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personally... i wouldn't buy a car i couldn't afford 10 times over (i say that now, we'll see if i keep my work), some are different... 2 different people could be in the same financial state yet one may have a gtr and one may have a gts.

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I could afford to buy an R33 GTS-T over here in the UK. You can import a 1995 model with about 30-40k for about £8,000 (18,951 AUD) or £9,000 (21,321 AUD).

The biggest killer is insurance though. At the age of 22 if i had 4 years no claims bonus i'd STILL pay over £1,500 (3,353 AUD) for insurance. I'm beginning to think i'd be better off getting a turbo diesel for a few years so i can save some money!

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You just gotta work hard and save, no point in putting yourself into debt by taking out a big loan, my first car was a WB ute, I saved as much as I could and bought a 96 r33 gtst, and you appreciate knowing that you owe nothing on it too. I live in rural NSW too, so car theft isn't to bad - its too technical for the locals to break into a car let alone start it and drive off. So I only pay for Third Party Property insurance incase I run into a BMW.


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Well, I have a stable job with a good future. I was driving my mums pulsar around for 2.5years, but now shes an Enjo lady she needs the car. Sooo we had a few options, me catch a bus (never ever going to happen) I buy a silly little car with my savings. Or Spend up big now, get over the whole car thing before I decide to settle down. I chose to spend up big now, I chose wisly on the car I bought, and my Ps extended the home loan, we bought some other stuff, and they paid for the rest of my car, which I am now paying back, as per a normal loan, they felt it was safer than me going thru the banks. Sooo Im paying the loan back with the same repayments as a personnal loan, but at homeloan rates, the interest is caculated daily, as per a normal loan. So yeah. Thats how I have my car, but before I was even allowed to get it, I had to do a defencive driving course, and show that I could save very well, which I did.

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it depends how you spend your money.

most young people with hot cars (from what i've observed, not in all cases) still live at home and pay off the car with hard work or the parents pay it (fooking stupid idea, easiest way to get a kid to write off a car)

i could have gone the car, instead i moved out of home at 18 and today i've been in 2 different time zones (not kidding)

you can pay off a car if you dont have any other bills.

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i got my car 18 months ago now, i had a vl for a while did that up a bit and sold it for twice what i payed for it and my parents helped me out with the rest of the money i needed (i was 6g's short) but i worked farken hard for the 10 i had saved and the rest of the long list of shlt ive now done to my car and ive now finished paying my parents back so the car is completely mine.

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Skylines don't break & are good on fuel. Buy a cheaper V8 and you will end up spending the same in repair bills.

I had a VS 5ltr V8 that did the gearbox, diff & IRS chassis. All up in 9 months of owning it the repair bills were around the 4000-4500 mark.

In the last 2 years i've spent $90 on a cracked radiator top tank which worked out to $180 by the time everything was flushed radiator cleaned etc etc..

I'm not including servicing for either cars.

If you drive a car soft then the V8 is probably a better in the end cheaper option. If not well the Line won't break & cost you heaps.

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