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Handbrake, you have to mod the q7 - my family wagon is a ford territory turbo that can do 0 - 100 in 5.4 seconds, great for leaving wrxs and ss commodores in the dust off the line! It's loads of fun.

Ghostrun, you do make a good point actually. When I think about my kids, I want them to learn to drive a normally aspirated manual as soon as they are tall enough to reach the pedals ( on a farm somewhere) well before they can get a real license. Don't want them learning the ropes in modded cars on the road, that's for sure!

09GTR, searching for Q7 ECU upgrades now! there must be more to get out of that monster

Someone is jealous.

I knew it!...



Ok im with you now, thread should be called "its not what you got its how you use it"...

Was sitting outside a well known souvlaki joint just off chapel st a while ago, there was an S-class merc parked out front that left as we sat eating our souv...then a nice new Carrera pulls up to take the HUGE space left by the Merc, he tried once to reverse park it but failed so attempted once more at which point we decided to assist the poor bugger to park his tiny little Porsche...he drove off , no doubt to embarrassed to get out of his car...:)

this is going to be one of those threads

there should be an R35 wasteland or 'get in the ring' section for guys needing space to flex their keyboard muscles on a long boring wet weekend.

keyboards VS wallets...

Should be interesting...

09GTR, searching for Q7 ECU upgrades now! there must be more to get out of that monster

While your at it can you search for upgrades to make that ugly bitch look any better, though i doubt all the plastic surgery in the world could accomplish such a task..Hideous machines they are

All in all its about time something interesting happened in this part of world , no doubt it will end up in the wasteland though...

Edited by Arthur T3

Ghostrun you sound like a jealous douche

Its like an R35 owner going on a bugatti veyron forum spouting comments like 'don't you think you should have spent your money on a fast car that was better value for money?' IF that GTR owner did that, he would come across as a jealous dick.

ANYBODY that actually OWNED an R35 would know that reversing that fat bitch with poor rear vision would attest of the difficult nature. I have no issues reverse parking my s15 without correction. But to scratch my $180,000 car because I didnt bother to put a reverse camera would make me as moronic as you. 

You might have some credibility if you actually owned/drove an R35. Until then...go back to the s15 section. 

However by all means come to my house and show me how well you can reverse my car in tight spaces, dont forget the huge kerbs and low stance of the 35..and the fact the rear quarter vision is dismal. I would love the opportnity to meet you and see if you run your mouth then. Cheers. Goodnight. And F off.


What really gives me the shits is that a pointless thread like this gets 476 reads in less than 36 hours with 26 responses whilst a simple question I posted a week ago on whether or not other's headlights turn off when you open the door or stay on gets two responses and about 170 odd reads in one week.... What the use a forum....

What really gives me the shits is that a pointless thread like this gets 476 reads in less than 36 hours with 26 responses whilst a simple question I posted a week ago on whether or not other's headlights turn off when you open the door or stay on gets two responses and about 170 odd reads in one week.... What the use a forum....

Agreed. I wash my hands of this nonsense. 

Lets leave this forum to legit GTR topics. 

ps. my lights stay on :down: (2010 model)

You might have some credibility if you actually owned/drove an R35

Lend it to me for a week? :)

Seriously though, I'm not jealous, and this thread wasn't made out of hate or envy, was just something I picked up on when I kept reading about people changing the brakes and other stuff and I'm thinking "is this really necessary, on a $180,000.00 car??! :down:" etc. Tbh I'm surprised everyone took it so personally :ermm:

Edited by GHOSTrun

I can't understand why people took anything badly in this thread it's a straightforward question and just cause he posted in relation to r35's here it's easy to see that it's comparable to all cars and i have to say i agree with ghostrun

Have even driven one?

haha nice try

Unfortunately, I do not need to have driven one to be in a position to teach someone so pompous how to drive it.

The only balls your money will buy you are the kind that someone like you would enjoy in their mouth.

The rest of us will enjoy having a pair of own balls for uses such as: being a man, driving fast, telling off pompous pricks on forums, being keyboard warriors, etc.

It has been said, I dont see the issue with this thread.

P.S. I bet my left testicle that S15 would f***ing Spank your GTR on the street. SPANK! HA! And I can do so due to the fact that, as stated above, I HAVE BALLS!

Have a Fantastic day.

Mike i agree with you all the way....i DONT drive a R35 nor prob be lucky enough to own it...but i did like the point Mike is raisen...i did go up to the mountains with my 33 gtr as a part of a skyline cruise....there was a STOCK 34 GTT who was driving faster than me around the corners. if i did my suspension and brake i might be able to keep up..BUT I SHOULDNT NEED TO COMPARED TO A GTT....my car is faster in corners and power...but the driver of the GTT has been to tracks and had heaps of expereince...My car hasnt even seen a track day yet...

So just to say why i agree with Mike is, if i work on my driving skills instead of spending money on mods, i should leave the GTT behind....

