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stupido banks always f*cking people around, have you tried any smaller companies, like aussiecarloans, and AAA finance, they might be able to help. good luck youll nver regret it when you get it, and you got it real cheap so you can spend 5g's on the motor straight away from the savings you made

AAAAARRRGGHH!!!!!!!!!...............the bank said NO!  :hellpisd:  :hellpisd:  :hellpisd:  :hellpisd:  :hellpisd:  :cuss:  :cuss:  :cuss:   :zap:

Have you previously gone for bank loans and been rejected, or have u alot of unpaid bills that are overdue like phone bills? If so these all get recorded on a database and the banks can check your detials against these and see if you are good at paying bills etc on time. Even if you go to another bank in the same week for a loan that bank will know you were rejected from the other bank coz it all goes on your permanent file. I cant remember what the name of the file is called that holds all these details, my auntys a branch manager at national in sydney and told me this.

INSANT: I believe what you have said is incorrect. Until the finance is approved no bank can find out what finance youve "tried" to get. Yes if you have a current or existing credit they can find this out but if you apply for a loan with two banks on the same week they can't find each other out, unless of course one was approved and you officially accepted it. rejected bank loans or rejected finance applications don't show up anywhere, privacy act violation.

The only records that go into a "personal file" are those held by dudes like the recovery action companies who get employed by people like telstra and primus etc and that's because you agreed for company xyz to supply a service and you paid them and if you didnt

you authorised telstra or company xyz to give your details should you default to a credit "reporting" agency. so next time you try and get a mobile phone or a bank loan or whatever company abc does a general credit check and it hits the same database the recovery action people use and you're in there as "bad" if you have unpaid finance etc

usually you have several written legal notices and so forth before appearing in there

unpaid bills will only show up if its taken as a bad credit claim

you can obtain a credit report on yourself for about $50, contact your financial bank if you need the details on who to contact.

What sort of loan did you apply for? You wont be able to get a car loan as a its grey import so you'd have to go the personal loan which would cap your max to 20k unless you had some good good backings like a house and mortgage insurance. If you asked for 30k+ on a personal loan theres no way you'd get it without serious backing as its too risky for them cos its unsecured, secure it and you'd be sweet

hope this helps

actually i could be wrong on the first statement cos when you do request a copy of your credit statement it does show what companies have request to check your credit rating, but it doesnt state anything else other than

COMPANY XYZ - date time - credit check

it doesnt say back decided no or yes or reason abc etc...

i know from expericance ( brother is bank manager) every time you apply for a loan, every bank knows about it with the end of finiacial day,

when i went for a laon with commbank, they rejected me casue of my credit history, then i told my bro and he told me i was stupid casue every bank even his knows that youve tried to apply for credit, ( he couldnt help me anywyas casue i was a family member) suc*s.

so after your first application gets rejected so will most of the other backs, thats why when you call up or apply over the net you have to click that you have tread the privacy statement and accept it befor you continue..

AAAAARRRGGHH!!!!!!!!!...............the bank said NO!  :hellpisd:  :hellpisd:  :hellpisd:  :hellpisd:  :hellpisd:  :cuss:  :cuss:  :cuss:   :zap:

that sucks.

can you get a loan off a family member or friend? (not many people have 35k lying round).

turns out that i was rejected becaus ive only been in my current job for 4 months.....apparently they want 6months...oh well...there will be others......actually. ne one want to lend me 34g's? hahaha

i know from expericance ( brother is bank manager) every time you apply for a loan, every bank knows about it with the  end of finiacial day,

when i went for a laon with commbank, they rejected me casue of my credit history, then i told my bro and he told me i was stupid casue every bank even his knows that youve tried to apply for credit, ( he couldnt help me anywyas casue i was a family member) suc*s.

so after your first application gets rejected so will most of the other backs, thats why when you call up or apply over the net you have to click that you have tread the privacy statement and accept it befor you continue..

Yep i told ya Paul. its called the CUI index. Even if you apply for 1 of those 12 month interest free plans through AGC or similiar and you get rejected its gets recordered on your CUI index and will stay there for 5 years before it gets taken off unless u apply for bankrupcy it stays there forever and you got no hope of ever getting a loan again unless u pay double the normal interest rate.

ok so i go for agc finance and get rejected cos i have no job, 2 years later i have a full time at 65k a year and have this job for a sold year. then i go for a credit card and get rejected (according to your thoery) cos im still marked somewhere???. your now going to tell me i still can't get finance for 5 years?

crock of rubbish

i find this hard to believe and i will follow it up. as far as i knew its only if you defunct on the finance you had been approved and failed to make the required payments

ok so i go for agc finance and get rejected cos i have no job, 2 years later i have a full time at 65k a year and have this job for a sold year. then i go for a credit card and get rejected (according to your thoery) cos im still marked somewhere???. your now going to tell me i still can't get finance for 5 years?  

crock of rubbish

i find this hard to believe and i will follow it up. as far as i knew its only if you defunct on the finance you had been approved and failed to make the required payments

Its all worked out on the individual situation.

Getting credit card is easy in any situation, getting loans etc will be harder, but if you demonstrate you have a good job etc you will get approved for the loan. The GUI index is based on so many factors that i dont know about, all i know is that it exists and if you have alot of unpaid bills, late payments its very hard to get a loan.

My auntys a bank manager and has to approve loans to people, and the GUI index is the first thing they check when considering giving you a loan.

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