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Gt-r 40km/h Over. Need Your Help!

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The thing that bothered me the most about this whole experience is I didn't hurt anyone while there's wife beaters and drunken mugs that kick cops and spit at cops that walk away with a warning and a small fine. I saw this first hand at court. It's insane and it really bothered me to see. Perhaps that is a conversation to be continued in a different forum post?

Must be because traffic offences can't be attributed to abusive parents, underprivileged upbringing, substance abuse, psychological disturbances or anything else that shifts the blame away from the perpetrator. I shook my head in amazement when watching one of those highway patrol shows a guy got pulled over on the Hume in his modern safe car for doing, I don't know, say 0.5 KPH over the arbitrarily set for the lowest common denominator speed limit and after 3 mins of the police officer's time he politely copped the standard ~$300 fine and loss of points and straight after the following ad break we then watch a woman get pulled over for a similar offence in a rustbucket old laser and because of the serious lip she gave the policeman he searched her car, found a trafficable quantity of pills, called in "reinforcements" and promptly forgot about the actual traffic offence he pulled her over for as he had bigger fish to fry. After court and her sob story she drove into the sunset with a suspended sentence and a $70 good behaviour bond and I imagine would still be able to continue to obtain insurance for her Laser!

There's a moral to this story I think........Anyone prepared to give it a try? :whistling:

Edited by fungoolie


The thing that bothered me the most about this whole experience is I didn't hurt anyone while there's wife beaters and drunken mugs that kick cops and spit at cops that walk away with a warning and a small fine. I saw this first hand at court. It's insane and it really bothered me to see. Perhaps that is a conversation to be continued in a different forum post?

this times eleventy bazillion

oh and watched same episode fungoolie, had me shaking my head with despair at the system as well.

sad thing is i cant see any politician ever having the guts to change anything as long as the moral majority is voting the way it is, jesus if a guy gets pilloried like this in a Skyline forum can you imagine the mob beatings and lynching that would ensue if he admitted the offense on a less car friendly forum?

and what happened if you did hurt / kill someone.. would you say to the grieving family "Have you driven a R35 its sooo easy to speed i was just careless"

What would you expect someone who wasn't speeding who ran over or killed someone to say to the grieving family? Stiff shit people, I was traveling at the limit. If you have a problem with that take it up with the authorities who make the rules?

I can't get over this black and white-ism that people seem to have about speed limits as a result of the brainwashing by the governments to help justify their actions. Speed limits are NOT binary accident switches as much as the police would like you to believe otherwise to help them justify their enforcement policies!! There is a non linear but continuous relationship between the speed you travel and the risk and consequence of an accident. The speed limits are set as a compromise between expedient traffic flow and an accident rate. God forbid there is an "acceptable" accident rate, but there is... Some might say cynically that limits are set at a speed that the average person is likely to exceed by a small amount in order to help raise revenue. Whatever your view on this, ultimately the speed you travel should be based on the prevailing conditions and the abilities of you and your car, to bring risk down to an "acceptable" level. Many forget, or don't even understand this, and so the danger from this constant barrage that even 1KPH over makes you a murderer is that we find people traveling at a speed too high for the conditions far too often but because they have been pummeled with the "speed limit message" they believe that they are safe because they are at the speed limit. Ultimately, we will always need a one size fits all set of rules so that we can control behaviour on our roads but please stop getting all sanctimonious by pretending that a GTR travelling somewhat over the limit is anywhere near as dangerous as a 1974 Kombi (I've owned one), driven 5 KPH below the limit on a wet day by an 80 year old on the same stretch of road. Yet he's well within the law in practice and probably won't even feel any remorse if he did kill someone because of this conditioning. The performance car gets there faster, but also gets back down faster and can negotiate a corner at twice the speed as well. This has to account for something.

I had a loaner brand spanker Murano the other day when my car was in for it's POS. I drove it back to the dealership in the rain. Seriously, if all our legislators were given a GTR to drive for a week and then allowed to go back to their Muranos, if they were in any way altruistically minded they would probably ban the Murano or anything else that has similar dynamics.....Here's another way of looking at it, after two years of getting very used to my car's abilities, I genuinely felt unsafe if I tried to approach even a fraction of the speeds I could negotiate the world in the GTR. And yet they are allowed to travel at the same speeds as me? If that photo posted by the OP portrayed my Kombi in the left lane instead of that commodore and it was traveling at 80, I'd issue the ticket to the Kombi....

