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Does Anyone Kno Lots Abouts Cops When They Are Booking You!


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I was just thinking, what if you put in like a cabin camera that shows your speedo, as well as your driver's side window? So in case the cop was trying to dick you for nothing, you have a video of your speedo, as well as the voice recording of the whole convo?

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I was just thinking, what if you put in like a cabin camera that shows your speedo, as well as your driver's side window? So in case the cop was trying to dick you for nothing, you have a video of your speedo, as well as the voice recording of the whole convo?

I saw a nifty little device in a magazine the other day...forget what it's called...but it records audio, video and vehicle speed using an accelerometer. It can upload all of this and graphs to a computer. It starts recording whenever it senses heavy braking. The idea behind it is to provide evidence in the case of an accident but I imagine you could use it for other situations too.

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take it to court. no radar evidence. no proof.

cop tried doing this to me last year in the early morning on princess hwy on my way to work. was in the massive traffic rush but yet he seemed to pull me over and say i was going 110+ with no reading or anything. did i mention that it was morning peak hour traffic aswell...

i contested it with a legal aid and the fine got dismissed.

i suggest you contest it

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take it to court. no radar evidence. no proof.

cop tried doing this to me last year in the early morning on princess hwy on my way to work. was in the massive traffic rush but yet he seemed to pull me over and say i was going 110+ with no reading or anything. did i mention that it was morning peak hour traffic aswell...

i contested it with a legal aid and the fine got dismissed.

i suggest you contest it

No radar evidence means nothing. Police are trained to estimate speeds and it stands up in court.

I would predict that you got off on a completely unrelated technicality, if indeed you're not just spinning a bullshit story in the first place.

EDIT: A traffic fine specialist Solicitor - http://www.trafficlaw.com.au/speeding.fines.html

Q. The police followed me on the freeway and booked me without using a laser or radar device. Can they do that?

Yes, they can prove your speed by relying on the speedometer in their vehicle, regardless whether it is calibrated.

Q. What is the best way to win a speeding case?

Employ a barrister and use the law. Also, most defendants think that they are under some obligation to prove that they did not commit any offence. This is wrong. If the police lose a case it is usually because they messed something up during the court proceeding, rather than the defendant saying anything useful in his or her defence.

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No radar evidence means nothing. Police are trained to estimate speeds and it stands up in court.

I would predict that you got off on a completely unrelated technicality, if indeed you're not just spinning a bullshit story in the first place.

EDIT: A traffic fine specialist Solicitor - http://www.trafficlaw.com.au/speeding.fines.html

yes they are trained to estimate speeds but in my situation when i got pulled over there was alot of traffic and it looked next to near impossible for anyone to even get up to such a speed. that and i get my GPS to record every journey i do which tells me my highest speed i have done on that trip.

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Sorry - you are 100% wrong. It is entirely legal.

Police are 'recognised estimators of speed' in a court of law. Thier testimony will beat anything you come up with - Fact.

Was never changed - its been like that for many many years actually :P

To the OP - Either way, you will be admitting to some sort of speed.

End of the day we don't know the full story, and never will, so whatever happens simply happens.

Pretty sure you'd know about this one hey brah :)

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yes they are trained to estimate speeds but in my situation when i got pulled over there was alot of traffic and it looked next to near impossible for anyone to even get up to such a speed. that and i get my GPS to record every journey i do which tells me my highest speed i have done on that trip.

Ok, so you had evidence to the contrary, as suspected. Your fine wasn't overturned because you argued the method which to police used to book you.

Unless the OP has a GPS or some other evidence to support his side of the storey, then he's done. The police testimony will win.

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turbo or not it's still a skyline mate. Things like this you just gotta get used to. On the other side I'm agreed with the others, get a lawyer to sort the cops out. They might realize their fcuk up and drop or reduce the penalty


it's a pulsar Q that i was driving.

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Look its was like this okay..let me kno so if im gona lose against them anyway for not even speeding thats wrong! I was driving towards the ct were there were a traffice lights the one how you turn right to blackburn but anyway it was red but then turned green at that i was sitting on 60km then its hit green then i just went for it, then after what i think was the cops think i was gunning on it in my normal pulsar. But the thing was he was in the service lane doing 94km trying to catch up to me but im thinking how could he do that 94km on a servie lane, but when i ask him he said he was right behind me all the way which he bloody wasnt...&so he merge threw cars and pulled me overd the lights nears monash.. So what do u guys thinkk no point or there is, im telling you i wasnt doing 94km, i just went up to 80kms.

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I think my brain just exploded as I tried to read that.

THis is how it is. The coppers are well within their rights to estimate your speed and serve you an infringement notice based on what they believe.

Unless you have any evidence to the contrary, ie. a GPS readout or video or Allah giving testimony on your behalf, you're done. Or you could take a chance with one of the traffic infringement specialists and hope they can find a technicality to get you off. I wouldn't bet my house on that happening.

You could go to court and admit to doing 80. Again, it's your word against the police so you probably won't win, but you might luck in with a magistrate who got a root the night before and is feeling chipper.

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Doesn't cop cars have a video camera showing their speed and stuff? So if he really was doing the right thing, could he use that video to back him up? Or can the cop just erase that video?

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fk i didnt know allah was so usefull gonna start hangin with him, case i ever gotta go to court :happy:

i thought lawyers where usually fairly confident contesting the old speedo speed estimation thing?

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Pretty sure you'd know about this one hey brah :)

hahaha and don't you know it :D

A good case of been there and done that.d

My advice is exactly the same as Graeme's:

In cases where you are caught doing 25-27km/h over I would definitely contest the matter and offer to plea guilty to 24 km/h over and prosecutors will accept this almost every time and you will keep your license. Saves police/court time and police get win and you get BIG win in keeping your license. Lawyers will know this and probably charge 1000's of dollars for their assistance.

Admit to a lower speed, 20km/h over or something and the prosecutor will just take it as is 9 times outta 10.

Call me skeptical but i do not believe you were obeying the speed limit.

Hell i wasn't when my incident occurred, but i sure as hell was not 45km/h over like the officer claimed.

I proved it was impossible to be going that fast, the Vic Polices "star witness" didn't show upto court twice and in the end I had it worked down to 15-20km/h over or something around that.

Nothing major, 3 points and a few hundred $$ in a fine.

It was surely better than the rather wild claims the officer was making of me doing 140km/h+ down the GOR just outta Lorne, i mean i wouldn't even attempt that around a signed 40km/h bend... fken idiots :D

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I'm sorry but there are so many holes in the "estimate" weather or not they are highly trained or that they can legally do (what ever that means) any half decent lawer would pull it to bits. What a joke, for starters how did the officer take into account speedo over read and compensate for it as well as Visual angels that may or may not have made the car/object appear to be traverling at a different speed then it really is. Think about the plane in the sky!!

To those that "won" did you not or why did you not sue for defermation of character and dis credit the officer and hopefully put a stop such stupid claims in the future?

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