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Originally Posted by pentae

Those of you who keep stabbing at Geoff at Prestige Motorsport for 'leading the campaign against banning 15yo imports' have their heads stuck up their ass.

The fact is that NONE of you have the balls, inclination, time or energy to take leadership and stand up against this bullshit the government is handing to us yourselves. Where the F*CK where you when they screwed RAWS over and changed it to SEVS? sitting in a Maccas car park smoking your ciggas and looking k00l listening to your rap music? probably.

I have no respect for you little turds, and a LOT of respect for Geoff and anyone who's trying to help fight the governments anti-grey attitude.. because in 5 years from now when grey imports are so overtaxed and impossible to import due to over regulation, you will be the one feeling the pain, wishing you had done something, you useless, pathetic little morons.


DRIFTT and I both know a decision has been made, if the feds were really concerned about input they would have had more than a 6 week consulatation window. Its not about having "balls, inclination, time or energy" its about picking your fights - if I know that a decision has been set in stone, why fight it? And as for "screwed RAWS over and changed it to SEVS" well the less said about that the better...Facts are I and others fought long and hard to retain the old low volume scheme, spent quite a bit of money too, but the facts remain that the government bureaucracy in this country doesnt want grey imports, nor for that matter do many governments worldwide. Deal with it. Its not going to change. Everyone in the industry has known that the 15 year was a loophole that would be closed - I'm actually suprised they've taken so long doing it. As DRIFTT said the 15 year rule was legislated for enthusiast and club vehicles - real old shit - MGBs, Austin Healeys - Old Mustangs etc etc - Not Pajeros or Dynas. The legislated unworkability of the RAWS scheme has led to 15 year old cars coming in unprecedented numbers - thats fine RAWS was never meant to work in any volume anyway.

I hope that your reasoned, informed writing style isnt indicative of the standard thats being generated for this campaign, if it is the 15 year rule is doomed for sure.


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No, my problem is not with the removal of the 15 year rule, but the governments attitude towards greys as a whole.  

Any kind of rule changes restricting imports = bad. Safety is great, but SEVS is ridiculous. Having to 'take your car back to stock' for compliance and then swapping all the parts back, ridiculous.

We all drive these cars yet nobody seems to do anything when the government restricts us from our hobby and our passion.

Their it goes again Having to 'take your car back to stock' for compliance and then swapping all the parts back, ridiculous. The cars have to be returned to standard as that is what the leglislation says.

So who told you that bit, you remove the parts and destroy them no ifs no buts, the so called great person has been telling you things that breach the RAWS rulings. I can tell you now any RAWS caught not enforcing this rule will lose their workshop because people will inform DOTR's.

Before you all make up you r mind you may want to note that they are trying to stop all imports!!!

The reason they made 15y/o rule was to make the RAWS vs old SEVS more acceptable!

It is ALL SO THE CAR MANUFACTURERS HERE IN AUS CAN SELL MORE EXPENSIVE CARS - definately not for the consumer benefit.

And if anyone should think that cars, especially imports will or should not depreciate you are dreaming, they are cars and they wear out very quickly if you haven't noticed you had better realise you chassis is fatiquing over time even if you've been repainting it every year and only drive it gently the engine is still wearing out due to combustion acids.

You'll eventually crash your car and when you do you'll kick yourself for supporting a system that makes aussie cars more expensive, cause they are all you can get, with the cost of imports being boosted throught the roof by compliance costs!

Note the compliance costs are already more expensive under RAWS.

I love my car and its go nothing to do with resale value only the price at which I can buy one.

If you want something expensive, go try buy this years model. Or try and import a really rare car, I think you'll find the compliance costs are even worse!

Better start realising that if you want to scrap the 15yo rule and for increased compliance costs (100 limit RAWS) you are arguing for ALL cars to be more expensive.

I for one like having lots of alternatives when it comes to getting spare parts or cheap cars!

Why are Aussie cars so expensive?

