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I find it amusing that people think that a few hundred or even a few thousand people can influence the scrapping of the 15 year rule.

A few facts to consider:

The large Japanese manufacturers in the country dont want to have 15 year old examples of their product coming in outside the framework of their dealer network.

These manufacturers employ 10s of thousands of people nationwide directly and indirectly and contribute millions of dollars to the major political parties and hence influence their decision making. Who do you think is going to have the bigger clout - Toyota Australia or a bunch of individuals having a whinge?

The government also doesnt want "grey" imported cars coming in in any great numbers. Unofficially they dont want any more than 18,000 SEVS vehicles coming in, which I dont think will happen anyway. There is provision within the SEVS legislation for DOTARS to further clamp down on the amount of vehicles coming in should SEVS prove to be too popular. Having untold numbers of 15 year old vehicles coming in outside the SEVS structure is not something they want.

All this popular resistance is based on the fact that the government actually want second hand imported vehicles to come in - they dont. You can write and petition and protest until the cows come home, but you arent going to change that fact. All the "industry" bodies nationwide - MTA, RAC etc etc are all against second hand impoted vehicles - add that to the rest and its a pretty formidable association to try and take on.

As someone else has mentioned the main spearhead of this action is someone who has a lot of potential earnings riding on the longeivity of the 15 year rule. No guesses who. Now before any of you mention yes I am a specialist import dealer, and I'm enthuisiast too. Yes I've bought some 15 year old vehicles for myself, but when you see the sheer amount of 15 year old crap on the wharf - like old Pajeros, Shitbox old Mercs, small trucks etc etc you can see that something needs to be done. I can see the effect that bulk importation of 15 year old vehicles would have on small used car lots and used car sales in general.


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Wait till 2006 in Japan when a lot of vehicles over 10-15 years have to go back to Toyota, Nissan and so on to offical scrap yards to meet new recycle quota laws coming in.

It that isnt a rumor it is straight from a major Japanese engine EXPORTER.

The large Japanese manufacturers in the country dont want to have 15 year old examples of their product coming in outside the framework of their dealer network.

good point, but question: why in fact was SEVS ever allowed in the first place? Why not scap imports altogether at that particular juncture? Its well within the Governments powers to. You forget the other extra economy it brings in terms of spare parts, accessories, import taxes, GST, insurance profits, and everything else that the government profits from either directly or indirectly and that is probably why it stays. Having a few imports, but not a flood of cars coming allows that. And if you say "I find it amusing that people think that a few hundred or even a few thousand people can influence the scrapping of the 15 year rule." - why in fact HAS the government continued this "grey" importing to continue over the last xx years? simple because they KNOW there is a demand, and there are reasons to allow it to continue (even if its restricted) because there is a large number of people that WANT IT. If they didn't think people cared, they would have killed "grey" importing altogether a long time ago. Doing this would undoubtably destroy votes, which is what are politicians are there for of course.

Why you think during the whole US trade deal, the sugar industry was even an issue? because Howard knows after the recent QLD election that a large number of minority liberal seats that may decide the fate of the next election are based in the rural communities this effects... and again you could say "pft, few farmers aren't gonna make a difference". But during a close election, these things do matter if you make an issue about it.

Scrapping it all together would piss off a large number of people, and yes, I still think the words of a few individuals can make a difference. If all they do hear is the one sided industry voice they are never going to see the other side of the story, and they will just go on thinking what they already do. Maybe you can't change that, but at least you can TRY. Useless pricks who always say "i can't make a difference" are the followers in this country.. you want to make a difference, you gotta believe you can.

anyhow.. nuff talking, everybody start writing if you feel strongly enough. Not much point wasting too much energy in here and you can argue 'till the cows come home. I think there is enough food for thought to make a good start..

good point, but question: why in fact was SEVS ever allowed in the first place? ..

Look at the link and the cars below this is why the scheme is their.


De Tomaso Guara New Vehicles

Dodge Viper SRT-10New Vehicles

Ferrari 360 07/1999 Current

Ferrari 456 1995 Current

Ferrari 512M 08/1995 1997

Ferrari 512TR 1992 07/1995

Ferrari 550 Maranello 01/1997 Current

Ferrari 550 F133 New Vehicles

Ferrari F348 1989 1995

Ferrari F355 1994 1999

Kenworth T2000 New Vehicles

Lamborghini Murcielago L147 New Vehicles

Lamborghini Gallardo L140 New Vehicles

Lotus 340R 01/2000 12/2000

The list goes on, do you think Ferrari will go through everything a full volume

manufacture would to sell 10 Maranello's a year.

good point, but question: why in fact was SEVS ever allowed in the first place? Why not scap imports altogether at that particular juncture? Its well within the Governments powers to. You forget the other extra economy it brings in terms of spare parts, accessories, import taxes, GST, insurance profits, and everything else that the government profits from either directly or indirectly and that is probably why it stays. Having a few imports, but not a flood of cars coming allows that. And if you say "I find it amusing that people think that a few hundred or even a few thousand people can influence the scrapping of the 15 year rule." - why in fact HAS the government continued this "grey" importing to continue over the last xx years? simple because they KNOW there is a demand, and there are reasons to allow it to continue (even if its restricted) because there is a large number of people that WANT IT. If they didn't think people cared, they would have killed "grey" importing altogether a long time ago. Doing this would undoubtably destroy votes, which is what are politicians are there for of course.  

