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  • 2 weeks later...

So what happens if you have an accident and all that blunt heavy shit starts flying around inside your car?

Yeah that's a fair observation... I wouldn't say the worst, buy o agree it definitely happens alot in carparks...

I always carry around a fire extinguisher in my car, a towball, heaps of blunt heavy shit, I still think the best idea is what the offender did, glass bottle, causes damage, but smashes on impact with the ground so no fingerprints :(

I've still had dreams of stealing this wanker's sump plug, that'd be pretty inconvenient... LS1s are pretty cheap these days though.

So what happens if you have an accident and all that blunt heavy shit starts flying around inside your car?

QUOTE (turbo x-trail @ 22 Nov 2010, 09:13 AM) Yeah that's a fair observation... I wouldn't say the worst, buy o agree it definitely happens alot in carparks...

I always carry around a fire extinguisher in my car, a towball, heaps of blunt heavy shit, I still think the best idea is what the offender did, glass bottle, causes damage, but smashes on impact with the ground so no fingerprints smile.gif

I've still had dreams of stealing this wanker's sump plug, that'd be pretty inconvenient... LS1s are pretty cheap these days though.

It aint chillin on my passenger seat or anything... fire extinguisher is strapped down under the passenger seat, towball is where the spare tyre used to be :thumbsup:

Good call though, loose objects are the no. 1 killer in car accidents...

I had a punter who got done for something very similar, road rage and beer bottle thrown at another vehicle.

Short story is you can get the guy charged and hopefully convicted, you don't need witnesses other than yourself, but of course more witnesses help in securing a conviction. Police may not want to take it up because of the 'too hard' basket but I would be persistent with the complaint if you actually want to take it further.

  • 1 month later...

I'm a commodore driver I have 2 of them and even I get this problem don't no what it is but I drive senseably don't speed guess it's a good thing that I'm 6ft 4 and a kickboxer that bounces for a living they usually just get back in there car and floor it when I get out

I'm a commodore driver I have 2 of them and even I get this problem don't no what it is but I drive senseably don't speed guess it's a good thing that I'm 6ft 4 and a kickboxer that bounces for a living they usually just get back in there car and floor it when I get out

LOL who cares if you are big and tough? Just because you're 6'4" and bulky, doesn't mean you can drive like a dangerous tosser you know.

Good to hear that you drive sensibly though, ahead of most tossers with commodores.

Hey guys. 'tis with a very angry tone that I type this tonight...

Story goes:

I was driving on my way to work at about 6:00 tonight, I live in Sorrento, work in Warwick - 5km drive.

Turning onto Warwick road from Marmion ave, I notice this asswipe in a VX SS commodore sniffing so far up my ass, that I couldn't even see his headlights. I was in a fairly calm and collected mood at this time, so I just chilled and travelled at the same speed as the car next to me (so he couldn't get past), about 70km/h, in a 70 zone...

After a few hundred meters and a heap of cursing behind me later, the car next to me turned off and the dickhead screemed past me with all his stock LS1 power, no indicators, and off towards about 120km/h (conservatively), as he drove past I shook my head at him and he saw me and replied back with a finger.

Later on we pulled up behind a few cars at the lights next to eachother, and he proceeded to eye me off and hurl abuse ("you maggot", "phucking tool", "pull up ahead mate!" as if to fight me) at me. I ignored him with the window up. A little further he started getting more agitated as I ignored him, finally I put down my window and said: "stop driving like a dickhead, I'm just trying to get to work mate". To this reply he threw (wait for it) 2 beer bottles out of his car, towards my car hitting in causing this damage:


He had enough time to stop the car infront of mine, get out and attempt to bash me before i reversed back and drove off. He had been drinking, and was quite easily twice the size of me, I didn't wanna even try to fight him. I'm not a fighting type, I don't resolve things with fights, that's what animals do. I doubt he was simply in a hurry. I didn't refuse to get out of his way either, i was minding my own business doing almost 5km/h over the limit, for the most part, there was a free lane beside me...

So it's my fault is it?

I refuse to take things sitting down. If I let things go like this, he would've certainly done a similar things to other people. That's how cvnts like this get away with this sh!t...

If nothing happens by the books, I may or may not have to take other action, mark my words.