Edited by fungoolie

My God there are some morons on this forum. Opinions are just like arseholes. Everybody has one.

What's more dangerous? A drunk/drugged driver, some phuckwit texting/looking at their mobile phone whilst driving, a p plater doing 20kmh over in the rain in a shitbox or an experienced driver in a very capable car nailing it for all of the 2.5 seconds it probably takes to get from 100 to 140 in a lot of the cars we own and drive ( being part of a forum such as this ).

I have spent a large proportion of my life ( for the last 28 years ) driving in city traffic watching total phucking dickheads who have no apparent commonsense and shouldn't have a licence put peoples lives at risk failing to complete the most basic actions behind the wheel. The least of my worries is a capable driver in a capable car giving it bit of a squirt at the right time and place.

Here here!!! +1

and what happened if you did hurt / kill someone.. would you say to the grieving family "Have you driven a R35 its sooo easy to speed i was just careless"

get a grip. so if you were driving at the speed limit and caused an accident that took a life what is your answer then? not my fault as I was obeying the law? the fact is he didn't hurt or kill anyone so your hypothetical is pointless.

you could kill someone reversing out of your driveway at 5km/h with all due care and attention. accidents happen. very few of them are caused by excessive speed yet that is what we are most often fined for. many more accidents are caused by poor road or weather conditions, or driver in-attention (big one), driver fatigue, poor vehicle maintenance, poor vehicle condition etc. speed is noted 'as a factor' in nearly all accidents but it is rarely the cause of an accident.

The thing that bothered me the most about this whole experience is I didn't hurt anyone while there's wife beaters and drunken mugs that kick cops and spit at cops that walk away with a warning and a small fine. I saw this first hand at court. It's insane and it really bothered me to see. Perhaps that is a conversation to be continued in a different forum post?

me too. as I said above you can physically assualt someone and most likely receive nothing more than court costs of ~$70 and a good behaviour bond that basically just says you must obey the law or get into trouble... um isn't everyone supposed to obey the law anyway? I fail to see how it's any punishment at all. especially without a suspended sentence hanging over it. most times even if you breached the bond you'll just get it extended. might even get that twice.

the justice system in this country is way out of whack. you broke a speed limit. no one was hurt or even inconvenienced by your actions yet you've had to pay thousands of dollars, had damage done to your reputation in your community and now have restrictions placed on when and why you can drive a vehicle (that you pay thousands in fees to keep on the road legally). motorist get targetted like this because we are mostly otherwise law abiding citizens, we have jobs and as such can't afford to sit around all day pontificating about the unfairness of it all so we just keep quiet, pay the fines and try and move on.

the bludgers with no jobs who would seek to bash and rob us have all the time in the world to grind through the legal system (again at our - taxpayers - expense) and await some limp wristed 'punishment' before they go back to committing some more petty crime.

What's more dangerous? A drunk/drugged driver, some phuckwit texting/looking at their mobile phone whilst driving, a p plater doing 20kmh over in the rain in a shitbox or an experienced driver in a very capable car nailing it for all of the 2.5 seconds it probably takes to get from 100 to 140 in a lot of the cars we own and drive ( being part of a forum such as this ).

I have spent a large proportion of my life ( for the last 28 years ) driving in city traffic watching total phucking dickheads who have no apparent commonsense and shouldn't have a licence put peoples lives at risk failing to complete the most basic actions behind the wheel. The least of my worries is a capable driver in a capable car giving it bit of a squirt at the right time and place.

agree with that too. I see some apalling driving behaviour on a daily basis that is often downright dangerous and yet much of it would not be classed as illegal and even the bits that would be illegal are never enforced as it's far easier to set up a camera and just pinch everyone who has a brain and decides to drive their car at a speed they think is suitable for the vehicle performance, road condition, weather condition and their driving ability. an alert, capable driver in an R35 GTR doing 100km/h in a 60 zone worries me much less than the inattentive fckwit in the 30yo ford laser with re-treads who has no idea what is going on around them and is likely to change lanes without warning into my path and knock me off my motorbike. but they are not clearly braking the law so they will never be pulled up. even once they do change langes into someone and injure them the worst they will get is a small fine but in 90% of cases it will most likely be nothing.

My answer would be that I obviously wasn't paying enough attention

Of course you would! The ONLY way you can have an accident when traveling below the speed limit is because you weren't paying attention. Because your speed can't possibly still contribute to an accident once you're below the speed limit. The authorities say so so it must be true....

