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Hi guys , im just trying to get a heads up ! my car was driven once a month , spent fair amount of money and time on it keeping it close to original !

Just finished stripping engine bay out and cleaning everything , the car was still factory black underneath and had never been driven in the rain ,had 50,000 kms on the clock was a rare original . :P

The accident was yesterday near home ,where my car was going straight on a main road when i was fully T- boned by a 4wd coming from a side street ,

i ended up in hospital and my GTR in a crash yard , absolute nightmare

The police said its a write off , same with the crash operator , the assessor is looking at it next week

I have insurance and was wondering what my options are

"if the assessor says it is a write off" am i better buying off the wreck , and can i get the car assessed by a crash repairer anyway to see if it can be fixed still for under the insured price. :happy:

Edited by NISSAN GTR
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man that sux!!

i have had a car written off before (it was a shitter) and instead of going to a wrecking yard i told them to tow it to my place so i could take what shouldn't have been on it, off. the assessor came and told me it was a write off and out of the money i was getting paid out i bought the car back from the insurance company bought another of the same car and used the written off one as spares.

good luck with it..

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Check how much it is insured for and also check out its market value. You may be better off going through the other person's insurance. When dealing with Third Parties we don't offer to keep the salvage.

If you ended up in hospital it will be a write off.

Pictures would help though.

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i feel so sorry for you... 6 hours after i bought mine someone did that too me.... how bad is the damage?

6 hrs WTF !!!!!!!!!!heres a pic of damage on the front 1/4 panel , pillar is bent all the way to the roof ! :D


Edited by NISSAN GTR
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there are 2 kinds of write-off

1) structural. this is not repairable, the chassis goes in the bin. only good for parting out the bits of the car that aren't damaged.

2) financial. this means it could be repaired but the cost of doing so costs almost as much as just paying you what the car is worth, and the second option is easier.

you can repair a financial write-off but not a structural one.

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Oh man!

Hate to see this happen to anyone, but such an awesome GTR makes it that much worse.

I think your options re write-off and wrecks depends on your policy.

Some places regardless of value will keep the wreck as its money they can make to cover their payout, by selling it.

Others will let you have first choice to buy back the wreck, and some policies will just give you the wreck if the car is of certain age.

This is from Shannons

If your car is older than 35 years and is involved in an accident where it is a total loss, you have the option of retaining the wreck.

Check your policy, cause if they do write it off and you have the option of claiming the car, then at least you know.

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that thing is def gone dude.

ive been in the same boat with my supra, it was my first car as well which made it even harder for me :D

cut ur losses and start again or upgrade if u can

main thing is that u r ok, a lil scarred and bruied but u walked away (sort of)

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