Hate to say it, but yeah its kinda your fault.

Did you deserve it? No. Is it fair? Not really. Your actions decided your fate though, whether or not its fair, you can sortof expect that will happen, or there is a very real possibility of it happening if you act like that on the roads.

Sorta like if I took all 58kgs of myself and walked up to a man 3 times me in size who had just beaten his wife in public, and gave him a stern lecturing on feminism I would probably be bashed myself, even though its not deserved.

By blocking his way your purposely causing him inconvenience at no benefit to yourself, other than malice. Ask yourself, how is the large intoxicated bogan man going to feel about this? He is gonna be pretty pissed off at you. Problem could have been averted by showing the tiniest bit of curtesy.

Then you prod even harder by shaking your head at him. You have inconvenienced him, and just indicated you disagree with his method of driving an automobile. If you ignored him, he probably woulda just floored it off into the distance.

And then finally you insult him. He was obviously looking for a fight and any insult would have set him off. At this point you should have ignored him instead and make a sharp sudden turnoff onto a sidestreet, but you respond to him, basically giving the OK sign for a fight. Thats 3 times you had the chance to avoid this happening

Edited by Crackfox
  • 1 month later...

okay,a few things.firstly,since buying my gtr i've had mostly run ins with commo drivers.nearly every farkin day.NO MATTER HOW YOU DRIVE.i'm really starting to believe that all jap imports have an in-built magnet in the boot that only attracts commo's.try driving the limit every day for a week,and i mean strictly the limit.you will still attract neanderthal commo drivers.if you hoon you're farked.if you do the right thing you're farked.win win sitch ay??there's a fat caveman(apologies to cavemen everywhere)in a red late model cv8(munaro),yeah mate ,fully sic maaaaate,anyway back to the story.who resides in kinross.his rego is BADMOOD. need i say more??had two minor 'incidents' with this umm(be polite be polite)shaved ape and both times i'm just cruising at the limit and he just decides to fark with me.my gtr is in immaculate condition and i go OUTTTTTA my way to keep it like that but i'm also no shrinking violet.years ago had many a run in.gotten outta the car too many times to remember.NEVER attacked anyone but have fought people off.and it's always because i take offense at someones style of driving/road attitude,whatever.i'm sure we could all sit around for weeks swapping stories.these days i still notice the behaviour,but i just count to infinity and get on with my day.if you're gonna take issue with every farkwit on the road,you'll never get home.it's not fair.where's a cop when you need one?why do i get pulled over for a 'random' licence check down the road from where i was just farked with by monkey man(apologies to monkey men everywhere)in a commo/maloo/SS!!!(the worst)VL stocky with pursuit rims(they're steelies people,nothin more)etc etc.if someone farks with you,get rego,car details and go to the cop shop.make sure you've broken no rules otherwise your case is screwed.and post it on here somewhere,to let the rest of us know who to avoid.oh yeah,why am i so passionate about this?why do i car how others drive and how this affects other drivers?the day after my 22nd b-day a western power d/h went through a red light on wanneroo rd over reid hwy.i was on the way to a traineeship in perth turning right at reid hwy offramp.no witnesses from his angle as they were heading to perth,him heading north.my car,written off.$12000lawyers$3000(f**kerz used the money to furnish their new digs in subi)two years outta work due to severe depression/related disorders bout $60,000.thanks western power for employing this man who had had numerous accidents before mine,thanks SGIO for insuring their fleet/drivers and for laughing at me when i turned up at their hq in perth.(hope you had fun tidying/re-organising your front office after i 'rearranged' it.(when you're ment ill you can get away with so much more)thank you to the police who breathalysed me on the spot and asked if i was on drugs but let the 'older,more mature driver' get into an ambulance and get away before he made his statement to them.(he told the towie that he 'was quite sure he went through a red light'.but don't worry,13 yrs on i'm over that.....

