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Tunnel Traffic Monitoring


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I just did a run through tunnel heading Eastbound at speed, hope nothing comes through!

Doubt it, detector hasn't gone off since but way to test it for the team! :)

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Will be driving through there later today, will look again. I've seen those beige-looking things before, they have been there for ages. If it's something else people are talking about, then it's something to look into for sure!

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Dought they would. More work for them

For who? What's work?

If you're talking about paperwork for police... you're probs right, the state government would never take the chance to raise some more revenue and overwork their police force. Oh wait :rofl:

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Next time someone drive through the tunnel, can you pull over on the emergency stop lanes & take a photo please? ;)

Not sure If I'm even looking for the correct things at the correct places...

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I only noticed them because my radar detector went off when passing two of them, could have just been a coincidence though as it hasn't gone off again in the tunnel.

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First of all, how can you have 2 first of alls?

Second of all these cameras were installed by the security guys who work for my company :D :D. I can ask them the details of the "monitoring" but from what the cameras are they do not have speed recording in them.

P.S. They start out as white cameras and are sprayed black.

P.P.S. They are always heading down to sort out issues with the system. 2 of them were there until 2am a on Sunday morning I think.

Thought I'd update you guys again (although I don't think anyone saw my last post, hmm). These cameras are situated above a little yellow plaque on the side of the tunnel according to the security guys at my work. There are about 25 cameras in each tunnel and SPEED RECORDING IS FUNCTIONING. The guys said they can watch the speeds of cars but I don't think any sort of fine is being issued yet.

Also 2 permanently mounted speed cameras will be mounted at the exit of each tunnel. This is only the plan at the moment, it could change.

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Man, we really need to find someone who knows the people that work with these things inside the tunnel. They might be able to tell the speed of the traffic inside there but can't use it as evidence, who knows..

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Could be that they have no intentions of calibrating/servicing the speed devices in the tunnel regularly enough to be used as evidence. Like the same deal with multanova cameras, police car speedos etc having to be regularly calibrated.

But a far more realistic theory would be - Maybe the big shots running the tunnel have gate/screamer pipes on their cars and enjoy a bit of speed/noise through the tunnel themselves :)

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