For half the money you can get the same quality and performance as an Aussie car by getting a skyline!

keep the price down as much as possible or you'll be paying more for lower quality and performance!

The reason they made 15y/o rule was to make the RAWS vs old SEVS more acceptable!

Please make sure you know what you are talking about before you make a

comment as all it does is confuse the subject even more.

The ruling has been around for over 15 years and revised in 1992 for only Restoration and Club use

vehicles, so if you read the full post before making a comment like that you wont make a fool of your self.

Motor Vehicle Standards Regulations 1989

Approval to import vehicles of a certain age without identification plates

The Minister must approve an application to import a nonstandard road

vehicle or a vehicle that does not have an identification plate if the vehicle

is 15 or more years old.

thanks - i was too busy to check or even read this full thread past the first page - in fact I didn't read the recommended article until after i wrote my above posts, because I couldn't wait to say something.

you have enlightened me.

thanks - i was too busy to check or even read this full thread past the first page - in fact I didn't read the recommended article until after i wrote my above posts, because I couldn't wait to say something.

you have enlightened me.

It wasnt a dig at you it is just to many people are posting disinformation and being very single minded confusing people even more.

my biggest gripe with the 'proposed changes' i.e. abolition of the 15 year rule is that it will stop the importation of some very unique and interesting cars.

whilst this thread has focused on a lot of the cars which are already imported, the fact is that some of the most interesting and attractive vehicles are those which are just or are just becoming available to people for the first time - and for which compliance under the RAWS scheme will not ever be made available (due mostly to cost, but also because of power requirements).

these are the unique cars such as the Cimas, Leopards, Cedrics, cefiros, Q45s, presidents, glorias, laurels, and centurys to name a few.

many of these are cult cars in their own rights and HAVE been well looked after, and for which good examples do command high prices.

in addition, there are a number of exotics, such as the Lancia Delta Integrales which will become nigh on impossible to own.

whilst it is true that there are (very limited) downsides to an influx of cheap r32 GTRs, anyone who has tried to buy a GTR lately - and flown across the continent to do it - can attest to the fact that there are no 1000s of them around the place!!

It would be a real shame to have the fantastic cars, many of which form the basis for the racing and "styling" heritage which helped shape the modern "raws" imports be restricted for another 15 years or worse.

these are the unique cars such as the Cimas' date=' Leopards, Cedrics, cefiros, Q45s, presidents, glorias, laurels, and centurys to name a few.

many of these are cult cars in their own rights and HAVE been well looked after, and for which good examples do command high prices.

in addition, there are a number of exotics, such as the Lancia Delta Integrales which will become nigh on impossible to own.[/[/b']QUOTE]

This is exactly what the rule should be allowed to let in and if left alone by the quick buck boys importing 4WD's, Comercials, Van's, Euro's and any piece of shit they could sell, we would still have that lovely rule not a Loop Hole used by dickheads that some of the people on these forums think are GOD they stuffed it not the one time importer of that rare car.

Well I've sent my well written letter in, and not just pointing out reasons why NOT to abolish the 15 year rule, but to loosen restrictions and regulations currently on the RAWS scheme regarding the importation of newer cars from japan.

Well I've sent my well written letter in, and not just pointing out reasons why NOT to abolish the 15 year rule, but to loosen restrictions and regulations currently on the RAWS scheme regarding the importation of newer cars from japan.

How about posting it up here? Based on your previous comments it should be a hoot.


I started to read this and them realised im not going to bother digging through all this crap

my opion is simple

people who are in the market for 15 plus import are certainley not in the market for a new corolla or likewise.

stopping us from buying these types of cars will simply mean many people will simply have to wait and save more to buy something like a r33 or something older like a dr30 if they where looking a skylines - other things would have to be like old soarers and supras which arnt anyhwere near as good as say a mza70.

i think the backlash from business owners and enthusiasts alike can save this law. lets make it happen.


Honestly do you think it will happen? They have pretty much made a decision it's just that they're doing this to make themselves look as if they give a shit.

