local indigenous population, fine for not displaying current rego sticker, cya on your way.

In the Stagea, never been pulled over other than going through booze busses (escaped without notice). Oh did get pulled over at like 5am one morning when heading to a paintball tournament, I had just pulled out of my driveway and headed up the adjacent street. I could see high beams coming down my street and said to the mrs, I bet that's cops. They turn to follow me, lit me up, sat behind for a minute then pulled round next to me and said sorry mate, just got some reports of dodgy people in the area. Good to see they were doing their job diligently :D

I have found that if your car isn't a R.I.C.E. mobile and you're not driving like a cockhead, they won't bother you. I think being older with a beard helps too :D

Edited by bubba
  Dsturbd said:
Twice in 4 yrs driving this .. Both times the police just wanted to look at it , also the commodore next to it has been driven through centre of bunbury n busselton :P


Nice Rims! :D hehe...

Hmmm...back on thread, but a long long way away, I've never been pulled over in 7 years of owning an R33 & R34 GT-R.

Wearing a Jim Richards (aged 67 now) mask might help...

  bubba said:
I asked if they had anything to cut the cable tie.. it went downhill pretty quickly from there.. drove home with a yellow sticker :D

Lol that's awesome :D

I agree with what you said about driving a rice-rocket or driving like an idiot. I really don't find that cops are as bad as people make them out to be. If you give them a reason to pull you over then you may often find yourself stickered simply because they don't really know what they are looking for, but then that is what yellow stickers are for... To make sure everything is legal.

Both times i got pulled over the cops were really nice guys, had a good chat to em both times, second time we were actually on the side of the road for a good two hours just chatting haha. The 'experts' that came to look at my car were idiots though (thought my HID's were a NOS system :P ).

had my R33 for 10years now pulled over once in freo, chick cop thought i didnt have a front number plate (was laid back on the lip of front bar) had the wife and kids in the car.

they were surprised when they saw me thought i was a young punk they were going to do over (there words) said they feld bad for stopping me.

I have had my 33 since june / july last year.

I got stickered in August the same year for my CF bonnet, but I knew that was coming. Since then I have been pulled over a bit but mainly for lisence checks and breatho's.

I agree that the Police will target you if your acting like a knob but if you talk to them nicely and don't act like a tool and give them lip they pretty much have a quick chat put you on the bag and let you go.

Also, I avoid places like Northbridge and the city after 10pm on weekends except if I ultimately have to, and then I make sure I don't have a drop to drink.

I find that if you're not being a tool,

ie launching, revving, looking like your basically laying down whilst driving (homie stylez) or blaring subs too loud you should be fine. Politeness through booze bus setups helps also, no matter if the constable(s) take a stab at you and try to get a reaction.

Only once in the last year.. maybe because I only take it out on the weekend..

Police pulled my mate over in his dc2 integra, pointed at his pod filter and insisted it was a turbo. had to fake a coughing fit in order not to laugh.

Reminded me of high school when you got in trouble and laughing only made the situation worse.

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