You're so quick to take the blame too. I like that. You never ever considered that the other party could be partly or fully at fault. Forget Easte's charity work, you sir, really are a saint... :thumbsup:

Edited by fungoolie

I'm surprised how this thread has turned out. From the outset the OP has admitted that he made a mistake and took the consequences. He then used the law to his advantage to appeal for a licence to drive at work. I personally don't agree that they should exist but they do and it was granted.

In response to all the discussion about accidents caused by speed it is very true that only a very very small percentage of collisions are result of speed but in regards to Fatal or serious injury collisions almost all are contributed to high speeds.

having owned every model GTR from 32-35 I can tell you the difference between say 80km/h and 120km/h in a R35 is merely a second or two more on the throttle and a barely perceptible increase in speed.

If you can't perceive a 40km/h increase in a 'mere second or two' there is something wrong with your middle ear/brain, regardless of if you're in a car, boat, or rollercoaster.

...without driving with your eyes glued to the speedo (which I'd argue is far more dangerous than 'speeding')...

Usually when you wish to legally overtake a car, it's because it's obviously traveling below the speed limit, most drivers have verified this before they overtake by 'dangerously' looking at the speedo.

in a car with 500hp, masses of torque, smooth DSG box etc and good levels of NVH it's very easy to break the speed limits. in an tuned R32 or R33 or R34 you'll hear the gates crack, the thing starts to scream, you have to consciously shift gears etc there is a lot more fanfare going on to tell you you are being a naughty boy.

We should all buy R35's with smooth DSG gearboxes and good levels of NVH so we can all piss on the law and be supported by forum members in the process.

Man you're just being a tool for the sake of being a tool. No one is supporting what OP did in the first instance. All they are supporting is the legal avenues taken and outcome achieved from doing that, because it's not as black and white as the law dictates it to be. If you can't make the distinction between what OP did on a highway and someone doing 80km/h through a school zone rushing to / home from work, then you're a bureaucratic twit with a templated intelligence somewhere between eBay customer service and your average telemarketer, in desperate need of a reality check and a joint. This thread should have been closed ages ago :/

Er.. Reality Check: He broke several laws, not just speeding, and some people are trying to water it down so it seems more trivial then downright stupid. It's raining, and he's doing 40km/h over. Further proving poor judgement, he's not even driving to the conditions. Just because he owns an R35 shouldn't at all rate his ability to drive. I've seen people in terrible cars drive in a manner where they should be doing it as a profession. We've also seen people smash up expensive cars such as Ferrari's and Lambo's because they have poor judgement and/or simply cannot drive.

It's simple fact. That doesn't mean every owner of a $100,000+ vehicle is an idiot, OR a great driver, but the reason we have arbitrarily poor (slow) speed limits is because of all the braindead drivers out there who crash at even very slow speeds. Take the recent MX5 incident on the Old Pac. Now apparently speed was not a factor, but I can say it is. You can have a head on between 2 cars at 5km/h each and everyone will walk away. So while the OP may think he's in control, you don't know if the driver of the ute (I assume this is actually his friend, but moving on) is in control. Now if the ute (for whatever reason) loses control and bumps into you, would you rather be traveling at 80km/h or 122km/h? What if you're now spinning down the road out of control and there was a kid standing beside a tree at that bustop in the picture, trying to avoid the rain, and you pin them between your car the the tree. Now if you were traveling at a different speed, there is a chance you'd miss the tree altogether. But if you are driving in a non-conforming manner, and you DO hit the tree, you will go to hell and back trying to prove your innocence. It's lucky that did not happen this occasion, but it can, and damn well has happened before. OP consider yourself lucky for these reasons, not because you got your license back. I'm not saying this to lecture you, you've had your serve from everyone else, I'm just here to put it into perspective for the people who think that it's ok to do this if you have the ability. I have the ability to rig/dog/drive forklifts and work platforms, but I still had to prove competency before I was allowed to drive one legally. Now while I can get in one and show my competency, that doesn't mean shit, because if someone else hits me and causes an accident, I'm the one in trouble because I shouldn't have even been driving in the first place, as much as if you weren't speeding, your car wouldn't have been in the oncoming path of an impending accident.

