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Keep That My Pussy Off My V !

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Hi All,

I have been checking the web for a solution to keep a neighbours cat off my V.

I have not caught him in the act so don't know if 1 scare is enough.

I've read that Pepper/Mothballs/Coyote Urine and few other products do the job with mixed results.

Also I have had a look at some of electronic solutions but would rather keep this cheap.

My Car is under a car port and I live in a row of units. Tomorrow I will probably try hanging some moth balls over the hood of the car as thats what the moggie wants to be warm and cozy while leaving mud scratches.

I am not a cat fan !

If anyone has had any experience please share ?

Please don't post if your reply is about shooting or trapping the cat. I just want the cat to stay away from my V !

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cats hate water, especially cold water, hit the little bast*rd with a hose or bucket full of it when you do catch it, water is a lot more car friendly than napthalene hanging over your bonnet.

He will be there while the bonnet is still carrying heat so it wont be long after you get home

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Best idea is to get a cat trap catch the prick and take it to the pound. Else you can get cheap solar powered sensor flood lights. direct it at your bonnet and maybe that would scare it off when it goes off.

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Best idea is to get a cat trap catch the prick and take it to the pound. Else you can get cheap solar powered sensor flood lights. direct it at your bonnet and maybe that would scare it off when it goes off.

Didn't think of that 1 but I'd have to switch it on when I get home otherwise I will blind myself when come into park.

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we had the neighbours cat jumping on the mrs car.

shes got a covertible so the marks were all over the soft top.

we just park it on the road so it doesnt like jumping on top anymore. too cold i guess.

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Is there some kinda of spray that is available perhaps in pet store that you can spray to put cats off certain things? If you spray it near the car, that should scare the little rascal away!

I vaguely remember seeing some kinda product like this b4. Not 100% sure though. Perhaps check with a big pet store.

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I belive that there is a spray available, just check that it wont harm the duco, as my old man had the same issue with a neighbours cat and i think he used a spray from a pet store.

Also if it is happening during the night and you know who the cat belongs to just inform them of the dusk till dawn ruleing in regards to cats (THEY SHOULD BE LOCKED UP...................................at night)

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