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MAD082 thats a good idea send it to today tonight and A current afair to see what they think.

I recently got my R34 GTT and i have been pull over a couple of times. I dont have any mod except a turbo back canon which came with the car during import. Everything else is dead stock nothing else has been change except after market head deck. Which I doubt is a defect.

They said a canon is completely illegal and you can not have it. My car pass compliance with a canon. At the end I did not get fine but got a warning. I seriously think the police is just wasting time especially the highway patrol.

I understand each time the police issue a fine they are seen to be good little people and obtain promotions over time , the more tickets they issue the higher up they can go..... Its their incentive to raise money for the state! NSW state Gov set a target of 430 million to raise next year in fines. Can only see things getting worse for any motorist.

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keen to see what happens with this.

just a question, do you still have the same rego plates as when you bought it?

could be possible that the last owner was a bit smart with the local authorities, they might have left a note on the rego plates in there system

This is a very good suggestion. For all you know the police might have searched the car for drugs heaps of times before in the hope of busting a known dealer and they'll just keep going.

Get fresh plates - preferably ones that dont start with JET, SXY, LOW, etc... and see how you go.

So you're crying victim here because you're driving a modified vehicle that isn't engineered?

You should send one to the EPA for noise pollution too. But hopefully you'll be referred to them by the police.

So your a cop or a wanna be...... I wont bother too much with the likes of you, take a popularity test see how you score then talk to me! But suffice it to say i bought a car inspected by the MTA and well passed as a sound car. Thats the entire story. This car is not a rust bucket, doesn’t blow smoke, is not noisy (read the entire forum on that before making a failed attempt to pass your self off as smart) well maintained, low Ks (61,000) at purchase and so on. On day one the car was stopped after purchase, i was advised by Police to get an engineering cert, i did just that but since then, still not good enough. They by pass that with a heap of other crap. Its petty, it would make more sense to dedicate Police resources to catching crooks not raising revenue. The Police cannot honestly justify their actions, they are far from practical or in the interests of public safety. It is Nothing short of harassment, to be stopped up to 4 times in one day, each day. If you think Police actions are justified given the events you lack common sense, reason, and perspective which would explain why you are a cop.

Edited by nathanau

So you're crying victim here because you're driving a modified vehicle that isn't engineered?

You should send one to the EPA for noise pollution too. But hopefully you'll be referred to them by the police.

Engineers reports arn't enough in NSW.

Well seems the Muffler is ok then..... but the DECC guy said it was a bit iffy.... I will get a recir valve from the wreckers i guess or find one here, the only thing left that seems might be an issue is the Intercooler, without it, the front end would look pretty weird with a big hole in it, could fill it with a grill thingy but still, in retrospect, what a stupid set up we have with the Law, one day people might take back Australia for the people, not the Gov.

Paint intercooler black, put black mesh (autobarn spec) in front of it. Works so far for me (almost 4 years now)...

Sympathies; however once you change your air box back to stock and the BOV, it keeps the car a lot quieter too, so you should be fairly sweet. But def. pick up a SMIC etc for the testing.

So your a cop or a wanna be...... I wont bother too much with the likes of you, take a popularity test see how you score then talk to me! But suffice it to say i bought a car inspected by the MTA and well passed as a sound car. Thats the entire story. This car is not a rust bucket, doesn’t blow smoke, is not noisy (read the entire forum on that before making a failed attempt to pass your self off as smart) well maintained, low Ks (61,000) at purchase so so on. On day one the car was stopped after purchase, i was advised by Police to get an engineering cert, i did just that but since then, still not good enough. They by pass that with a heap of other crap. Its petty, it would make more sense to dedicate Police resources to catching crooks not raising revenue. The Police cannot honestly justify their actions, they are far from practical or in the interests of public safety. It is Nothing short of harassment, to be stopped up to 4 times in one day, each day. If you think Police actions are justified given the events you lack common sense, reason, and perspective which would explain why you are a cop.

I don't care what my popularity is to be honest, never have and never will.

After you got the engineers certificate have you been fined for any of the supposed defects on your car? If so, have you contested the fine in court? An expert certificate such as an engineers certificate hold a great weight in courts and are far superior than an opinion of a police officer. I have even heard of people being awarded costs because of it.

