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Mobile Speed Cameras


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Welcome to VICTORIA guys. It seems you NSW guys are now going to be reamed just like us. I feel sorry for NSW joining the $hitness of bloody Victoria in the revenue raising.

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Didn't 'Hack'. Was just checking the 'new posts' and away we went from there...

Check this out:


It's interesting to note Macquarie Bank is launching a $275 million takeover bid for Redflex, the company who manufactures the new speed camera vans being rolled out in NSW as well as many of the fixed redlight/speed cameras used throughout Australia.

Must be a profitable business??

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  • 4 months later...


A couple of things.

1. I was told by a number of persons that in NSW (not VIC), it was actually "illegal" for speed cameras of any type to take a picture of an oncoming car, i.e. a picture of the front of the car. I think there were a number of reasons for this including;

a) Privacy laws in NSW.

b) Motorbikes only have a rego plate at the rear.

2. Do we know at what point these new mobile speed cameras in NSW begin or otherwise measure your speed?? The older fixed style cameras as you know detect your speed as you pass the camera itself. Do the new mobile cameras begin to detect your speed as you approach them, and take a picture just after you pass it??

3. Further to points 1 & 2 above, does the same apply to traffic on the opposite side of the road travelling of course in the other direction??

So far I've passed 3 of the new mobile speed cameras, which I've spotted a reasonable distance as I approached them, giving me time to check & adjust my speed (if necessary). In all cases the little sign has been placed just in front of the car. In all cases they were black Ford Territory cars with a thinner blue & white chequered stripe across the back.

Would appreciate some learned & accurate feedback on the above matters.

All the best fella's



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....as has been said before; no speeding = no fine....

As has been said before:

no speeding = blind drivers who are watching the speedo too closely and not the road.

How accurate is your speedo cpd? I know mine in the Datto is within 1km/h at 100km/h. The stagea is registering - 91 on the speedo at 100 km/h. In the Datto I'm sitting right on 100 on the freeway and passing drivers doing 90 who are either thinking they are 'safe', or their speedo is out like mine on the Stagea. In the Stagea I have to do 108 on the speedo to do 100. 3 more kilometres an hour and I get reamed. That's fair?

So now I'm a driver who is looking at their speedo, calculating how fast I should be going so the guy behind me doesn't crack it, and not concentrating on the 'action' in front of me that I am steadily approaching. The system is stuffed.

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they seem to be forever at the bottom of kissing point road near the james ruse drive turn off.

I've notice that too, often parked in that big empty lot near the truck.

(BTW, that truck reminds me of Optimus Prime for some reason, but I've never taken enough notice to even see if the colours/patterns match - I just know that it stands out.)

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As has been said before:

no speeding = blind drivers who are watching the speedo too closely and not the road.

How accurate is your speedo cpd? I know mine in the Datto is within 1km/h at 100km/h. The stagea is registering - 91 on the speedo at 100 km/h. In the Datto I'm sitting right on 100 on the freeway and passing drivers doing 90 who are either thinking they are 'safe', or their speedo is out like mine on the Stagea. In the Stagea I have to do 108 on the speedo to do 100. 3 more kilometres an hour and I get reamed. That's fair?

So now I'm a driver who is looking at their speedo, calculating how fast I should be going so the guy behind me doesn't crack it, and not concentrating on the 'action' in front of me that I am steadily approaching. The system is stuffed.

Pretty accurate (102 at 100 or so). True, but sitting on 100 doesn't neccessarily mean watching the speedo constantly. I know the noise/vibration my car makes at 100 and 110, and even if I've got the music on, I glance down every 10 seconds or so. Far from watching it like a hawk.

I know it sucks, but if your speedo on the Stagea is out, cops aren't gonna care too much... They'll tell you to get it fixed. Probably not a bad idea anyway; that way you can be like, bam, I got it fixed recently, here's the receipt and calibration data. It said this, and no more.

I dunno, it's an iffy one. All we can do is try. The thing is, they generally sit in the same spots all the time, so if you're coming up to where one is, just slow a little bit, and if someone behind you gets pissed off, they can go eat a dick.

