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Rb20det Running Bad.. :-(


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hey guys and girls...

i just got my rolla registed the other day wif a rb20det in it...

and i am now having issues..

i had a look on a few fourooms and could really find wat i am looking for..

this is my prob..

the car runs fine for the first 5 to 10 mins. then it turns bad and runs rough and rich...then stalls and is nearly imposible to start..

i pulled the plugs out and checked them, they wear all fowled up and driping wif fuel. so i put new 1's in and it fixed my prob.

i went for a lap around the block and buy the time i got back it was running rough and really rich again.. so i pulled my plugs out and the wear black and dripping wif fuel again.

i thought i had coil pack problem..i pulled 1 of then put it back on then the next 1... ect.. and found i had 2 dodgy 1's,

so brought new set and replaced all of them..and also cleaned my plugs and put them back in again... and went for another lap.. and then same prob again...

i also pulled the plug of my afm and the car stalls pretty much straight away, is that normal.

i also adjusted my cas abit an no changes still same thing...

wat could make it run so rich it would fowel my plugs up so quickly??

anyone no wat it could be...or can someone put me onto a link to help me out..

anythings i can check??

i am outta idears

cheers roger

p.s sorry for spelling and shit...

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spark plugs dripping with fuel!!! i think that could be part of your answer,

maby you have a leaky injector, how ever small and is over fueling, causing the running rich. To much air and not enoughtful.

i would pull your injectors out get em cleaned and checked and if you put em back in out new o ring's in.

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ok thanks for the help guys...

i will try afm outta my mates line hopefully morrow...

my cas i only couple months old..but will try my old 1 jut in case..

water temp sender ?? hmmm intreasting..

yeah i pulled my injectors out and got them tested and new o rongs went in...

is there another way i can check for cooler pipe leaks...(like spraying something on them)

thanks for the reply guys... :-)

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