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Oh No. Not Again...


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"A motorist has been clocked speeding at 215km/h in western Sydney.

Police say the 33-year-old South Penrith man - who had a female passenger - drove his high-powered sports car at almost twice the 110 km/h speed limit on the M4 motorway near Colyton about 11.55am (AEST) on Thursday.

A highway patrol officer was about to pursue the Nissan Skyline when the driver pulled over and surrendered himself to police.

Assistant Commissioner John Hartley said he was amazed at such lunacy.

"I cannot believe the stupidity of some motorists and the dangers they put other drivers and members of the public in," Assistant Commissioner Hartley said in a statement on Saturday.

"This man has shown a blatant and total disregard to the law and the safety of his female passenger and other motorists.

"At these incredible speeds a car can become an out-of-control missile and leave a path of destruction - it's a miracle no-one was hurt or killed."

The man's license has been suspended and he will appear in Blacktown Local Court next month."



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i hate the bad name skylines have... my mate crashed his 180 and the police wrote on the report a black nissan skyline... wtf anything turbo and a nissan is a skyline... we need to change this image.

Some of us are doing our bit by starting in the local community Luke.

On Sept 25th, Andrew Fisher & his "Jesus Racing" ute will be at the local Springwood Anglican church + my R34 GT-R (to be confirmed) + Barry - Highway Patrol (also to be confirmed). Expected teenage crowd (and parents) is approx 250.

We can only try eh?

BTW, publicity about the event below and Skylines Aust. Club is likely to hit the Daily Telegraph early Oct + benefits to Westmead Children's Hospital.

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v6 commies will do over 200KM/h too.....

Yep public perception is where it's at. Do the right thing and generally they just stop and stare, and sometimes wave, not abuse you lol.

Terry, you have the right idea!

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who cares the guy would have done the same thing regardless of him being in a skyline or a commodore, only you guys focus on the "skyline" part of the article.. most of joe public wouldnt give two sh*ts about what car he was driving

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Umm, i didn't know that SAU had a negative public image??

Something you've heard?

What kind of education do you think the general public have on us, or any car club related to the "cars the news talks about with hoons all the time."

All they know (since all they care about is what they are fed) is that these 'darn skylines' are ALL driven by "hoons", and if there was a place they are all meeting together on the internet, it must be a "bad bad place and should be shut down"

I'm trying to see the part where Joe Public would think otherwise without knowing anything at all about the club.

Think bikies on a broad sense. When you are younger (and uneducated) you'd think it's all about killing, bikies, guns, crime, etc. As you grow up and gain experience you see the other side of them, charities, kids, helping out the public. Now while there is always 2 sides to any story, keep in mind that the public aren't going to go out of their way to learn the workings of a car/bike club. They are uneducated on the matter, and most would think we are all hoons here. This article adds to their theory.

While there are probably more, I've read only one article which had a decent rapport of this club. Dunno where it is, dunno where I saw it, but everything else I've seen is negative. The only part that educates me beyond news reports is being a member, meeting the people, and seeing for myself that most of the people here are just enthusiasts, and try and keep everything legal.

When's the last time you heard a news report on how the doctors had a good day without malpractice? Or the bikies went out and didn't shoot anyone today? Nobody cares about the good stuff because there is no shock value in it. So while looking outwards, we'd think we have a good public image, but stand back and look in from the eyes of the uneducated, we're all hoons here. Crazy, death defying, gonna kill someone today, hoons.

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I didn't at any time say that Skyline's didn't have a negative image.

I also 100% believe that its not the image of skylines but performance cars in general.

What i said was that i wasn't aware that SAU had to change its public image.

I would go so far as to say that SAU in general has a great image.

99.9% of the public don't know what/who SAU is and those that do, i would say have a positive image of SAU the club. I think this is evident through the all the positive feedback we get when holding any kind of event. Be it cruises, show n shines, track days etc ect. This is SAU, a moron speeding on a public road is not SAU.

If you can show me something which says the public has a negative image of SAU, I'd be happy to stand corrected.

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..This is evident through the all the positive feedback we get when holding any kind of event. Be it cruises, show n shines, track days etc ect. This is SAU, a moron speeding on a public road is not SAU.

Positive feedback from people attending the event? Car enthusiasts meeting the respective clubs? That's like me liking bikes, going to a bike show, and saying the clubs were nice. What percentage of Joe Public attend car shows? These are enthusiasts, a 'random moron' (sticking with your quote) driving on public roads is not an enthusiast.

If you can show me something which says the public has a negative image of SAU, I'd be happy to stand corrected.

Ditto, but vice versa. (Bar enthusiasts attending car shows, where they expect loud, cool, and fast.)

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Positive feedback from people attending the event? Car enthusiasts meeting the respective clubs? That's like me liking bikes, going to a bike show, and saying the clubs were nice. What percentage of Joe Public attend car shows? These are enthusiasts, a 'random moron' (sticking with your quote) driving on public roads is not an enthusiast.

Ditto, but vice versa. (Bar enthusiasts attending car shows, where they expect loud, cool, and fast.)

No, not feedback from ourselves, feedback from people dealing with us. It may come as a shock but when we put on an event we deal with the general public. When we hold an event (eg show n shine last year, texi days) we hold it at a venue which is usually run by the "public" not by car enthusiasts, and again, I'm yet to hear negative feedback.

As for feedback, its you saying that its negative. I'm asking for proof. Not being a smartar$e, I'm genuinely interested in proof that SAU has a bad public image.

The one negative shot to our image that i know of was the ACA story earlier this year. Thats it.

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