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What Possesses People To Do Something Like This?

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tried to apoligise? wtf why film it then? people like this fucken need to be drowned or worse

ever heard of a vet if its got a parasite?

Edited by GTS-T_Sedan

This video has been removed due to terms of use violation.

That is really messed up. I always look at my dog and see him being closer to a human than any of these dickheads. Agreed with Phil, I hope someone does assassinate her.

Reading the article already made me sick.

As a dog lover myself, i have 2 lovely dogs and i treat the 2 of them as part of my family.

These heartless idiots shouldn't be killed or assassinated, that's the easy way out.

They should be sentenced to many years of no-pay work at a local dog pound or animal farm cleaning up after the animals. At least make them work for many years of their pathetic lives.

Reading the article already made me sick.

As a dog lover myself, i have 2 lovely dogs and i treat the 2 of them as part of my family.

These heartless idiots shouldn't be killed or assassinated, that's the easy way out.

They should be sentenced to many years of no-pay work at a local dog pound or animal farm cleaning up after the animals. At least make them work for many years of their pathetic lives.

My thoughts exactly,and no i did not watch the video,love my lil doggys too much,to watch stuff like this. :)

Why the hell would someone record something like that?

As an owner of two dogs myself it just makes me sick to the core.

Someone should throw her into that river.

Seriously, wtf is wrong with people. Sh!t like this makes me cry for humanity.

Anyone seen the vid of the woman putting the cat in the bin and running off? Not as bad as this, but still..Both of these people should be stomped into the ground.

bitch deserves a bullet, and the turd videoing the heinous act, not a big caliber, just a .22 in the ear, no mess but does the job

no wonder i have more respect for animals than a people these days

I hope she gets taken out, not even kidding. Some rich European will send out some one to kill her. I would.


According to a 1997 study done by the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) and Northeastern University, animal abusers are five times more likely to commit violent crimes against people and four times more likely to commit property crimes than are individuals without a history of animal abuse.

there's strong links between psychopaths and animal cruelty, while far more common in males still possible this girl is.

i love animals and i couldn't even read the articles and definitely couldn't watch the video.

people who hurt or injure defenseless animals - should be put in a cell and have the shit kicked out of them and then just left in there.

why not inflict the same harm on them.

they should have no rights.

Exactly, it pisses me off that this little skank still has rights after doing something like that. I should legally be able to hold her on the ground and beat the shit out of her. God, it's been a day since I watched that video and i'm still pissed off about seeing it.

Any more news whether she has been caught yet? Surely one of her friends would have seen it and posted up her details on the net by now.

Edited by PM-R33

This kind of video isn't pleasant but this shit does happen everywhere all around the world. People (breeders commonly) drown puppies all the time because they can't sell/give them away to anyone or afford to keep them. Irresponsible ownership of the mother dog. When I was very young I remember our neighbour doing it to their accidental litter of puppies. It was very sad. Atleast the puppies in this video got a quick/painless death, which is more than I can say for alot of animals around the world on battery farms and in farm/fur factories...

Taking enjoyment, filming it, and posting on a video site though? Not nice people at all...

i would prefer to see a human get thrown in the river than animals. this is one girl that i would bash the shit out of. i hope she gets whats coming to her and the rest that were involved. its good to see 4chan catching these people before police, they got all the details from the lady that threw the cat in the bin and now they are getting info on this horrific act.

I laughed because I thought it was funny. If you weren't a bunch of bleeding heart pinheads you wouldn't care either. Seriously, since when is a dog or twenty's life worth more than the average human? Idiots.

this is one of those comment within the video's link .....

zzz seriously who the f**k they think they r ..??? fkin sick people...

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