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ur right u can never tell for sure, but if i was buiying an r34 gtr i would inspect it myself, because of the money u could lose if it doesn't pass compliance, or something. their not going to go to that much trouble to fix up a 15 yr old car, mainly beacause their not making much money from it, besides the car has no engine mods, and it has stock boost. but yes it still could have been raced, im prepared to take that risk

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The latest interesting development to note is that the previous Minister for Transport and Regional Services, the Hon. John Anderson MP was recently moved to another portfolio and was replaced with the Hon. Jim Lloyd MP.

This is important because before he moved on John Anderson had indicated a decision on the future of the 15 Year Rule by the end of July 2004. Obviously this is now past. What the new Minister intends to do and his timeframe for doing it are unknown.

However, with an election in the air it would seem to be very worthwhile to make the new Minister aware of the issue, as he is likely to be the one making the decision. It would be a tragedy for all enthusiasts if he were to do so without realising the high level of public interest in retaining the 15 Year Rule as it is.

To maintain the rule long enough to enjoy a large range of 1990+ models, you should make your views known to the new Minister as soon as possible. There has never been a better chance to either postpone or moderate any intended changes. For the best impact, contact with the Minister should be meaningful and concise based on solid arguments and fact. If you need guidance on what to write or say, please read the information on this topic at:


You can also download a thorough discussion paper on this topic from:


Contact details for the Hon. Jim Lloyd MP are:


[email protected]

Parliament House Contact

House of Representatives

Parliament House

Canberra ACT 2600

Tel: (02) 6277 7060

Fax: (02) 6273 7112

Electorate Office Contact

Gosford Office:


91 - 93 Mann Street

Gosford NSW 2250

Postal Address:

PO Box 577

Gosford NSW 2250

Tel: (02) 4325 1604

Fax: (02) 4323 4555

Ok guys... Asmuch as I would like to get high quality 15 year old cars, over whelming Ministers with Spam is not really going to help the cause.

To put it in perspective, how would you feel if you were inundated with corespondence with people getting in your face and telling you how to do you job? Most people would take offence and get very defensive.

Personally, I would vito the motion just to annoy the very people that were annoying me... So the matter has been going through the system now, and there is probably not much more that can be done, other than to annoy the parties involved in making the decisions. Let's try to keep them in a positive frame of mind...

Cases have been heard, and in an intelligent discussion, (ie and legal/political negotiation) a decsion will be made.

My 2 cents...


To be honest you are wasting your time spaming to a MP as Adam said,

The decision is made and people who earn a living out of this industry are carefully trying to work with DOTR's and the Federal members to sort this out.

Please just let it come out this month as they said it will (decision was made 3 months ago) and go from their.

They are pissed off enough as it is and this dosent help.

I deal with these people every day so I know what their frame of mind is like and how they react when you tell them what to do.

Please listen to the people in the industry.

Lets piss off the decision maker, just like you pissed the teacher off at school and made you stay beck,

Good idea,

And we can sit here in 5 years time and say 'if only I stood up for myself'.

It's my opinion mate and as a tax payer I'm entitled to it. As you are to yours.

Yeah, who had the last laugh then?? Certainly was not me...

Or like when you BS the cop that pulled you over for apparently speeding, when it was actually the car passing you... "You are free to contest it in court..." but who will ever win that???

And we can sit here in 5 years time and say 'if only I stood up for myself'.

It's my opinion mate and as a tax payer I'm entitled to it. As you are to yours.

As I said below please read, if you dealt with DOTR's and was in the industry you wouldnt make those statements.

I deal with these people every day so I know what their frame of mind is like and how they react when you tell them what to do.

Oh, let me guess... You have a sticker on your car that says "I fish and I vote" too, right??? eh Jonn???

Is the most intelligent repsonse you can muster???

Driftt is merely presenting raw facts, which, like it or not, is how governments and their departments work, along with any other structured organisation.

I am confident that your response to me telling you how to do you job would not be particularly positive... I would confidently pre-empt your replying post to be slightly slanderous to me as well, in light of your previous posts.

Not a matter of standing up for yourself- that time is long past. The cases have been presented, and the relevant parties are deliberating over the information presented,so there is not much point in berrating the judge, referree or whatever title you give to the Minister is not likely to improve your chances. Ever seen a soccer player arguing with the ref over a penalty - he usually gets sent to the bin - not a the out come any of us want, don't you agree??

I'd just let them figure it out themselves.. but buying a 1990 model car now would be your best opertunity on getting a cheap R32 or so on.