Having said that, sitting at the bottom of hills isn't cool, or halfway up but obscured so you don't see them till the very bottom... :/ So it's a toughie. On flat road it should be fair easy to maintain speed, but downhill sucks, I hate riding my brakes/4th gear.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've notice that too, often parked in that big empty lot near the truck.

(BTW, that truck reminds me of Optimus Prime for some reason, but I've never taken enough notice to even see if the colours/patterns match - I just know that it stands out.)

It actually has optimus prime painted on the side, very cool

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they seem to be forever at the bottom of kissing point road near the james ruse drive turn off.

I don't mind flashing every driver within a km with my high beams. Stuff 'em.

I drove past there the other day, I swear some motorists flashed their lights so often and so fast they would have almost broke their indicator stalk LOL...

some people don't like police!

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As has been said before:

no speeding = blind drivers who are watching the speedo too closely and not the road.

How accurate is your speedo cpd? I know mine in the Datto is within 1km/h at 100km/h. The stagea is registering - 91 on the speedo at 100 km/h. In the Datto I'm sitting right on 100 on the freeway and passing drivers doing 90 who are either thinking they are 'safe', or their speedo is out like mine on the Stagea. In the Stagea I have to do 108 on the speedo to do 100. 3 more kilometres an hour and I get reamed. That's fair?

So now I'm a driver who is looking at their speedo, calculating how fast I should be going so the guy behind me doesn't crack it, and not concentrating on the 'action' in front of me that I am steadily approaching. The system is stuffed.

Again with this bullshit of "Watching the speedo too much"!

Seriously, in a 10 second period you SHOULD be checking ALL of your mirrors and your speed no matter what.

Secondly, your speedo in the Stagea is defective, fix it, don't bitch about it.

Cars by law are designed to have UPTO a 10% over read on the speedo. (IE, actual speed = 100KM/H, speedo says 110KM/H) It is no longer allowed to have an under read on newer vehicles.

Thirdly, the amount of god damn f**king WANKERS on the road who think it's their god damn given right to speed, SHIT ME TO TEARS!!!

Double demerits recently, in a highly patrolled section of road, and people were still doing 20 - 30KM/H OVER the limit. Seriously, why do people think they can go this fast?

Fourth, I know from many years experience of passing coppers sitting 10km/h over, they don't give a shit. In fact, if you get pulled over by a copper, they do you for the speed on the radar, minus 2KM/H... This will work the same way for the person who is controlling the camera in the little truck...

I also don't understand why it's such an issue today, when it never used to be an issue 10 years ago when they were using mobile speed cameras in COMPLETELY unmarked cars.

Australia... It's just full of a bunch of whinging wankers... The Diggers would be rolling their graves about now...

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Again with this bullshit of "Watching the speedo too much"!

Seriously, in a 10 second period you SHOULD be checking ALL of your mirrors and your speed no matter what.

This, I agree with.

Secondly, your speedo in the Stagea is defective, fix it, don't bitch about it.

Cars by law are designed to have UPTO a 10% over read on the speedo. (IE, actual speed = 100KM/H, speedo says 110KM/H) It is no longer allowed to have an under read on newer vehicles.

Thirdly, the amount of god damn f**king WANKERS on the road who think it's their god damn given right to speed, SHIT ME TO TEARS!!!

Double demerits recently, in a highly patrolled section of road, and people were still doing 20 - 30KM/H OVER the limit. Seriously, why do people think they can go this fast?

They CAN speed if they want to.

It IS their god given right. It's called free will. It is also their privilege to PAY any fines they accrue while speeding.

What's worse is the "community police". You know, the oxygen thief pacing along in the fast lane making sure nobody can get past, and nobody can take responibility for their own actions; cos Mr Community Policeman has made his decision about how long it's going to take to get anywhere.

If you don't want to speed; fine, get in the left lane (like you're supposed to), and out of everyone else's way. Honestly what difference does it make? Those deadly speeders are gone in a few seconds and you can get on with ranting about what Stan Zemanek said on talkback radio.

Fourth, I know from many years experience of passing coppers sitting 10km/h over, they don't give a shit. In fact, if you get pulled over by a copper, they do you for the speed on the radar, minus 2KM/H... This will work the same way for the person who is controlling the camera in the little truck...

