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The fact your working 2 jobs to pay for keeping your car on the road means you should not own the car. Particularly as a first car

No, sorry, you misread that. Two CASUAL jobs, which don't equate to huge hours. I'm only doing them to save the money for the car (Insurance + a fair bit extra). I get the car near end of year so i want as much money as i can earn (by working two jobs) between now and then. When i finish year 12 i will move onto a full time job and then i won't need to work the two casual jobs, cause i'll be working full time and not earning a piddly $9.2 an hour...

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well I did 2 yrs of uni, the 2nd year of which was spent on exchange in London and other parts of Europe. Came back, suspended my course for a year, worked fulltime at Canon at 36k p/a, applied for a loan after 3 months of working there for 12k, bought my 180sx, paid off the loan by the end of the year, sold the car for 22.5k (yes I modified the nuts off it and they weren't as common as they are now), used the money to pay for my R32 GTS, insurance, and all costs for me to move out of home to mlb and start afresh as an independant and completely debt free. When I moved to melb I resumed my Uni course, which I will be finishing at the end of next year.

Biggest tip ever and most possibly the wisest thing you could do.... never move out of home till you are financially secure. Think about it, free food and rent, you won't begin to understand how good it is until you move out.

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Getting any car to pull chicks is stoopid. You don't need a car to pull chicks, and even if you do pull one, do you really want a girl who is attracted to you because of your car? No thanks.

Anyway, I don't see how a uni student, living away from home, working casual or part time can save up for a 20G Skyline in a year or two...? What with rent, food, electricity, bills going out and general life expenses... I think you're going to be taking a loan of some sort. And if paying off your skyline starts to eat into your life then you'll quickly resent your car. No point sittin at home cos ya got no money and you need to make a payment on your car in the best years of your life!

Plus insurance and general running costs are a nightmare. Like it or not, cars are usually a MAJOR drain on funds and you'd probably save money taking taxi's everywhere in half the cases.

To be honest, I doubt hardly any 19-20 year olds could by a skyline outright living on their own, if so, well done, you must have worked hard.

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Sorry man, grade 12 kids who drive Skylines are rich kids. (or come across as)..

The fact your working 2 jobs to pay for keeping your car on the road means you should not own the car. Particularly as a first car.

You had also better get ready to hear 'rich kid' a lot.. your mates at school, guys you meet at parties, people at uni who have been busting their ass for the last 5 years to save up for some rusted out peice of shit VL will be keying your car and wanting to bash you and make your life hell.

Australia generally has a bad case of tall poppy syndrome, and justified or not you had better get used to it. Take a look at the responses that kid got who wrote off the r33 GTR.. everyone on here was very excited about it.

Is pulling the chicks worth all that trouble? go get an old turb silvia until you can afford a skyline yourself. It will feel a lot better getting into the drivers seat that first time when you actually deserve it.


Hey p1r4t8r i was or am in the EXACT same position as you. I am 18.5 now and my parents recently bought me a skyline a few months ago. They are in NO i mean NO way rich ok, but the reason they bought me the skyline was because of 2 reasons:

1. I needed transport for uni and there was no way i could take the train bus because they would take me like 2 hrs to get there.

2. They wanted to reward me because of my good results from uni, they told me if i studied my ass of then they would get me a car.

But the thing was, they NEVER intended in buying a skyline, they wanted to buy me an echo? Jazz?lanceR? for my first car, but then with a lot of persuasion i convinced them to get me a skyline instead for the same amount of money, i could get a much beta car and one that i realli realli loved.

Yes im only 18 now and many of you older people are stereotyping us younger skyline drivers but it is pathetic, coz i along with many younger drivers here are not the stupid 18year losers that you guys make us out to be. Yes i get people saying that im so spoilt and all that crap, but then i let them know that i AM paying my parents back slowly for this car. Yes i will never pay off this car in the short future, as i got fulltime uni etc. but then the point is im trying. Many of you older drivers e.g. pentae think that we sit here, do jackshyt and den we get a skyline. i dont think so? Ive had 7+ jobs in the past, i started working as a paperboy when i was in year8? getting up at 6am to deliver papers, for what? to pay off the car? no way, what i earn now is never enough for me to buy my own car, but the reason i worked was so that i did not have to live off my parents, by them not giving me any money i am already satisfied and they are as well.

And i realy really dont understand why you pentae think that we buy skylines just go pull chix? Yes i agree there are many people out there 18? even 25 year old buy a car to show off to this and that but i would like to tell you that you are WRONG...because not everyone is like that. The reason i bought the skyline was because of the love for the car, the first time i saw the car i loved it so much that i started going on forums, magazines, net etc. and researched about the car. I learnt to love the car and i dreamt about having a skyline day and night. Even now after i have the car, i do not drag, i know i got the power there under the bonnet and i only use it when i need to...e.g. tryin to take ova a car at the lights or somethin, i do not go around telling everyone i have a skyline, i dont think i am in anyway simliar to my friends, im still the same old person i was before, just that i have a nicer car now. I see no point in taking so much pride in my car because it really is nothin special. Anyone that has money can buy a skyline, but if i had a ferrari etc. then ok that would be a different story. Btw don't get me wrong, i LOVE my skyline and i wouldnt trade any car for it.

