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Bonzalite: Hmmm ..... i guess i understand your polarity theory ..... its really a real life explanation of of the yin - yang theory. I agree with you in saying that perhaps sexes to impinge upon one another's territory ....... in Australia maybe, in the US maybe and maybe in other countries too. However if we look at society as global whole then is their really a tsunami of energy or an imbalance in the 'polarity of nature'.

Not in my opinion, not in any of the south american countries i grew up in, defiantely not in the asian country i was born in, and definately not in many european countries i travelled when i was in my early twenties.

Countries like Australia dont have an assymetric information gap between sexes and it doesnt have 2000 years of culture like many of the other countries do. It is in essence a new country, not weighed down by prehistoric customs or misconceptions of grandeur. Thats what I like about it ...... its always G'Day mate.

So is there really an imbalance in the polarity of nature, is there really an imbalance of the yin and yang. No ...... not in a global scale, not when when u think of how imbalanced it is in some other countries. If anything it is more balanced now i say.

So yeah maybe Australian guys and other men in similiar western countries are becoming softer, more docile, more femenine. The reality is however that the stereotypical 'John Wayne' type of man is no longer necessary in modern civilisation. Our women dont need to be protected for fear they be raped, or conned, or taken away from us or mistreated in any number of ways. Why should we fear situations like this, we live in a free society where in most cases these notions are now alien.

Perhaps it is true that men these days are confused as to what or how we should act. Its because we are the new frontier, an emerging species of new man, dude just enjoy it.

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ecenshu : hehe menza i dont think so. This would be light toilet humour to them. Have u ever read 1 of their monthly newsletters. The one i read came with some sort of nahavo language code at the front and the whole newsletter had to be decoded before u could even read it. At the back of the newsletter it said if it took u longer than 3 hours to decode and read this u are normal. and then it said Ha Ha

Dude it took me 3 days to get there.

this thread is outta control, I agree with CWest, if you spend too much time trying to analyse life, and work out whats going on - well your missing out, just live every day like its your last and all will be good, I am sure if you analysed anybody enough with the right focus, you could make them out to be either a saint or a sinner:p

And as for your line pulling chicks, well if that happens, good luck - everybody has different methods of pulling members of the opposite sex (or same sex if you are that way inclined)

As for yin/yang, the very nature of it means that eventually all shall be in balance all on its own, without anybody worring about it - try reading the tao te ching - if you can understand much of it, eventually you may realise it all (life) means nothing except what you make of it.

bugger, now I am getting deep

cwest, i'm not into the john wayne male thing. that is not what i am talking about at all. i am talking about emasculation of men. a properly "masculated" man is not suddenly john wayne. that is a parody, hyperbole cartoon character.

i get the idea that you don't understand what i am really meaning. nature is in balance no matter what. yin is in the yang, some yang is in the yin. the emasculation/defeminization of society is a result of abusive ubringings. and it is being reinforced in western culture as if it is ok and marketable, as the process is obvious throughout media and general conduct. being male is being taken as a disease today, as if natural masculinity were aberrant behavior. nature itself will ultimately balance out anything. even if it takes a mass extinction or something as history has taught us this. there is a thread about "political correctness," and this is a direct result of an emasculated society.

the tsumani i speak of is symbolic of energy as a whole, particularly sexual energy. it is omnipresent and all-emcompassing. like in the motion of the planets, or, for example, the females' cycle is larger than any one individual to control or possess. it is primal and otherworldly. this is an example of what i am meaning. this topic, generally, is difficult to convey, as i am seeing. many bring their own precepts to the table that further alter the point here. i think we generally agree, however, without the other fully knowing it.

what really matters overall, imo, is how you work with what you have.

cheers. :(

My friend your outlook of life is just too complicated, not because u think too much but because u give a shyyt. True, each individual adds to the this energy u speak of, which is a theory, a fantasy if u like. Such energy does not exist in reality though its plainly evident that it can exist in ones imagination. I know u dont mean to say that such a tsunami exists rather u are trying to explain the consequences of society in a way that may make sense to something that can not really be put into words.

I think understand the general flow of your argument, that there is a sense of repression (especially sexual) caused by the advent of society. This repression causes a discharge to feed this tsunami u speak of and society and more specifically the emascualtion of society feeds more and more energy into this tsunami.

I guess its not the theory that I dont understand rather its the point u are trying to make, perhaps u are foretelling the doom of man (literaly).

All in all i dont really think that society media and so forth is actually feminizing society much. I just think society is reaching a point where men and their traditional roles are not needed. Guys like me (i am actually quite macho and a male chauvenist) are just not the most efficient type of male, because our way of lifestyle does not contribute much to society. I understand that, do i give a shyyyyt, not really.

The whole point is we are born into this world, raised by family, taught by society and media to act a certain way be a certain way. But one day u should realise that only u can make yourself happy, that only you have the power to take what u want. The war should never be about you and society, it will always be about you and yourself.

Real power comes with knowing that u have a choice in life. Dude, by the way u talk u are certainly smart and I know u understand the complexities and shortcomings of society. What I dont understand is y u give a rats arse.

Hehe ... y are we replying to a thread about picking up chicks in our skylines. Obviously it was never meant for indepths discussions.

oh no....big words....complex issues...

head.....about.....to .....explode.... :Bang:

J/K...this thread has its different perspectives and its refreshing :) Keep at it guys...

OT: Anyone read "Art of War"? Now that's also interesting...if you can decode it.

i dont know about pullin chicks... but yeah

when i first got my liner i had a long term relationship, that ended soon after (various reasons...) i rekon she was jealous i used to call the car "my baby" ahaha..

ive had a few comments from chicks, a stack of looks and DEFINATELY have a stack more numbers of both guys n gals since i got my car (new friends etc) but yeah...

will always be interesting to see what happens in the future....

My friend your outlook of life is just too complicated, not because u think too much but because u give a shyyt. True, each individual adds to the this ......

.....The whole point is we are born into this world, raised by family, taught by society and media to act a certain way be a certain way. But one day u should realise that only u can make yourself happy, that only you have the power to take what u want. The war should never be about you and society, it will always be about you and yourself.

Real power comes with knowing that u have a choice in life. Dude, by the way u talk u are certainly smart and I know u understand the complexities and shortcomings of society. What I dont understand is y u give a rats arse.

Hehe ... y are we replying to a thread about picking up chicks in our skylines. Obviously it was never meant for indepths discussions.

yes. yes. yes. you are pretty much speaking for me. in the pocket, mate. you see it. my argument about feminization is tied to people, namely men, giving away their power. we do it all the time. both sexes. i seek to recover it, as it is very subtle. that's all i really mean. the recovery process is ongoing, like an addict in recovery - it is the same thing. it is more about "self-empowerment through your own gender" rather than "strict sex roles." you are entitled to feel that society is not as feminized as i make it out to be. ultimately, as you state, only you (the individual) can make yourself happy regardless of what society wants. who knows what it wants.

damn. if i had a skyline, i'd just might go out to pick up some chicks! (just kidding)

what kind of 'liner do you have, btw?


R34 GT Black with CWest kit and a few bolt ons. If i wanted to pick up chicks i would of got the turbo..... anyways had enough attention when i had a S2 r33 GTS-T 3 years ago, trust me u dont want the kind of attention it brings..... unless u are really young ...... or really horny ...... HEY im young ...... im also horny ..... am i missing something ?

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