If this is the case, then why is the company who run these cameras petitioning our state government to have the tolerance reduced from 10% to less than 3km/h? It has nothing to do with safety, and everything to do with MAKING MONEY. I have a real problem when a private company, not our government, administers any kind of justice. They're not in it to be good corporate citizens or anything else, they're doing it to make a buck. Privatising enforcement CANNOT end well for the general population.

I also don't understand why it's such an issue today, when it never used to be an issue 10 years ago when they were using mobile speed cameras in COMPLETELY unmarked cars.

Australia... It's just full of a bunch of whinging wankers... The Diggers would be rolling their graves about now...

I'm off to whinge to Alan Jones about young people, why can they do National Service; that'll teach 'em some respect. Kids today have got it too good...

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Daleo, I'm not sure if youv vet had to deal with the consequences of someone else speeding, but my family has. Some f**k wit who thought it okay to be 30km/h over the limit and lost control of his car, crossing to the wrong side and taking my father out. 13 years later he can't sleep properly, is in remedial every week to be able to keep walking, and can no longer continue his life long job of wing a draftsmen.

Is it someone elses right to take the ability to live a nice life away from dimwit like that? No it's not, therefore it's not their right to speed!

Driving is a privilege, we are allowed to have this privilige IF we follow the rules. Therefore it isn't yours or anyone else right to speed!

And while the private company AND the RTA want it lowered the NSW police force has already successfully blocked them lowering it!

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And while the private company AND the RTA want it lowered the NSW police force has already successfully blocked them lowering it!

So all you cop-bashers out there can just stfu

Sorry to hear that Matt; I didn't know that's how your dad got injured :(

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Daleo, I'm not sure if youv vet had to deal with the consequences of someone else speeding, but my family has. Some f**k wit who thought it okay to be 30km/h over the limit and lost control of his car, crossing to the wrong side and taking my father out. 13 years later he can't sleep properly, is in remedial every week to be able to keep walking, and can no longer continue his life long job of wing a draftsmen.

Is it someone elses right to take the ability to live a nice life away from dimwit like that? No it's not, therefore it's not their right to speed!

Driving is a privilege, we are allowed to have this privilige IF we follow the rules. Therefore it isn't yours or anyone else right to speed!

And while the private company AND the RTA want it lowered the NSW police force has already successfully blocked them lowering it!


I obviously took you a little out of context, and I'm sorry your dad has had such a terrible experience. I would wish that suffering on no-one. My partner & I have been on the recieving end of a reckless driver and have felt the effects (not to the extent of your father) that linger after the fact.

I'm also man enough to admit when I've got it wrong.

Yes, you're right, driving IS a privilege and we must follow the rules. And if that is true, then it logically follows that it is NOT our right to speed.

My point was that if you make the choice to speed you must accept the consequences of that decision. Cars can be dangerous when used inappropriately, I feel this is fairly obvious to anyone of average intelligence. However, in my usual, hamfisted way, I made an error in implying that the driver is the only one who may have to deal with the consequences of that decision. This is often not the case,as your example demonstrates.

Your other point about the police service blocking their blatant grab is also interesting, although I have no issue with the police to begin with. My neighbour is a Dog Squad dog trainer, and a nicer guy you could not hope to meet. Most are just people doing a job.

I guess the advantage of candid discussion is, you are sometimes exposed to a viewpoint very different to your own, which then provides a different perspective. Thanks for sharing your experience in such a way.

Cheers, Dale

Edited by Daleo
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I find it rather hard to support cameras and private companies as a form of policing.

Mainly due to the lag between offence and retribution.


The p-plater in the Daewoo was one of my best friends.

A week before he died he was telling us that he was worried that his mum was going to be upset because he'd tripped the speed camera on the M4 under the Cumberland highway and as a P Plater was due to loose his license for 3 months shortly.

Have to say though, as upset as his mother might have been with him loosing his license, I don't think I've ever seen a more heartbroken woman as when I gave the eulogy at his funeral.

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Again with this bullshit of "Watching the speedo too much"!

Seriously, in a 10 second period you SHOULD be checking ALL of your mirrors and your speed no matter what.