Why you think during the whole US trade deal, the sugar industry was even an issue?  because Howard knows after the recent QLD election that a large number of minority liberal seats that may decide the fate of the next election are based in the rural communities this effects... and again you could say "pft, few farmers aren't gonna make a difference". But during a close election, these things do matter if you make an issue about it.  

Scrapping it all together would piss off a large number of people, and yes, I still think the words of a few individuals can make a difference. If all they do hear is the one sided industry voice they are never going to see the other side of the story, and they will just go on thinking what they already do. Maybe you can't change that, but at least you can TRY. Useless pricks who always say "i can't make a difference" are the followers in this country.. you want to make a difference, you gotta believe you can.  

anyhow.. nuff talking, everybody start writing if you feel strongly enough. Not much point wasting too much energy in here and you can argue 'till the cows come home. I think there is enough food for thought to make a good start..

SEVS is a mechanism for the large manufacturers and smaller boutique sports car makers to get Sports Cars and other limited scope vehicles into the country. The crash testing and emissions data required is easily provided by the manufacturers, yet incredibly hard for a small workshop, or even a conglomerate to get, or test themselves. Think Evo 8, STi's etc etc.

People have just got to face up to the fact that its not going to happen and move on. Its not a matter of not being able to make a difference - this isnt Erin Brokovich, and you're not going to get wider public support for this. Some internet based brokers are just going to have to deal with a drop in cashflow.


Some internet based brokers are just going to have to deal with a drop in cashflow.


Any body that supports this will never get their RAW it as simple as that,

so the support will never come to fight a decision that has already been made.

To the Broker the above comment is about, you dig your own grave you have to lie in it.

The reason the 15yo law has been abused over the past 12 months is due to one reason.

R.A.W.S Most of the shonky importers have changed from selling Green plated shonky cars to being told to get RAWS or no more importing....they then see the opportunity to abuse a very low volume for vintage/restoration as a way to bring in CRAP.

I do not say that we need to scrap the rule, but to limit it to only RAWS importers.

Then you will still see your favorite R31 or whatever, and the good guys in the industry get to make some money.

The reason the 15yo law has been abused over the past 12 months is due to one reason.

R.A.W.S Most of the shonky importers have changed from selling Green plated shonky cars to being told to get RAWS or no more importing....they then see the opportunity to abuse a very low volume for vintage/restoration as a way to bring in CRAP.

I do not say that we need to scrap the rule, but to limit it to only RAWS importers.

Then you will still see your favorite R31 or whatever, and the good guys in the industry get to make some money.

thats not a bad idea

Those of you who keep stabbing at Geoff at Prestige Motorsport for 'leading the campaign against banning 15yo imports' have their heads stuck up their ass.

The fact is that NONE of you have the balls, inclination, time or energy to take leadership and stand up against this bullshit the government is handing to us yourselves. Where the F*CK where you when they screwed RAWS over and changed it to SEVS? sitting in a Maccas car park smoking your ciggas and looking k00l listening to your rap music? probably.

I have no respect for you little turds, and a LOT of respect for Geoff and anyone who's trying to help fight the governments anti-grey attitude.. because in 5 years from now when grey imports are so overtaxed and impossible to import due to over regulation, you will be the one feeling the pain, wishing you had done something, you useless, pathetic little morons.

i dont think some ppl on here r going to like some of your comments you have just made

hard words pantae...........but nothing constructive comes out of blasting the crap out of people and insulting them.

a point is made though by a few people here.............

dont fight the change, there will be change. if you fight it then there is a chance you'll win. saying, gee, we cant make a difference anyway is a real cop out.

yeah make it a sticky......

Originally Posted by pentae

Those of you who keep stabbing at Geoff at Prestige Motorsport for 'leading the campaign against banning 15yo imports' have their heads stuck up their ass.

He has finacial interest in selling shitters and he isnt leading the campain he is getting suckers (people who were not sent the document) to phone Johnny and DOTR's complaining and all that will do is make them more angry because you wernt asked to make comment.

The fact is that NONE of you have the balls, inclination, time or energy to take leadership and stand up against this bullshit the government is handing to us yourselves. Where the F*CK where you when they screwed RAWS over and changed it to SEVS? sitting in a Maccas car park smoking your ciggas and looking k00l listening to your rap music? probably.

Putting up dollars to get a lawyer to look into it isnt doing nothing we did it with CPA, with decisions like this all it does is give the lawyer a new pool. And when CPA went I was sitting in a workshop looking at a R33 that was front half GTS-t and rear GTR and advertised as a clean car with factory GTR guards. And glad to see CPA go.

I have no respect for you little turds, and a LOT of respect for Geoff and anyone who's trying to help fight the governments anti-grey attitude.. because in 5 years from now when grey imports are so overtaxed and impossible to import due to over regulation, you will be the one feeling the pain, wishing you had done something, you useless, pathetic little morons.

If you think what they are posting should happen like Allow Damaged and Modified Cars in or that is in everybodys interest to make comment and badger people that have nothing to do with the decision I guess you still get a visit from the tooth fairy and Santa once a year. And tell me your argument against a rule that was changed in 1992 to state it was for the import of Restoration and Club Cars. Which year at school where you in 1992, or where you with me and our Government helping starving people overseas, so if your only problem is the change to the 15 year rule get a life.....

No, my problem is not with the removal of the 15 year rule, but the governments attitude towards greys as a whole.

Any kind of rule changes restricting imports = bad. Safety is great, but SEVS is ridiculous. Having to 'take your car back to stock' for compliance and then swapping all the parts back, ridiculous.

We all drive these cars yet nobody seems to do anything when the government restricts us from our hobby and our passion.

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