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Does Anyone Know This Skyline?


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i went to see this car about 1 yr ago.

the guy live in whoop whoop.

can't remember where though.


i have seen a few to good to be true car's on carsales with no number.

upon email it's always the same story, they are not current in town and will use either paypal or ebay to complete transaction.


doesn't it cost like $50 to advertise on carsales?

some people just have to much money and time!

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should try scamming the scammers.

just recently a colleague of my mine at work got scammed from a car sales ad.

they used a fake escrow site which lured him into transferring a deposit into a western union account..stupid. The website had a proper domain name, registered under privacyprotect so no go finding anything out about it there..

can't remember the website name, but yeah.. 4.5K down the tube to someone..and police couldn't do much about it, plus carsales apparently get reports about this all the time and are constantly pulling ads..

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to me as soon as they:

1) state to utilise ebay/paypal features

2) or end with "blessings" / "god bless"

i assume scam and from somewhere in africa....ie nigeria.

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Call me naive but where is the scam if the money is paid and he has the car picked up?


They fake the Pay Pal transaction. Comes across very legit.

I'm still working on that phone locater device so I can release the dogs onto them (COD4 anyone?).

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carsales listing fee is generally covered via stolen credit card details.

carsales, tradingpost, gumtree - quite often you'll see a bunch of 'classifieds' fees fraud on the one card number, so there are a lot of fake listings out there

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it amazes me that people would fall for a scam like this, i mean who buys a car without viewing it?!? i delved into one recently to see how far they would go to try and get some money out of me... they got to the point of saying that they would send the car to me via some shipping company that doesnt exist (LOL) then when push came to shove and i said "if you send me the car so that i may evaluate its worth and legitimacy" they sent me an e-mail saying someone else had purchased the vehicle LOL LOL LOL, in other words they shit themselves, then i get an e-mail like 2 days later saying "luck you the other buyer has fallen through can you still buy the car?" and i wrote back a whole list of profanities that i wont go into here, but that didnt deter them... good thing i made upa spoof e-mail to taunt them with.... makes me want to get a gmail account generator and spam them with responses to thier ads LOL,

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  • 4 weeks later...

Would you rather pay 7K cheaply for a ER34 or would you rather pay 10-12 and actually get a somewhat reliable privately owned car?

I know i wouldn't pay 7K for air. Would you? :banana:

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The ad's back up again, this time it say's it's from a women named Rebecca in Stawell.

1) Medical bills are covered by medicare if you have permanent residency or citizenship

2) if you do have to pay for things (elective genetic testing for example is something that's not fully covered, same with visits to private doctors) usually about 50-60% is returned to you by the medicare safety net.

3) To my knowledge the pediatric hospitals at Melbourne and Sydney are much better, so why send the 'daughter' to Adelaide when she's from Vic??

4)VicRoads doesn't have the records even though the current Carsales ad says it's registered til June 2011

Smells like a scam but it does look really nice

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Geezus... are there any more randoms who want to post a comment in here??


i was wondering where all the fkrs crawled out of, thought it might have been the ad owners nigerian cousins or something

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specially sammers like to make up believable stories and rely on the human factor of caring and trick you into thinking it's genunie

its the first way hackers break into networks etc, they use stupid human tactics to fool you and trick you

^^Exactly. Can't hack the system? Hack the minds of the people using the system. The first person who came up with this idea probably made many, many millions.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thankgod i stumbled across this thread! Sorry to crash it but this woman is trying to sell me a Landcruiser now and is going By the name Rebecca Hull. Same story, sick daughter etc.. this is what she sent me via email.

I apologize for my late reply but I`m located in Adelaide right now at Hospital with my daughter,the thing is i have to stay here with her and i don`t have time to stay and meet with all my potential buyers, that is why i gave to a shipping company that will ship it to the next owner in max 2-3 days(on my cost).

The sale will be managed through eBay under their Vehicle Purchase Protection program since they offer the highest rate of safety and reliability for transactions.

Through their Vehicle Purchase Program you will have 5 days to inspect and test it before proceeding to the payment step. The car will arrive with all the documentation's required for registration and the keys. I will send you all the papers and documents (clear title, bills of sale, manual) to be able to register it with no problem. The clear title and the bill of sale will be both signed so you can become owner of the car on spot.

If you will decide not to keep it, the same shipping company will pick up from you without any charges.

eBay will complete the invoice in your name and will instruct me to start the shipping once they will verify the delivery address.

So if you agree please email me your full name and address so I can start the official procedure trough eBay and they will send the invoice

and the details how the affiliated Dependable Auto Shippers company will shipp the vehicle.(closed cargo, time for delivery...)

PS: I paid the eBay registration fee and you don't have to pay anything else.

Best Regards

Rebecca Hull

Personal Developer Manager

Blessings !!!

Since I recieved this email the Landcruiser has disappeared from carsales and is yet to appear on ebay!

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