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Texi Wrap Up Thread


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Howdy all,

Good day had by all it seems, few slow people and a few more who had a strange attraction to knocking over the cones!

My photos are on the upload now, give it time as things are still being added to this set but will all be located at the below link.

Click me to go to the set

These are all straight out of the camera so no complaining as they havent been tweaked, ive geocoded them (set location) and have started the upload, if i went in to processing you wouldnt see them for a week or two and that would drive you all crazy im sure!

Should be a few hundred to browse through once done but will post updates as i go.


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Great event! Next time I will most definitely enter as it looked like a blast!

Think my car needs a diet if I'm gonna get serious lol!

Nice spread of cars out today, and other than the wind and getting slightly burnt, awesome!

Big thumbs up to execs and volunteers for a smooth running event, and the Godzilla crew for a great BBQ!

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heres afew decents i've found looking back on the camera, took about 10gb worth of photos in .raw for you all to photoshop the hell out of, ill upload them tomorrow at work :D most of the colours are washed out in them as i was to hungover to use anything but the auto settings but the .raw format will let you fix that :D

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EPIC DAY!!! loved every second of it (except for when the mx5 died on me) buuuuuut in the end she sucked it up and was all good :D

haha never had so much fun before! i hope i did alright as the noob there :D

cant wait to see pics!

GO ANNA!!! you did incredibly well for your first time out at an event like this, and especially considering you haven't owned the car for long! Oh, and thanks for the (very short, but very fun) drive!

Great event! Next time I will most definitely enter as it looked like a blast!

Think my car needs a diet if I'm gonna get serious lol!

Nice spread of cars out today, and other than the wind and getting slightly burnt, awesome!

Big thumbs up to execs and volunteers for a smooth running event, and the Godzilla crew for a great BBQ!

LOL, so much for entering my car! Glad you enjoyed the BBQ, not a bad job considering the last minute preparations, and the troubles we had getting it going, but I think we've finally jusitified upgrading the club's BBQ.

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So, I have three people that I need to thank.

Firstly, Dave, thanks for the drive, that car is a load of fun! Keep the same turbo, and get rid of some rear camber as Duncan suggested and this should help plant the back of the car.

Secondly, Big Thanks to Eric for letting me take his GTR for one run. Totally different kettleof fish the GTR to a GTS-t.

Third, and held last because it's the biggest thanks, to Mel, for my battery triangle... :D Nah, actually more so for letting me abuse the living hell out of her car and just laughing the whole time I did it! I owe you big time for letting me take that out!

And I'm glad everyone was having a great time, I was getting so jealous of everyone doing skids... Until a few people lent me keys at lunch time... :D

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damn you dave and your pretty skyline, you get all the attention. I haven't got 1 pic of my car yet :D

Here's a video of yours and David's car in action.

Got others too but all you hear is the wind lol

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damn you dave and your pretty skyline, you get all the attention. I haven't got 1 pic of my car yet :D

What can I say, bitches love red things that go fast and make lots of smoke!

HELL YEAH JOEL! i love that front on pic.. i should be in D1!

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To be honest, just clicked randomly on any file and opened it up and edited them just for you guys craving photos lol.. I hope you enjoy!

Loco, i think thats your car smokin it up or the other 180? Either way, i got both. Will be on the DVD if you bought it!









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So, I have three people that I need to thank.

Firstly, Dave, thanks for the drive, that car is a load of fun! Keep the same turbo, and get rid of some rear camber as Duncan suggested and this should help plant the back of the car.

Secondly, Big Thanks to Eric for letting me take his GTR for one run. Totally different kettleof fish the GTR to a GTS-t.

Third, and held last because it's the biggest thanks, to Mel, for my battery triangle... :P Nah, actually more so for letting me abuse the living hell out of her car and just laughing the whole time I did it! I owe you big time for letting me take that out!

And I'm glad everyone was having a great time, I was getting so jealous of everyone doing skids... Until a few people lent me keys at lunch time... :D

I was gonna say he better not forget me!!!

Today was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11TY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I borrowed my parent spare car until I re-attach my front bar hehehe :)

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