Secondly, your speedo in the Stagea is defective, fix it, don't bitch about it.

Cars by law are designed to have UPTO a 10% over read on the speedo. (IE, actual speed = 100KM/H, speedo says 110KM/H) It is no longer allowed to have an under read on newer vehicles.

Thirdly, the amount of god damn f**king WANKERS on the road who think it's their god damn given right to speed, SHIT ME TO TEARS!!!

Double demerits recently, in a highly patrolled section of road, and people were still doing 20 - 30KM/H OVER the limit. Seriously, why do people think they can go this fast?

Fourth, I know from many years experience of passing coppers sitting 10km/h over, they don't give a shit. In fact, if you get pulled over by a copper, they do you for the speed on the radar, minus 2KM/H... This will work the same way for the person who is controlling the camera in the little truck...

I also don't understand why it's such an issue today, when it never used to be an issue 10 years ago when they were using mobile speed cameras in COMPLETELY unmarked cars.

Australia... It's just full of a bunch of whinging wankers... The Diggers would be rolling their graves about now...

Firstly, alright, let's calm down. I'm on your side.

I'm sorry to hear about your Father. I could probably hazard a guess and say it probably wasn't due to some poor sod trying to watch his speedo and do under 63 in a 60 zone.

I can assure you that I'm not talking about 30km/h... I'm talking about 64 in a 60 zone. (minus 3 and your 61 in a 60 zone). I think you'll agree this isn't 30 over. Pricks that do 30 over and hurt or kill someone should have their balls/etc. hit with a gear lever until they are blue. I'm with you on that.

Considering your post I think was directed at me, allow me to retort:

In a 10 second period i'll keep doing what i've been doing for the last 11 years I've been driving peak hour, with no accident. Seriously.

Secondly, the speedo in the Stagea isn't defective. It's the Australian compliance company which has ensured the car meets ADR rules who is to blame. If you read my post you will have realised it is within the 10% ADR rule. (ie you are doing slower speed than the speedo suggests you are doing, so when it says 100, i'm doing 91)

But don't you worry, i'll be fitting larger dia tyres to fix the speedo issue. Then it will be within +/- 3km/h, and i'll probably still get stung by the revenue raisers.

Thirdly, the amount of 'GOD DAMN EFFING WANKERS' that drive around being a menace to the general public (whether a minority or majority) who think fellow drivers doing 5km/h over the speed limit are going to kill every bloody thing on the road don't deserve a license. Go to Germany and drive the Autobarn and then you'll get an idea of speed difference and safe driving. Get on the race track and see what a driver does when they are at 10/10th's at 170km/h. Ride a motorbike and then find out all these numb nuts morons who are sitting on 50 in a 60 zone who THINK they are safe when they aren't even paying attention to anything or anyone else, while everyone else is trying to pass them. They CAUSE the accidents.

Fourth, the coppers have to subtract 3km/h. 2km/h is the fixed cameras. They are more accurate and supposedly less prone to false readings.

How are we supposed to comply to the rules, when the rules are bullshit? I'm all for more accurate speedo's and legislation to make sure imported vehicles or old vehicles must have accurate speedos. If it means safer roads (ie people actually KNOWING what speed they are doing, then it must be beneficial...) The ADR is stupid saying 10%. It should be +/- 3km/h. The "safety" camera's should be +/ 10%. 44 in a 40 zone, safe. 45 game over. 110 in a 100 zone that's called passing. Safe. 111, fined.

Finally. The diggers fought for our rights for a democratic country. The freedom of speech which I have just exercised right now. If you want to complain about me voicing my opinion, fine, I'm OK with that. BUT, don't tell me that I am one of those "whinging wankers", or "god damn f**king WANKERS", because that just makes me more motivated to speak to my local MP about the atrocity of revenue raising the government is currently going through with their current speed limits/rules and regulations and dim wits who don't deserve a license who require more "education/training".

If the road toll keeps going up with more and more cameras, (check out the stats for Christmas 2009/2010 with NSW going up 12 deaths from last year) then something isn't right. I'm going to keep questioning this, as I feel the current rules aren't assisting this situation.

My 2 cents.

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