plus if you got into the right lane for him to "undertake" that is actually illegal lol

so all you can really do is drive around with an empty 6 pack of beer or something.. and hurl them back at the ppl that throw shit at you :D

get a bullbar and ram! kgo

half empty carton of souring milk is awesome projectile.haven't done it,seen it done,works a treat!on windscreen,they have to stop.in car window gets mega bonus points as they be smellin that stank for ages.i don't agree with damaging peeps cars as it's not the cars fault.plus you sink to their level(somewhere in the evolutionary chain,not quite walking upright,slight knuckle dragation)and they won't learn from the experience.they just take it out on some granny/young female p-plater around the corner.do it for fun sure.just don't expect a situation whereby they're sittin around at home with a few mates,few beers(vb i'm guessing)discussing the ramifications of their actions and how they should clean up their act.NOT GONNA HAPPEN!d/h's hang around with d/h's,they encourage their behaviour amoungst themselves like any group of friends do.they just don't have access to a moral/ethical compass.ultimately,your choice,retaliate and see what happens.or avoid ANY contact regardless of their behaviour and/or dangerous action on the road.it's whether you can keep that burning pit of hatred down in your guts or you need to vent as they shouldn't get away with it/need an ass whipping.what i try to remember is to think of how badly they are affecting my safety.that's my main beef.the rest of the shit,well,we all have our like/dislikes.happy motoring.ps,if you see me in my gtr r33,and you're driving your import,i'll most probably be perving at your ride,so wave and say g'day.ley's stick together peeps.

LOL you know if you all brought commodores your proplems would be solved. Not saying commodores are better tho.

Jus sayin. if u had a commodore then you could drive around staring down the down the import drivers.

  • 2 weeks later...

To anyone that drives a holden or ford you can all get f**ked, you are all a bunch of wankers and sheep following a dieing trend it is not cool to drive these type of cars anymore. As the evidence shows anyone who drives imports gets more smokin hot chicks just go to the clubs and case in point.

To all my fellow Skyline brothers take care of your car as there will always be dickhead commodore drivers on the road willing to challenge us, all we can do is make sure our engines are up for a challenge by modifying them, and smokin these guys at the lights and putting them to shame for choosing the wrong car.

Take this from someone who grew up in bogen central, ARMADALE,and went to armadale senior high school, you will not see more bogens in perth than armadale, they know it and are proud of it

Top it off you should all become chefs then you can carry around 30cm blades with you, that are sharp as a mother f**ker, and no one will f**k with you when you pull that bad boy out.


your joking right? i've seen plenty of dickheads driving skylines whilst a passenger in bogan commodores. dickheads drive all sorts of different cars



I see Soo many bogan dickheads in commodores sniffing up peoples asses, changing lanes with no indicator and using an unsafe gap etc... There's definitely a higher proportion of farkwit drivers in commonwhores than any other cars... And it's ALWAYS the same bogan tradey type behind the wheel. f**k it makes me angry.

What's even worse is that's it's considered a status symbol amongst the bogan to have a Commodore/falcon. Sorta along the lines of commodore = instant masculinity, so every second prick screaming for acceptance on the worksite/in the workshop with his colegues, MUST drive one, and MUST drive it like a farktard.

  • 2 weeks later...

west coast hwy,today bout 16:15.just passing challenger ave where there's briefly three lanes to allow traffic to merge coming from the sunset drive.fat headed driver of a swamp green vr berlina decided to overtake me using that lane,(after tailgating me for a few mins).but instead of getting in front of me,he slowed when he was halfway past me basically shoving me into the left lane where there was a car at that time.i half moved over,hit the brakes and tucked in behind the other innocent driver.was no reason for him to do that.if we had have got the red light at alfred rd i was gonna cave his windscreen in.YES,there are dickheads in all sorts of cars.BUT, i'm sorry,since i've had my gtr, commo d/h's hassle me constantly without provocation.if you can read commo owners...it's on!

was there anyone infront of you?

not at that exact moment,but i was next to another car,so was gonna slow,just enough to get behind the other car as the extra lane was finishing soon.so rather than choosing to drive safely,i was forced across nearly into the back of another car.he got two cars in front to be caught amongst more traffic.there was just no need for it.it was a case of 'i'll fark with you cos i can' we can all drive like halfwits,that's the easy part.driving safely,within the rules and not negatively affecting other road users,that's the challenge.but with minimal application,

anyone (well almost anyone),can drive half decently,and get where they need to be.this bloke may have got where he was going,10 secs earlier.WOOHOO!no one can claim to be perfect,but i really try not to fark with people.

Edited by GT ARRRGH

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