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Not complaining but I need to vent my frustration. I forgot to pay rego on the skyline (I could've sworn i paid it but i've checked my accounts etc and I missed it). $590 fine straight away. I just paid the rego ($620) and will put the fine on installments but isn't it a bit steep to fine someone $600 bucks for this? Drink driving is less in some cases and crossing a red light etc etc

i understand it has implications (e.g. with insurance etc) but if they see a genuine case they should let me off with a warning? Great driving history and always paid rego etc etc :(

Ruined my weekend + overseas trip im taking shortly, gotta sell stuff off now!

Catching a cab and leaving my baby on the freeway = extra fail :bunny:

btw this was on the eastern last night 4:30 am in the booze bus area in case someone saw me :P

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thats sucks mate,

+ 4:30am on eastern... what a crappy time.

Similar story, my sister has recently got her red p's, been driving for about 2 months in my old man's honda jazz, last week she got pulled up, apparently hadent paid rego for 2 months, she started balling her eyes out and shaking... called my old man with the cop there, put the cop onto my old man, after 15 minutes of talking the cop decided to give her a warning, but they couldnt move the car till it had valid rego...

pisses me off that my sister has been sheltered her whole bloody life and she practically had a nervous breakdown on the spot for a bloody fine... big damn deal, If i was the cop I wouldnt have let her off, I said to her, what are you afraid of? they are just people doing there job.

so perhaps next time start shaking and being scared like an injured rodent on the side of the road and they may take pity on you.

i got caught the day after in the mrs car (had no idea the rego had run out)

cop said we're guna leave and you better not be here when we come back and said to pay it as soon as i got home

so got lucky with the cops for once, was pretty cranky at the mrs

Since May mate ... completely skipped my mind! as for shaking, fk that :P I didn't show any emotions, I was on my way back from a home game (poker) at a mates and won $500 there ... it wasn't really about the cash, more about how much the fine is compared to other fines, skipping a red light and risking T-boning and killing multiple people = less fine ... way to go.

But yea the only reason I was emotionless and not pissed off at them is because I didn't want them to open the hood :bunny:

i was on the freeway this morning driving to work, there would have been at least 30 cars pulled up sitting there. they must have caught a few flamin mongrels last night.

i got caught once with no rego paid i still havnt paid the fine and im not gonna they can f**k off i was parked at the front of a shopping centre with the rego slip in my hand and a nice wad of cash to go pay it and the fat fkn pig wouldnt have a bar of it.

+ it was the middle of january and i was cooking i think it was around 35 degrees.

reason for such a large fine is that you don't have TAC insurance incase of major accident. i think that cover hospital and insurance related matters.

Pretty large fine you are right. If you look at the rego sticker you will notice what is about 50% of the actual fee

I once drove with expired rego, the car was my older brother's Sigma.

Parked into Autobarn carpark in Crimebourne, cop car drove towards me in hurry, they tell me the rego is expired I didn't realise until they showed me in-board computer.

My brother decided he could piss off to other side of Australia without telling me the rego is expired.

$537 fine, no demerit points and he let me off for no P-plates when I was a P-plater (d'oh!), sent numerous of angry text to said brother forcing him to pay the fine.

My parents suggested me to contest the fine so I wrote the letter explaining my brother is a twat and decide to piss off to other side of Australia for 2 weeks holidays and didn't bothered to pay the rego.

A week or 2 later, they sent me a letter stating they won't pursue the fine.

So, that was my story of the saga of driving around without rego, after that I made sure I paid the rego a week earlier and at Vicroads (don't trust online payment and post office to make one on time).

i did the same thing... both my skyline and gazelle have rego due at the same time... and i acidentally paid the gazlle rego (project car) rather then my daily (skyline)

they pulled me over, (rego was 10 hours overdue... ) and being my birthday haha and a white lie saying i'd b-payed it, which takes a while saw me get off the hook

but unlucky.... huge fine :D

This happened to my mate when we were on chapel one night. His reg was due two days before and he told the cop and she let him off. Just said that they were leaving now and if we get caught again we might not be so lucky so he just rang a mate who paid it online and it was all ok.

Sorry to hear you weren't so lucky dude...

aha i got pulled over on the eastern fwy about 8 months ago and they checked my rego sticker - noticed it was out of date - im sure they were getting excited - till i pulled out a recipt number which i had just paid for that day :D

I have never and will never issue a warning for this. When we check a car it is recorded and if I don't fine that person and it's later involved in accident or pulled over again I will be in a world of trouble and possibly even liable in any civil proceedings.

It's the exact fine as driving around Unlicensed. We have one guy driving around in unregistered car, unlicensed and tries to evade us too. At least we got him once and now know who he is and have the local TMU and everyone at my station patrolling to get him again.

I have locked up a guy once for driving unregistered car, unlicensed and with false plates. He did it all the time and the court finally said enough and issued warrant and sent him to jail for 3 months.

how about offering to drop the guy who is stuck in the middle of the freeway 5 mins from his house to his place since its freezing and I didn't have a jacket with me? No ... how about ACCEPTING when i ASKED to be dropped off? no ... what did happen however was i got told to walk all the way back to the booze bus (which was around a 15 min walk in freezing cold) to ask them to call me a cab (I got pulled over a fair distance away from the bus).

I wish I had a receipt with me, would've loved to show it :D like I said, money isn't the problem, chances of me killing/hitting someone 5 mins from my house are more then someone crossing a red light and killing a family? I guess so, then the fine of almost double the value is justified :) But I guess if i DID have the receipt, they would've started looking through the car for illegal mods and loud exhaust and general hooning lol (even though I have a perfect driving record!)

oh well, can't argue with the law...

it wasn't really about the cash, more about how much the fine is compared to other fines, skipping a red light and risking T-boning and killing multiple people = less fine ... way to go.

Feel the same way about the fines for not displaying P plates correctly! 3 points and a couple hundred dollars? Same as going through a red light or doing 10-25km/h over the speed limit! Can anyone explain to me why it is so important to have P plates displaying anyway? I don't think the cause and effect is much different besides people guessing which cars are more likely to be doing silly things (stereotype!).

i understand it has implications (e.g. with insurance etc) but if they see a genuine case they should let me off with a warning? Great driving history and always paid rego
Out of curiosity, how long had you been without rego?
Since May mate ...

Seems fair to me, you werent exactly just a couple of days late.....

Since May mate ... completely skipped my mind! as for shaking, fk that :) I didn't show any emotions, I was on my way back from a home game (poker) at a mates and won $500 there ... it wasn't really about the cash, more about how much the fine is compared to other fines, skipping a red light and risking T-boning and killing multiple people = less fine ... way to go.

But yea the only reason I was emotionless and not pissed off at them is because I didn't want them to open the hood :domokun:

reason for such a large fine is that you don't have TAC insurance incase of major accident. i think that cover hospital and insurance related matters.

Pretty large fine you are right. If you look at the rego sticker you will notice what is about 50% of the actual fee

Also reason fines are so large is..

Back in the day it was a 110$ fine, so instead of paying rego people would try not to as long as possibly, if you get pulled over once in a year you get fined 110$ which is 400 or more cheaper than rego so people used to risk it to save a buck

So now the fine is equual to the registration amount so if you dont pay it, you will wish you had.

So when you think about it , it is justified..

They also used to have a rule that you had 28 days after expiry to pay it an could still drive your car,but they scraped that as well..

I got fined a while back for not putting my new sticker up, it was in the glovebox and rego was paid. I told them so and got fined for laziness, cop that...

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