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I don't think I really need a boost controller? Overkill? I will look into this a little more though in any case. I doubt taking off that little restrictor will make my car boost so much more. If I do blow the turbos... then I will just have to get new ones which don't have ceramic bits! :devil:

i can change the way boost comes on with my avcr. unsure how it works with a say a profec but with the avcr it really makes a difference. comes on much harder than just with say a bleed valve because i can control my boost solenoid.

i'd say every turbo charged car needs some sort of boost controller that is seperate to a wastegate. wether it be a bleed valve or an electronic unit - the restrictor you just pulled out is in essence a "boost controller" =)

taking that restrictor out made you go from what? 0.7bar to 1.0bar boost now???

good place is to mount the boost gauge in the airvent on the RHS of the dash (next to the ignition). it fits gauges perfectly and the gauge will be flush with the dash, thus look like its stock(ish).

and as for the restrictor removel - great move, a good bang for your buck modification! i like the idea also of drilling out the hole to a bigger size to find the perfect boost level that you are after...

good luck with it all,


i have recently taken out mine and it dose read just about 1 bar on my gauge. before removing it would top around the 0.5 bar mark a real diffrence , i too got my info from a magazine but i dont recall it saying that mines chip was needed can anyone verify this?

my car has a mines chip and 3.5 inch HKS exhaust.... running 1 bar atm..... i have a R32 vspec... i am sure my turbo's are not ceramic.. can anyone confirm?

If i do have non ceramic.. then it should be cool for me to get rid of my restrictor without having to worry about them blowing.... true?

With more boost, you may need more fuel too... To do that there is a vaccum hose connected toa part of the airflow meter set up, (connects onto a little round thingy) If you take this off and block them both off you trick the car into thinking it needs more fuel all the time instead of just when your driving hard...

Also you can get a diode for your computer to make your car think it is cold all the time, So it idles higher and also provides more fuel... But I don't think you'll need to do anything like that if you have an AVCR

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