So keep up with the watering down of his misdemeanors on the pretence that 'nothing happened and nobody got hurt' this time. You few probably drive your cars at whatever speed knowing you are a 'pro driver' and all, but that won't save you when someone get's killed as a result of an accident. You say it's a highway, he says it's a quiet mountain road, and the pic shows a bus stop. I also see a sign showing a bend just behind them. The only assumption I'll make about the whole thing is that you'd have to be driving enthusiastically (considering it's raining) to exit that bend in the wet and reach 122km/h just ahead. It doesn't matter how much torque the car puts out, the force on the body and your ability to sense what's going on is no different.

And Birds, why would I smoke a joint? That's also against the law, and again, if I was involved in an accident, and had my blood tested, the mere presence of Delta9-THC is my blood would mean I have to defend myself in court. Any more useful ideas from you? I think it is you who is in need of the reality check, keep in mind most ("the majority") of the people in this thread against the OP are thinking basically their own version of what I'm typing, most just can't be bothered chasing it to the very end. You forget that most accidents are a complex web of small things that give you the end result.

Er.. Reality Check: He broke several laws, not just speeding, and some people are trying to water it down so it seems more trivial then downright stupid. It's raining, and he's doing 40km/h over. Further proving poor judgement, he's not even driving to the conditions......

Sorry GTRPowa, but I got a question..

Which laws did he break?

I've got:

1. Speeding (Fairly obvious this one....)

2. Possibly dangerous driving

3. ?

Well you're from Victoria, I'll answer using your state's laws, but most states are alike.

Careless/reckless/dangerous driving.

Conduct, engage in race, speed trial.

Excessive speed.

Improper use of a motor vehicle.

Failure to have proper control.

This is from a brief 2 minute read of current hoon laws in Victoria.

The camera doesn't pick them up obviously, but from reading the first post of this thread it's evident on admission that he has broken several laws.

Edited by GTRPowa

Well you're from Victoria, I'll answer using your state's laws, but most states are alike.

Careless/reckless/dangerous driving.

Conduct, engage in race, speed trial.

Excessive speed.

Improper use of a motor vehicle.

Failure to have proper control.

This is from a brief 2 minute read of current hoon laws in Victoria.

The camera doesn't pick them up obviously, but from reading the first post of this thread it's evident on admission that he has broken several laws.

Improper use of a motor vehicle??? HAHahhahahhahah :rofl2: It's a GTR Bro! They're meant to be driven like that... :ph34r: (Well I thought it was ironic.) All written complaints for this comment can be sent to WHT510 CO:- Skylines Australia...

But yes, you make a fair point. I guess if he was pulled over by the local constabulary, then most of the above would apply.

Would they have the same fine associated to them as driving 40km/h over the speed limit?

Think of it this way. Would you tell your kids it's ok to speed as long as they are comfortable? Let's assume you're 30, have kids, and in about 8 years they'll be driving. Your son (who loves watching drag/drift/race vids on youtube) buys an R33 GTR. Would you tell him it's ok to break the law in it as long as it's a GTR? If so, what would be going through your head if you had to visit him in hospital for 6 months while his food is intravenously administered and he can't talk, and all he can do it look at you? Think hard about it, because this desensitising of the law and road rules is where it all begins. Everyone who crashes and kills someone didn't go out that day knowing what was coming. Nobody wants to smash their car, or worse, kill someone. They are always accidents. Sometimes it won't even be driver related, it might be mechanical failure. Ironic would be the badass pro drivers in here being wrapped around a pole tomorrow.

Another example would be if the OP flew past a bus stop across where your theoretical daughter was sitting waiting for a bus. Wait, let me switch sides for a sec. "Man, I think that'd be awesome! I'd be on the kerb throwing my fists up with passion for the GTR!" - Yeah righteo, now he loses control and smashes into the bus stop, pinning your daughter under the car. Blood, screaming, smoke. Worth it? I think not.

Excuse the examples, but often it comes down to hitting the right nerve with some people before they even realise. Anyone who's gone to a defensive driving course would know. How many of you back-chat one of the victims when they walk in with missing limbs? You don't feel heroic then, so why now?

Assumptions aside, the facts are here. Moving back a tad, watering down the crime is immature, selfish, and egotistical. Shit I know I can juggle a chain saw with someone standing under me. Lend me your wife, just trust me, bro.

Edit: While I agree some (most) of the roads could do with a review of their speed limits. Talking about it in a thread where someone is trying to get out of a speeding fine isn't appropriate. How about you have a chat with the minister of transport, or get on one of them shit Interview shows like ACA and have your say in front of the public. Sulking about speed limits in here does nothing but anger/empower everyone who already registered themselves on a forum which is related to fast cars. Stupid.

Edited by GTRPowa

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