PS...i am still getting used to my car and YES i am a crap driver compared to all of you guys here...but Mikes point is an interesting one and a good one to think about....

god i love the r35 section. so good for cat fights. non gtr owners stiring shit and gtr owners taking the bait and getting cut.

the simple fact remains that everyone buys and mods cars to make themselves happy. they don't have to be the worlds best driver. if it makes them happy then so be it. learning how to take corners 2km/h faster, or brake 5m later isn't going to really do anything for day to day joy that a car brings. having an extra 30kw under your right foot and the feeling you get when you mash your foot into the firewall, now that is a different story. that is something that you can appreciate on the street. that is something you can appreciate without braking any speed limits or anything like that.

sure there are modded cars that will beat a stock r35 gtr, just like there are more expensive cars that the GTR will beat. i don't know about you, but i don't buy a car simply based off the performance figures on paper. this is why if i was looking at spending a buttload of money on a car a r35 gtr would be well down the list of cars i would even bother test driving. top of the list would be things like a porsche 911 or a lambo. i don't care that the GTR may be able to beat them round a race track. the GTR just doesn't do anything for me. i'd buy a 370gt before i even test drove a GTR. i don't care about how fast it is, i simply don't like them and that is my opinion which i'm allowed to have and no ammount discussion will change my mind on that, in the same way that if i was to point out all the bad points on the GTR it wouldn't change GTR owners minds about the car.

god i love the r35 section. so good for cat fights. non gtr owners stiring shit and gtr owners taking the bait and getting cut.

the simple fact remains that everyone buys and mods cars to make themselves happy. they don't have to be the worlds best driver. if it makes them happy then so be it. learning how to take corners 2km/h faster, or brake 5m later isn't going to really do anything for day to day joy that a car brings. having an extra 30kw under your right foot and the feeling you get when you mash your foot into the firewall, now that is a different story. that is something that you can appreciate on the street. that is something you can appreciate without braking any speed limits or anything like that.

sure there are modded cars that will beat a stock r35 gtr, just like there are more expensive cars that the GTR will beat. i don't know about you, but i don't buy a car simply based off the performance figures on paper. this is why if i was looking at spending a buttload of money on a car a r35 gtr would be well down the list of cars i would even bother test driving. top of the list would be things like a porsche 911 or a lambo. i don't care that the GTR may be able to beat them round a race track. the GTR just doesn't do anything for me. i'd buy a 370gt before i even test drove a GTR. i don't care about how fast it is, i simply don't like them and that is my opinion which i'm allowed to have and no ammount discussion will change my mind on that, in the same way that if i was to point out all the bad points on the GTR it wouldn't change GTR owners minds about the car.

agree with you too mate...wouldnt like to keep the car stock for ever...ill be spending heaps on mods to make it a track car but also would really like to improve my driving skills...and yes rather than buying a 34 gtr for myself, i went for a 33 just coz i felt more comfortable driving it....

its just not fair when Ghostrun is trying to make a point here and everyone gets upset about...mods are for fun for some and for others its to get a bit more quicker on the track...but all Ghostrun is trying to say is that things like driving skills needs to be highly thought about too...and if you guys too thats good and if you dont..then there is something for you guys to think about...

My Audi s5 is stock. (it gets me around to and from work)

My GTR R35 2010 is stock (so far...akrapovik exhaust and cobb tune later)...I want the sound and I might as well make the most of this beautiful exhaust...basic logic there.

My S15 2002 silver has 232rwkw. (I cant lap the tsukuba circuit in a stock S15 at its best...does that mean my mods were pointless? (rhetoric question clearly).

The reason I did the mods on my s15 is a due to this word...you may have heard it...E-M-O-T-I-O-N (its what drives us all) Dopamine release, Serotonin hitting those 5-hydroxytryptamine receptors. Its the essence of all human life. In short...it makes me feel good when that boost hits and the exhaust roars and my s15 pins me to the back of my seat. I smile...mission accomplished.

Just my opinion. 

any other non-GTR owners here care to tell us how to own and drive our GTRs? ...or spend our large wads of cash? :yes:

Peace brothers

Hey man, you sound so much like s15guy he had a white R35 and an s15 as well. You must be related? For some reason he dissapeared about a week before you turned up.


I would say GTR owners would also own other skyline/s15/350Z e.t.c don't know him.

Ghostrun ...I dont think a week is reasonable...a few hours maybe.  I really dont mind. Gives us a chance to make amends. I apologise for coming across defensive. Just don't like how people assume people with money have no brains or cant use their toys. I'm serious...come see me...we can go for a spin. Other than a modded 200 we may have more in common than a silly banter war. 

Again I apologise for taking this thread personally. 

'god i love the r35 section. so good for cat fights. non gtr owners stiring shit and gtr owners taking the bait and getting cut.' -mad082

Sucked in...guilty :yes:

I would say GTR owners would also own other skyline/s15/350Z e.t.c don't know him.

Even your writing inflections are the same, your grammer, the way you end your posts. You are the same person without doubt. This one was a classic dude. Keep up the cool posts, they are well worth reading:


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