But the point im making now is that ...stop f*&king generalising coz im sick and tired of reading about how 18 year olds should have this and that and not have a skyline, coz age makes no difference. A 40 year old can smack a gtr but no one talks about it bcoz he is 40. Its the maturity of the individual that matters.

Many of you older people with skylines, yes i respect you guys because you paid for your own car and if i had the choice and power i would do the same. You guys have full time jobs etc. thats the career path you took and i respect that. I have fulltime study instead, and the money i make is just enough to pay for my petrol, maintanence and my personal leisure etc. it is no where enough for a car but like my parents once told me, if you really want to pay us back...study hard now and find a good job in the future and then pay us back because the truth is you will never i mean NEVER earn enough to pay for all the things we have given to you. So they rather me study hard, find a good job den pay them back in the future.....then to work my ass off for a year and stuff uni etc. so that i can pay off the car.

And year 12 students driving skylines are rich? pfttttttt...

then wat about all those other 18, 19 year olds who drives bmws etc.? THAT is what i call rich. Skyline along with 180 is one of the cheapest and affordable sports cars that are available. You can get one for under 20k but look at all the other sports cars around? WRx, type R, supras etc. etc. They are all generally more expensive then a skyline. Man just coz we drive skylines doesnt mean we are rich ok....some kid from my uni drives a f*&king carrera on his RED Ps...THATS RICH..THATS what i call SPOILT...

i apologise to anyone especially pentae because my post is in no way directed or is intended to insult anyone, i'm just tryin to get my point across and i hope you respect that because i respect what you have written and i do agree with what many of you guys say about young reckless drivers because in reality there are many stupid faggots out there...but please dont generalise because it realy is unfair for the miniority of people out there who really isnt what you guys make us out to be.

I'm sorry for the very long post hehe but i guess i cant express myself properly so i needed to write this much to get my point across. p1r4t8r Good luck on the car and don't let anyone discourage you from getting the car you dream about, Just remember to treat the car with the respect it deserves and it will treat you the same way =)



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Oh and Terreto

Respect bro, thats EXACTLY why you dont need a car to pull chix.


Getting any car to pull chicks is stoopid. You don't need a car to pull chicks, and even if you do pull one, do you really want a girl who is attracted to you because of your car? No thanks.


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Respect to the mature under 25's here!

That was well written and emotive post ther Guilty! (Although you might want to paragraph it to make it easier to read). I'm now 24 and have gone through 2 cars already and waiting for my R32 GTR, I was given my first car by my parents (Toyota Corolla...old POS), I wrote that off about 8 months of owning it due to inattention. That accident really taught me how to drive and be aware of my surroundings. I then saved up for my next car, a Toytota Camry($1.5K POS :devil:) I've owned it to this day and drive like a a gran, no crashes or traffic incidents yet (apart from parking tickets!).

All through this period (7 years) I've been saving for my dream car. My personal goal was to be able to afford my dream car via my own finances before I'm 25 with room to spare and be financially free from my parents.

I might have had it easy with living at home and studying + work but if you want something enough you can achieve it!

The point that the older members are trying to get accoss IMO is that when young you might want to get something more conservative and relatively reliable as a mode of transport and when you can achieve financial freedom should you get something nice for yourself. A car is a burden and if you can JUST afford the car then you may regret getting it if you cant pay for petrol!

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lol alrite..ill edit and paragraph it now...=)

thx btw..and yes yes i realy do understand and agree with the point the older members are making, but i jus wanted to make the point that we shouldnt generalise coz not everyone is the same....yes i have done stupid things in the past (who hasnt?) . i had one accident a year ago which could have ended a lot worse then it turned out and i was lucky. But it wasnt because of my stupidity that caused the accident, it was inexperience in my friends car which i wasnt familiar with. Everyone was drunk at a party and i was the only one that didnt drink that nite so offered to drive some1 home. Being not familiar with the car i lost control on a road i wasnt familiar with as it was wet as well and hit the curb. But after that accident, i really have learnt a lot and it sticks with me everytime i take my line out now.

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this shit is quite funny... the only place I hear the rich kids theory is on this board. I had my skyline the whole time I was on my P plates and never got a comment.. i also drove 200K + cars on my p plates and only comments I ever had was sweet ride etc.

At the end of the day, there are going to be some lucky people that have parents with money... big deal.... dont be jealous.. learn to live with it. If we jealous cos someones parents bought them a car.. imagine 18year olds in 3rd world countries... they would think we are rich kids cos we can afford a meal when we want.

And honestly... can anyone here say they would not take a skyline if it was offered to them for free?? Does that mean you will treat it any different?

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Well I got my skyline late last ye.....wait....that's not a skyline, it's a volvo.

I'm 21 and have paid for every cent, which wasn't much anyway. I probably would buy a GTR or Supra TT outright if I could afford it, but I can't....and I'm not keen on the idea of owing money and interest, having that hang over me.

It's obvious that some people haven't worked much for their cars, and others have worked very very hard for the same car. I don't think there is an single label you could put on young skyline owners. Or young owners of any fairly expensive car.

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