Vehicle Standards Bulletin VSB10 - Importing Vehicles to Australia


The Government is currently considering the responses to the discussion paper on the Importation of Vehicles 15 or More Years Old and the options outlined in the paper.

Prospective importers should be aware that there may be changes to the current regulations. You should not assume that vehicles manufactured in 1990 will be allowed to be imported should the regulations be changed.

Oh, let me guess...  You have a sticker on your car that says "I fish and I vote" too, right??? eh Jonn???

Is the most intelligent repsonse you can muster???

Driftt is merely presenting raw facts, which, like it or not, is how governments and their departments work, along with any other structured organisation.

I am confident that your response to me telling you how to do you job would not be particularly positive...  I would confidently pre-empt your replying post to be slightly slanderous to me as well, in light of your previous posts.

Not a matter of standing up for yourself- that time is long past.  The cases have been presented, and the relevant parties are deliberating over the information presented,so there is not much point in berrating the judge, referree or whatever title you give to the Minister is not likely to improve your chances.  Ever seen a soccer player arguing with the ref over a penalty - he usually gets sent to the bin - not a the out come any of us want, don't you agree??

I'm not slandering anyone. Just let people have there say. That's what forums are for aren't they. So we can kick around subjects like this and all voice our opinions. I might not like what you and DRIFTT have to say but in the end that's your opinion.

To be honest you are wasting your time spaming to a MP as Adam said,  

The decision is made and people who earn a living out of this industry are carefully trying to work with DOTR's and the Federal members to sort this out.

so you're saying its a waste of time?


The Government is currently considering the responses to the discussion paper on the Importation of Vehicles 15 or More Years Old and the options outlined in the paper.

Drifft.. you basically just contradicted yourself in the space of about 2 posts..

If basically nobody had said anything the decision would have already been made several months ago I would say. I think the only reason it has been delayed a bit has in fact been due to the large response to this issue by people.

I think if it had just been snuck through, it would have been signed, sealed, delivered a couple of months ago. Not to say it still won't, but hell, even a small delay has allowed me to import my vehicle so it has been worthwhile from my perspective. I'm not saying with all certainty, but you never know.

Hey Jonn, I was hoping you would have that kind of response...

I appreciate the chance of having a decent discussion with people who can accept that ppl have their own opinions and standings, whilst putting forward a strong case supporting their own opinions.

I agree with you in making a stand and reducing the already ridulously over regulated society in which we live.

Lets hope that the people with the power to make these decisons that directly affect our passions are benefical to the end users, more so that the parties that will profit the most...

Predator, you have a good point with the delays, as I am in the same boat in picking up a great 15 yo car with heaps of mods that I can get in a couple of weeks. All in all, who knows how many "if's" can be discussed.


It was supose to go to the Minister in May and due for release in August some time to the public and take affect on January the first. As I learnt with the Government the answer to how long will it take they usualy answer is how long is a piece of string.

It takes a long time currently at DOTR's due to staff shortages and work load, it takes two months for inspection DI's to be responded too, VIC DI's take over a week and they are pushing through ADR 29 on post 1997 Delica's revised determinations so we dont have to crash one.

It will come out and the delay isnt because of people who dont know the industry hassling the wrong people.

We know what groups like VICCA put forward who were asked to put a submission in to help DOTR's make the final submission that was to got to the Minister.

If you were invited to the RAWS information days around Australia you would know what the delay is.

The industry knows what is going to happen but we are waiting for it to be offical.

its a tough game the 15 year rule cars I have bought quite a few over the last couple of years a driftt says its about knowing your buyer and them knowing you. Having worked in the car trade on and off of a number of years my experience enables me to judge cars fairly accuratly and fairly quickly. any 15 year old car is generally sold just b4 shaken so it is likely to cost money in repairs or else the seller would have kept the car. you would be silly not to budget at least 1k on repairs and some times more. hence the reasonable prices you pay for the cars. I have kept away from buying 89 gtrs as a rule because unless you really know what you want and are prepared to pay for it there can be alot of heartache.

In my opinion a gtr is a car you need to have good cash resources to own because if anything goes wrong its big dollars to fix.

its just a pity there is no one doing raws complance for r32 gtrs

I can and do get full mechanical reports on cars at auction and also on cars bought from other sources


as for the rule changes well they change and the market adapts simple as that.

the size of various lobby groups is a big influence on govt and the local car industry is to important for the economy for them to ignore .

I hope they do keep the rules so that I can continue to get some interesting cars out of japan. but who knows

I got my first laurel today so I'm happy


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