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man i thought i was getting away from all the dodgy cops in NZ but im moving to the same sort of crap i guess, some cops are okay (i said some not alot!!) but some are just out for revenue like here its all about how much can they ping on you, example - my ute is to low, to loud, and a boy racer car..... so heres a $600 fine, (my ute had a bolt 5 mm below the 100m legal limit) hack saw job to make it shorter, my sounds are to loud to be turned up in any enviroment unless a special DB drag event... gay cop... and a boy racer....its a friggin ford courier with a 2.0l carby engine... not a friggin v8 supercharged jesus!!

oh and all you in aussie in my town we had one of the worst "boy racer" problems in the country (we had a one way dead end road as a drag strip out of the way from everyone so no one innocent could get hurt) so ya know what they did, ban any vehicle under 2.5 tonne from driving down over 100 public streets/roads and have a law they can pull you over if your cruising with more then 3 or 4 cars in a line for a boy racer act (cant remember what is exactly called) and would tresspass you if your caught down any of the roads with out a legitimate reason and proof

An officer who was illegally tailgating given they are meant to be upholding the law :)

I don't know if it applies to this but I know for sure that cops can break speeding laws to a certain extend while on duty, and breaking their own rules on top of that is usually swept under the rug. I saw a bike coppers top speed on his bike at 217kmph. It might be the same for this kind of stuff. Is there no justice >.<

Yeah slam on the brakes, love tap at 100km/h sounds like a smart idea. Come on people, would you really do that? I would hope not. No one "forces you to speed", you're in control of your vehicle no matter how close someone is tailgating you. Yeah the Commodore is at fault...so put on your brakes *gently* and this will force him to either pass you or slow down to a stop with you. Atleast then if he hits you it won't be a significant impact (read: risk your life over some tool). I too don't put this sort of thing past some police as I too have been tailgated and followed waiting for me to f*** up...but if it was a cop trying to trap you into a fine then why wouldn't he just pull you over once you get to xxx speed and defect you, instead of tricking you into a camera fine at the risk of his superiors finding out about it with pictures of his own car.

Had this happen to me but not as bad about 10 years ago when I just go my licence and it happened all the time to a mate who had a datsun 1600.

Undercover commodores around moorabbin would tailgate a few metres behind you flashing their high beams at night for a few hundred metres and then put on their cop lights and pull you over.

They booked my mate the first time when he sped up. Bit of a cnt act if you didn't know their routine.

So it does happen!

I don't know if it applies to this but I know for sure that cops can break speeding laws to a certain extend while on duty, and breaking their own rules on top of that is usually swept under the rug. I saw a bike coppers top speed on his bike at 217kmph. It might be the same for this kind of stuff. Is there no justice >.<

the law against "inciting a drag race" seems to apply here

I don't know if it applies to this but I know for sure that cops can break speeding laws to a certain extend while on duty, and breaking their own rules on top of that is usually swept under the rug. I saw a bike coppers top speed on his bike at 217kmph. It might be the same for this kind of stuff. Is there no justice >.<

When there is a nasty big hole in two vehicles that might make a difference :)

Well honestly i agree slowing down would be a better option, but i suppose when your quite tired and just want to go home, doing 100km trying to keep awake then suddenly loud noises + high beams kinda gives you a bit of a shock. I've had my share of fun experiences with friends doing it but a big bulky random commodore who literally came from nowhere did kinda freak me out. Especially with the amount of idiots who constantly die every week, i just wanted to get away from him and make it to my exit which wasn't too far from me =[

Well honestly i agree slowing down would be a better option, but i suppose when your quite tired and just want to go home, doing 100km trying to keep awake then suddenly loud noises + high beams kinda gives you a bit of a shock. I've had my share of fun experiences with friends doing it but a big bulky random commodore who literally came from nowhere did kinda freak me out. Especially with the amount of idiots who constantly die every week, i just wanted to get away from him and make it to my exit which wasn't too far from me =[

Fair enough, but its all part of the trap :down:

Ignore them or switch lanes, never give in to them.

Back when my Calibra was on road it had red rear foglights that could be turned on with a switch...they were good for giving tailgaters the impression you were braking when you weren't :)

yeah its true police will drive around with p plates up and attempt to trap you

funny how entrapment isnt illegal for the roads.. especially when cars can be considered as 'weapons'

you dont see them get in shit for trying to race you.. two sets of rules for us and the police.

also i believe the entrapment law in australia was changed not so long ago.. free country? you decide.

what? what was changed?

to people saying this doens't happen.... wake up...

not too long ago i had a brand new VE SS sitting next to me @ the lights on napean hwy, bout 2am... he was revving the shit out of it trying to get me to go

aparently he didn't think i'd notice his "hidden" lights and UNIFORM ffs

MORAL: make your car much faster than a VE SS so you have nothing to prove by racing him

also i believe the entrapment law in australia was changed not so long ago.. free country? you decide.

pretty sure there is no entrapment law in Aus... stop watching law and order buddy lol. ps. entrapment is a good movie, i suggest you watch it

there is entrapment law in australia.. I dont understand why people believe there isnt..

a simple google search will prove that..

if their was no law on entrapment it could be used in many MANY ways and the law couldnt do ANYTHING about it..

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