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My R33 GTR came with a Blitz Duel SBC and at the moment its in Off mode. i.e. Running at "stock boost".

However, my boost gauge never goes above 0.6bar/8.7psi? Isn't the stock boost meant to be 0.82bar/12psi?

Anyways, I would like to set the boost controller so it actually limits to 12psi safely instead of just 8.7psi.

I'm inexperienced with this controller and the manual doesn't help much except how to set values.

I'm not 100% sure what values to set so don't want to overboost and f**k my engine/turbos

So basically the 3 things I'm not sure on is the Limiter, Gain and Ratio. The manual recommends 5 for the Gain mode (RB26DETT) but that's about it.

The closest explanation I could find is this: http://www.team3s.com/FAQdsbcmanual.htm but all the recommended settings are for a 3000GT / Stealth.

Any suggestions?

I've got an SBC unit on my GTS-T. Is yours the spec S or spec R model?

Basically in off mode you are using the standard boost that the car can produce (I'm assuming this is 7psi, however figures are never bang on depending on how hard you push it etc)

Using the mode knob you have channel modes; 1, 2, 3, 4, m, off -> after this one I believe you have the limiter (its a red screen) which if you tap the Volume button on this limiting screen you get a % of how much to close the solenoid once the limiter hits it's mark. You set this up first, to ensure you do not overboost you car. For e.g. my car is limiting at 0.74/10psi with a drop % of 14% (this due to the fact it was running crazy gain).

Now, how much boost you get out of the setup depends on the % in the channel you set and the gain. You realistically need tune this, so you are getting you max boost towards higher rpm band. If you give it too much gain, you will reach your peak very quickly, however you will most likely overboost your pre-limiter setting as it does take under a sec to calc (you can check this with the gauge/peak gauge provided in the controller itself). If you don't put as much gain, you either need to push you foot to the floor pretty damn quick and hard to reach your top boost, hence why we adjust the gain up a little.

It's all about balance. All those figures with just numbers are percentages. So, if you figure out approx if you put your foot to the floor and get a reading on say 10% then you figure out how much boost 1% is, you can approx calc your right boost levels, of course this is done with a lot of testing. Once you find the right setup, your all set.

FYI - I run 10psi almost perfectly with a responsive setup with minimal overboost, 28% channel set up + 32 gain - limiting @ 0.74bar/14%

Remember: running a higher gain will be more responsive, if your using std turbos you will wear these out much quicker then running with a smaller gain hence why they say to run 5-10 gain.

sounds like a whole lot of f**king round . my old school avcr is way simpler . intall it . set boost level . give it a boost for like 5 times while so it knows when to open to avoid boost spike and presto . have had it in 3 different cars no problems

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