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Anyone Run Into Winshield-wash-guy ?


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I was on my way home from work and came upto a set of traffic lights and one started to clean my window with his spray bottle (daily juice bottle with a hole in the lid) and his sponge (almost black tea towel) and lifted my wipers and kept cleaning. He then finished and came upto my open window with his hand out and I told him I have no change. He didnt leave and just stood there with his hand out and said cmonnn mannn not even a couple dollars? I said I have no money. Then the lights turned green and i started to drive off slowly due to peak hour traffic and I thought he spotted my change pile in my little tray and he held onto my side mirror and ran along side my car he held on for a good 15 meters across the intersection and was yelling stop! stop! i kept driving and he let go but then I had to stop because of traffic and he came running up to my car leaned over my bonnet and put down one of the window wipers he left up and walked away XD

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I wind down the window and shake my head as to say NO!, if they take a step toward my car, I say in a deep forcefull voice

"keep away from my car!".

They sure take notice :(

(3) For subrule (2), a pedestrian does not unreasonably obstruct the path of another

pedestrian only by travelling more slowly than other pedestrians.

Does this mean i can be fined for walking too slow along the footpath? :(

What happens If i break into a sprint, will i get fined for going too fast.

No he didn't, there is a law,

Road Safety Road Rules 2009

236 Pedestrians not to cause a traffic hazard or obstruction

(1) A pedestrian must not cause a traffic hazard by moving into the path of a driver.

Penalty: 1 penalty unit.

(2) A pedestrian must not unreasonably obstruct the path of any driver or another pedestrian.

Penalty: 1 penalty unit.

(3) For subrule (2), a pedestrian does not unreasonably obstruct the path of another

pedestrian only by travelling more slowly than other pedestrians.

(4) A pedestrian must not stand on, or move onto, a road to—

(a) solicit contributions, employment or business from an occupant of a vehicle; or

(b) hitchhike; or

© display an advertisement; or

(d) sell or offer articles for sale; or

(e) wash or clean, or offer to wash or clean, the windscreen of a vehicle (other than a parked vehicle).

Penalty: 2 penalty units.


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Had one on punt road richmond, shook my head told him no and he washed it anyway.

He started chatting even though i wasnt interested. Told us he used to have a skyline too till he wrote it off into a tree, that's wonderful i thought to myself.

I gave him about 50c in change.

I guess if he is a junkie it's better than him stealing robbing and breaking into homes and cars. At least he is providing a service even if it's not needed.

Maybe if they actually sold something it wouldnt be so annoying newspapers, cans of coke or something.

I reckon this is the same guy that I saw on Saturday arvo, he spotted my car in the traffic & came over to start washing my windscreen, I said no thanks, then he started asking me what they were worth & how much he really like skylines & asking how hard does it go. I told him that they aint worth sh*t since all the P platers that want them aren't allowed to drive them anymore, I told him that on his income he should be able to afford to buy/run one no probs!! Then I think he offered me 5K for my car as I drove off... I should have stopped and got his details... Prolly the best offer I will get on my car :blink:

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