Why not scan a copy of the engineers cert. so we can have a read to see whats been signed of on your car? You can blank out your personal details. I would be interested to read it and see if you're bluffing about the mods or not.

I never get the reasoning why everyone (not you in particular) thinks the whole NSW police force is against them and that they all should be out catching 'real criminals'. I think they have in excess of 14,000 police officers in the nsw police force. The force is made up of a lot of different areas to investigate and prosecute offenders in lots of various offences that police are trained to deal with. General duties, highway patrol, detectives, ballistics, crime scene ect ect - they all look after their bit that they specalise (I use that term loosely) in. To suggest that the cops in these areas should be focused in others that they have no training in is very closed minded, immature and uneducated.

BTW they don't raise revenue, idiot's just donate it.

If you have an engineers report and are still getting fined

Take them to court, its thats simple.

You have abided by the law and if you have done what your supposed to do then I would just demand my day in court. If some how you lost then I would contact today tonight and see how excited they get at the prospect of it

You know i was booked twice within Ten minutes of each offense for the same offense.... Over taking (twice) incorrectly, not coming back onto my side of the road before the broken lines ran out..... not that i just didnt pull back in, i did but like a few feet longer than i should have. They didnt even stop me but rather let that continue to rack up the doe!

Im no lawyer or anything but Im pretty sure you're not allowed to be booked for the same offence with such a close gap in between... I would of contested that in court if I were you... unless truthfully when they saw you do it the first time, they let it slide but then you did it again so they booked you for it. But who knows.

I hate being booked for little useless things like a modification or a parking ticket. Makes me want to break the law just so I can at least get my moneys worth.

My approach to a modded skyline in NSW

1. Engineers Report

2. Noise test

3. Emission test as per e85 on this forum

4. Local member I'm a veteran and don't want harrassment

5. I'm close friends with a sympathetic lawyer

Im no lawyer or anything but Im pretty sure you're not allowed to be booked for the same offence with such a close gap in between... I would of contested that in court if I were you... unless truthfully when they saw you do it the first time, they let it slide but then you did it again so they booked you for it. But who knows.

I hate being booked for little useless things like a modification or a parking ticket. Makes me want to break the law just so I can at least get my moneys worth.

100% spot on, booked twice for the same offence 10 mins apart. !! I posted the fines back to Support group after i spoke ot them about it, they asked for copies and a letter, did that waiting for a reply.

Edited by nathanau
If you have an engineers report and are still getting fined

Take them to court, its thats simple.

You have abided by the law and if you have done what your supposed to do then I would just demand my day in court. If some how you lost then I would contact today tonight and see how excited they get at the prospect of it

A day in court, not as easy as it sounds for me given extensive injuries and multiple operations i have under gone since my serious car accident however even that aside, that’s the attitude with all the cops " take it to court" so for every ticket spend a day in court, adds up to spending a great deal of time in court over any period. Even that aside, to waste the courts time and again resources, the costs involved when yes more than likely each matter will be dismissed is impractical and just not necessary. However these issues will be dealt with when the car complies as required to the issues outside of the Eng Cert. Once that happens, i just need to put up with being pulled over on a constant basis. Thats the guts of the issues and is being addressed.

Edited by nathanau
keen to see what happens with this.

just a question, do you still have the same rego plates as when you bought it?

could be possible that the last owner was a bit smart with the local authorities, they might have left a note on the rego plates in there system

This is exactely why i make sure the first thing that I do after purchasing a new car, be it private or a car yard, is change the rego plates. Who knows what the last owner was like... could of been a dealer with a bounty on his head!!! ;)

I am a school teacher. we used to be protected by the government but 18mths ago they took the cover of protection of us so if a student has an accident at work i am liable and can have a civil case taken against me.

I would not be surprised if this is the same for the police, would be worth while taking a civil suit against the charging officer and see what happens.

They will tell you you cant do it but we say the same thing as well to try and protect our self

Im no lawyer or anything but Im pretty sure you're not allowed to be booked for the same offense with such a close gap in between... I would of contested that in court if I were you... unless truthfully when they saw you do it the first time, they let it slide but then you did it again so they booked you for it. But who knows.

