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hey hey hey... another skyline on redlineau wooohoooo!!!!

we gotta out-do the number of hondas and GTi-R's on there

interesting read, sort of reinstates that cameras can be a bit of a RR...

I might get flamed for this but i tend to daydream when i am driving on or under the speed limit. If i am doing a couple of k over (<10k) i am on the lookout and seem to be more aware. I dont know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.....

i think you're more alert because you're breaking (or are on the border of breaking) the law................if highway speed was 90 and you were doing 100 i think it would be the same..........

speeding can make minor injuries major ones, and major injuries fatalites.........

using camera's for RR is wrong and a waste of rescourses that could be better spent, but people should stop bitching about them so much. i mean why should you be worried about speed cameras? you only get done if you're breaking the law.............but is that the real arguement? should people with fast cars be alowed to break the law because their cars can handle it?

speed camera's (unlike cop bullying, ie defection) are a choice. you choose if you want them to be a problem. you choose for them to be a problem by speeding. people know what's involved when they speed so they shouldnt bitch when they get caught.......

not saying that anyone in this post is doing that! but there are a lot of people who are.

I'll post the post I wrote on http://www.garagetitan.com

Just goes to show how speed limits and speed cameras Cause more deaths then prevent them. I drove mainly by the fact that I feel safe and in control. Thats why I get speeding fines all the time. I drive forklifts all day and they doesnt have speedo's because you drive to what you feel safe.

And by no means does driving a forklift make me exempt from the road rules of australia, I was just illustrating a point. I'm no pro driver and dont believe I am. I know people died, not because they want too, but because something has gone wrong.

In the NT they have no limits on the highway, i reckon other states and terrorities should take up their exmaple, and see the road toll drop from 100 a year to like 30 :cheers:  

You cant save everyone.

there are no speed limits but if your caught doing some stupid speed like 300 or more then the police will pull you over. This happened to a old mate of mine and his older brother. Never got a ticket on the fact there is no limit but were just told to slow it down a bit.

Its not also speeding but slow driving that can cause accidents. I mean if the highway from brissy to the coast was no limit you my have some doing 100 and others doing 250+ and of course the slower drivers can sometimes get in the way.

it's relitave speed..........you need to be doing the same speed as everyone else on the road. do you really want the semi's doing 200??? they're speed limited anyway........just imagine that..........falcodores piloted by 17yearolds weaving in and out of the semi's. yeah real safe. all those women in land cruisers foot to the floor? fark that. i think the speed limit's are good. people should stick to them, if not i dont care if they get ripped off the road and fined.

obiously i'm not refering to the 2-5:30AM "lets go out on a deserted road" bracket. just regular driving.

A no limit on the Brissy to Gold coast highway would be great ... you would just need a police biltz on the exsiting slow arse drivers who inist on driving in the right lanes instead of sticking to the left lane...

I would like to see a specific study on crash stastics linked to these guys.

A no limit on the Brissy to Gold coast highway would be great ... you would just need a police biltz on the exsiting slow arse drivers who inist on driving in the right lanes instead of sticking to the left lane...

I would like to see a specific study on crash stastics linked to these guys.


Probably one of the most dangerous bad habits these inconsiderate drivers have.

They destroy traffic flow and cause accidents, there are signs all over the Highway saying "keep left unless over taking" so they have no excuse.

I think we all know how dangerous these clowns are in comparison to someone mildly speeding.

Why aren't the police booking these people instead of booking people going 10Kmph over the limit. I guess it would be because they can't sit on their arse in a van taking photos of people driving slow in the righthand lane, i.e no easy revenue to be gained.

I too would like to see some figures.

[edit spelling]

no speed limit on the goldie highway would be a bloody nightmare......hoon paradise. i dont think people know how much damage can be done when a car impacts at high speed which happens. take a look at some of the previous posts. kid killed driving a skyline at high speeds is a pretty good example.

i agree that police should be booking low speeders as much as high speeders cause the danger of speed is that if some isnt driving at a speed relitave to those around them......which is why no speed limit is a really stupid idea. and booking people cruising in the right hand lane goes without saying. but on the same token, i've seen a lot of commodores use that lane as the 'speeding' lane. in which they sit in the right lane breaking the speed limit.......

some people doing 50 on the highway while others scream past at 200 is anarchy. it will gladly never happen.

Obviously none have you have been over to Germany and had a go at the Autoban's. Over there though only fast people use the inside lanes and the slower taffic use the outside, that in itself is common sense and should be the norm wether there is a limit or not.

Sometimes though I did get caught going a bit fast and catching slower traffic just over ridges, but lucky BMW rentals have good brakes :P but overall there were a couple of hoons swerving in and out of traffic and yes the trucks were sitting between 120kph and 150kph, well just a guess as I passed them.

Also the standard of road is much higher, flat and banked corners, and also they have less amount of country to cover so can afford to spend more on the quality of them.

I dont think Aussies could be responcable if large volume highways, multi-laned, had no speed limits as I would guess it would attract all types of hoons with hotted up cars and old clangers and hoons.

With the proper education and driving skills which should be made manditory for all drivers getting/renewing their licences, maybe that would justify higher limits or no limits, but I think it would all depend on what skill level the general public are at driving.

Now when I mean skill, I do not mean how to control a car at high speeds and how much you can drift, I am talking about simple skills like overtaking, signalling, merging, braking, emergency stopping, wet weather driving, and the like. No offence but Aussies really can not merge!

Just my 2c worth, flame away!

i think you're more alert because you're breaking (or are on the border of breaking) the law................if highway speed was 90 and you were doing 100 i think it would be the same..........

speeding can make minor injuries major ones, and major injuries fatalites.........

using camera's for RR is wrong and a waste of rescourses that could be better spent, but people should stop bitching about them so much.  i mean why should you be worried about speed cameras?  you only get done if you're breaking the law.............but is that the real arguement?  should people with fast cars be alowed to break the law because their cars can handle it?  

speed camera's (unlike cop bullying, ie defection) are a choice.  you choose if you want them to be a problem.  you choose for them to be a problem by speeding.  people know what's involved when they speed so they shouldnt bitch when they get caught.......

not saying that anyone in this post is doing that!  but there are a lot of people who are.

Bloody slow ass volvo driver :P

There speeding and then theres speeding. Doing 10km/h over the limit when there no other cars around on a straight 3 lane road aint endangering anyone, Its just ripping people off and making the government money. With speed camera people spend more time looking at their speedos rather than the road, and thats what causes accidents.

i wish i could upload a photo of the barkly highway at the border of QLD and NT.

workd war 1 road | GRID | 2 LANE HIGHWAY(wide as 4 lanes, and in perfect brown asphalt)

then 2 meters behind that grid is a sign, a black circle with a black line through it :worship:

thats where all the racing takes place up there :cheers: where speed isnt the issus, its how much can our car take.

the Pacific Mwy is one of the safest feeling roads i've been on in Australia. With the amount of lanes and things the speed limit could be much higher.

Australia just needs to introduce regular driving and testing, which would make our roads 200% safer, however its never going to happen.. as too many people wouldn't pass.

it's mentality.

i lived in sydney for 5 months last year. their law's are a lot stricter than qld's (wearing p's heavier fines etc) and i felt a lot safer crossing the road in qld than what i did in sydney. it's because the people down there have a faster is better mind set. hell, it feels like that when you walk on the pavement, people move faster.

what's going to stop accidents is if people have a better relationship with time. as in believing that getting somewhere alive is more important than getting there asap. also people wouldnt drive tired if they didnt worry bout being a bit late somewhere.

immaturity. that's all. increasing the speed limit dosent address this problem.

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