Option 2 guys, is what's gonna happen. It just blocks out all the R32/Z32/RNN14 as they're all '89 and later cars. I think the monkey to blame is the one who setup their business just to sell 15 y.o. imports AND tries to gather a movement to stop the gumbyment from changing the rules.

Some people blame DoTaRS by getting rid of the low volume scheme and replaced it with SEVS but it is their intention to make things hard and possibly to stop the growing number of imports getting into here.

Well I've sent my well written letter in, and not just pointing out reasons why NOT to abolish the 15 year rule, but to loosen restrictions and regulations currently on the RAWS scheme regarding the importation of newer cars from japan.

Mine was more along those lines as well.. not necessarily stop the 15 year rule as thats not the underlying issue, but get their head out of their ass and realise that the whole reason for it was the debarcle of SEVS. Make SEVS slightly more workable (even via a few small changes) and the whole 15 year rule is a non-issue. Even if they do go option 2 (which i think they will probably do no matter what), they at least have to make SEVS less restrictive - as these 1989 cars will suddenly become SEVS anyhow.

When I sat down to think about it, that was the main conclusion I came up with. They want newer, safer cars in the country - make them cheaper and easier to import, not less so.

Otherwise the vehicle fleet will increasingly become old, and we'll see ancient R33 roaming the streets in 20 years just like the VL turbo. The demand will never die unless there is something to replace it. Why else could you possibly explain that a car manufactured in 1987 or so still sell for $6k and upwards!

And even if they do realise, at least express the fact that it pisses me and many people off. It wasn't a blasting either, hopefully it came across fairly constructive.

Some people blame DoTaRS by getting rid of the low volume scheme and replaced it with SEVS but it is their intention to make things hard and possibly to stop the growing number of imports getting into here.

:werd: seems like that is the main underlying case. Doesn't stop me from expressing the fact that if that keep it restricted the fleet of imports here will just get older and end up further and further modified. I don't believe in giving up something I believe in, and a passion of mine.

Hi Everyone, just a quick update.

I've had over 2500 down loads of my 30 page submissions at www.r34skyline.com, so lets hope lots of people have sent in a protest!

I've changed the ACCC to the NCC on my what to do page, and created an entire page about the NCC -


I've also added a few other pages -


where I'll post a copy of any submissions you want to copy me in to (mail them to submissions@ my web site).

And an "other information" page -


where I'll put other interesting information when it becomes available.

Contact me with anything interesting!


and the post above this one looks interesting, I'll write up a response and post it in the next couple of days..

why do people always contact the ACCC? They have been shown time in and time out to be pretty much useless. You can't claim the government is being anti-competitive against itself? The ACCC is for organisations acting unproperly against consumers, not the government doing so :( lol

While the NCC looks fine and good, trying to get the government to totally backflip and go against a protected market (which Australia is), and which has been carried through over the last 50 years.. I think though is a bit of an impossible task.

While its sometimes important to focus on the "bigger picture" I think that micro-steps are the only way in which these things will be changed. SEVS will never be abolished, and imports will never be actively encouraged.

It is creating a reasonable balance that is the issue here I think.

Originally Posted by 4DoorGTR

The only winners in all of this are the Shipping companies  

and the government getting our taxes.

Just my 2c worth


aint that the truth.  

Farken Government!

How can they earn all this money (Shipping companies and the government getting our taxes)

if imports are slowed down from the current 1,000 15 year cars a month to 200

if you are lucky.


While its sometimes important to focus on the "bigger picture" I think that

micro-steps are the only way in which these things will be changed.

SEVS will never be abolished, and imports will never be actively encouraged.

It is creating a reasonable balance that is the issue here I think.

That is nothing but the truth.

Be careful how you word your case because the idea put across vehicles

imported under the 15 year rule are only

1% of imports so how can it affect new vehicle sales.......

Well the people pushing the changes are now saying

if it is only 1% of vehicles imported it wont affect that many people.

Put you view across very carefull which ever way it is.

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