I hate being booked for little useless things like a modification or a parking ticket. Makes me want to break the law just so I can at least get my moneys worth.

Welll i know how u feel. Short story, i was stopped the other evening on way home. Was eating a piece of chicken in car, cops kept going up down up down and glaring at me each time. They parked waaaaay down the end of the street, turned lights out and waited. I finished, turn lights on, they come speeding up toward me, so i turned lights off and got out. They looked as they went by. Got back in car, waited for 3 mins, they came past again looking, they parked again and they waited. I turn on head lights, they come speeding up toward me again, i turn lights off get out they continued past staring at me. Third time, they park again (this is such a joke as to the attitude) but this time i didnt get back in the car, i waited away from it, and they left. I waited for a good ten mins, got back in car, turn lights on, i pulled out and all of a sudden they came up the other side of the road, they attempt a MASSIVE and FAST U Turn right behind me, but another car came down pretty quick so they gave way. When i saw that, i "got away" pretty quick, the last thing i saw was their emergency lights on over taking that car as i went left right left right, totally lost them also with some speed behind me...... So you see, its making me actually do things like that, that normally i wouldn't consider or have cause to do. I know my car had the power to do it and i sure used it. Wasn't going to put up with more of their attitude if i didn't have to.

Edited by nathanau

I don't care what my popularity is to be honest, never have and never will.

After you got the engineers certificate have you been fined for any of the supposed defects on your car? If so, have you contested the fine in court? An expert certificate such as an engineers certificate hold a great weight in courts and are far superior than an opinion of a police officer. I have even heard of people being awarded costs because of it.

Why not scan a copy of the engineers cert. so we can have a read to see whats been signed of on your car? You can blank out your personal details. I would be interested to read it and see if you're bluffing about the mods or not.

I never get the reasoning why everyone (not you in particular) thinks the whole NSW police force is against them and that they all should be out catching 'real criminals'. I think they have in excess of 14,000 police officers in the nsw police force. The force is made up of a lot of different areas to investigate and prosecute offenders in lots of various offences that police are trained to deal with. General duties, highway patrol, detectives, ballistics, crime scene ect ect - they all look after their bit that they specalise (I use that term loosely) in. To suggest that the cops in these areas should be focused in others that they have no training in is very closed minded, immature and uneducated.

BTW they don't raise revenue, idiot's just donate it.

I think ppl like me get the attitude the NSW Police force is against them because of the amount of times they are stopped or are confronted by Police in any given day. It becomes a bit much when you consider it is only based on the model of car you drive and that you are not committing any offences at the time of being stopped. The eng cert will safice in court and the matter will be dismissed but again its not the be all and END all! I think suggesting cops focus on crooks is a great idea, glad you mentioned that.......! Imagine if they didnt revenue raise (Hwy Patrol) and dedicate their rescourses to Detectives, Ballistics, Crime Scene etc etc how many more REAL crimes may well be solved. Leaving honest citizens alone would be an even better idea. So long as the Gov needs money Hwy Patrol and others will continue to revenue raise. So long as cops want to be promoted, same applies. Its wrong but i dont expect cops to agree with that it would be in good concience to do so.


well you've mentioned that the car doesn't comply and we've seen by the engine pay pic that it doesn't. you're learning the very hard way.

you totally missed the point i was making but thats okay.

Your a cop, i seriously don't expect you to understand so thats ok too. As this is the first performance car i have ever owned, i was not aware of any issues with the car. I thought by having it inspected pre purchase would be fine and any issues raised. I also thought the ENG Cert would be fine (as suggested by the cops them selves) I can see your point clearly, and i hear it each and every day from the Police to back you up. But if you read the first posts i made here, you can see (despite the car issues) i was working on complying the day i found out there were issues. I`m not superman, i cant make these things happen the moment i become aware of them (over the last 3 days 2 of which were Saturday and Sunday.) and all this carry on still doesn't address the harassment its over the top for my car being stopped!!!!

Edited by nathanau
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