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In SA next year the proposal is to have no displayed rego stickers. So you won't even be able to go out to the car and have a quick check while at work. Then you'll see a few more people get done. Apparently people here are already getting booked by the overhead number plate recognition cameras. I reckon thats great to catch the evaders but not so good for the innocents who have slipped up and don't catch it in time before a camera. There'll be about zero leniency there. Just a point of interest. I pay my insurance policies (cars and house) monthly via direct debit. I never run the risk of driving uninsured. I then cancel a policy when I sell the car. Simple and fool proof. Why can't rego be the same. You never forget to pay and you don't get fined. But would they want that. I'm a genius! i think I'll submit that idea somewhere and see what response it gets. Mind you, they'd probably charge a higher administration fee to do it.

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Why is it that all I hear is *whinge whinge farking whinge* I lost my licence once, I learnt my lesson and have never been fined or even pulled over apart from the odd RBT since.

As for the point of the Highway patrol guys not letting Soulblighter drive home, If you had a crash, Unregistered and un-insured when the police knowingly let you go, could you imagine the shit storm that would occur?

I completely understand why they didn't, and if I were a cop I wouldn't do it either, No way would I stick my neck out for something like that, just because somebody I'd just pulled over, "SAID" they had just gotten out of hospital or I forgot etc, for all he knew you were flat out lying though your teeth just trying to get out of it.

Yeah i guess i am whinging. Not about the fine - but the about the lack of assistance or understanding that i got. I "SAID" i just gotten out of hospital because thats what happened. And there was a new born in the car. And we were 2 mins from home. If anyone knows campbelltown, were pulled over infront of the Club hotel and i live in Blair Athol and i go to Hillsong on Sundays.

Im not disputing what i did was wrong - give me the fine but at least help me somehow. I dont know what HWP can and cant do im not one but you cant expect to put someone through this and expect them not to hold ill feelings towards you (or your institution).

In SA next year the proposal is to have no displayed rego stickers. So you won't even be able to go out to the car and have a quick check while at work. Then you'll see a few more people get done. Apparently people here are already getting booked by the overhead number plate recognition cameras. I reckon thats great to catch the evaders but not so good for the innocents who have slipped up and don't catch it in time before a camera. There'll be about zero leniency there. Just a point of interest. I pay my insurance policies (cars and house) monthly via direct debit. I never run the risk of driving uninsured. I then cancel a policy when I sell the car. Simple and fool proof. Why can't rego be the same. You never forget to pay and you don't get fined. But would they want that. I'm a genius! i think I'll submit that idea somewhere and see what response it gets. Mind you, they'd probably charge a higher administration fee to do it.

Having the option to pay monthly is quite a good idea; would ensure a lot more people have it all good and on time, too! I currently pay my Shannons car insurance monthly because I'm paid monthly, so if rego were taken out of my account at approx. the same time, then I don't even have to think about it except the once a year where I have to go get the car checked then pay green slip first (monthly too would be lovely).

Hmm! Ah for a world that works properly with no extra fees for paying monthly :D

Very good point here.


Your car was from a roadworthy standard most likely inspected 12 months prior. In that 12 months, pretend a heap of your bushes flogged out and a tie rod that would be picked up for being unsafe as it was about to break, actually broke when you drove home forcing you head on into another vehicle or a pole/tree, after being "cautioned" and you, or your partner, or you newborn were seriously injured.

Did you know that the police officer would then have failed to perform their duty of care and would be deemed responsible?

Did you know that you hold ZERO insurance the moment a NSW car is unregistered?

Did you know that that means you would then be likely crying about having to sue the NSW Police Service for failing their duty of care?

Did you know that during this time you would likely lose most things financial as you would be trying to care for a critically injured person, pay for THOUSANDS of dollars worth of medical bills, as well as no longer owning that car?

What if it wasn't the roadworthiness, but another driver who is carelessly driving without rego hit you? Now neither of you are covered by rego.

As a procedural matter, the police are trained to define what the outcome should be, and stick to it. They most likely picked up some comment from you or your wife to each other like "Just get so and so to do blah", bam, they know you have family/friends available, and they'll stick to you having to get someone down.

At the end of the day, if they are satisfied that no one is able to pick you up, they WILL arrange a police vehicle to transport you home.

As to their discretion, did you know for your rego being lapsed, that the fine of $600 you received is not the only fine you can be handed? There are several more that come along with it, and the officer used their discretion not to give you those other fines...


Your car was from a roadworthy standard most likely inspected 12 months prior. In that 12 months, pretend a heap of your bushes flogged out and a tie rod that would be picked up for being unsafe as it was about to break, actually broke when you drove home forcing you head on into another vehicle or a pole/tree, after being "cautioned" and you, or your partner, or you newborn were seriously injured.

Did you know that the police officer would then have failed to perform their duty of care and would be deemed responsible?

Did you know that you hold ZERO insurance the moment a NSW car is unregistered?

Did you know that that means you would then be likely crying about having to sue the NSW Police Service for failing their duty of care?

Did you know that during this time you would likely lose most things financial as you would be trying to care for a critically injured person, pay for THOUSANDS of dollars worth of medical bills, as well as no longer owning that car?

What if it wasn't the roadworthiness, but another driver who is carelessly driving without rego hit you? Now neither of you are covered by rego.

As a procedural matter, the police are trained to define what the outcome should be, and stick to it. They most likely picked up some comment from you or your wife to each other like "Just get so and so to do blah", bam, they know you have family/friends available, and they'll stick to you having to get someone down.

At the end of the day, if they are satisfied that no one is able to pick you up, they WILL arrange a police vehicle to transport you home.

As to their discretion, did you know for your rego being lapsed, that the fine of $600 you received is not the only fine you can be handed? There are several more that come along with it, and the officer used their discretion not to give you those other fines...

So what you are saying Matt is....

I should be greatful that HWP only fined me $600 and not a whole lot more? WOW im so glad that the officer showed some decency and traits that she was somewhat human. Im not harping about the fine... just the lack of consideration.

Here is an example of a positive HWP situation: When i was younger and on my red P's - like all young and stupid drivers i thought i was the up and comming Webber - driving like i had 100's of years or experience under my belt. To make and long and predictable story short i was caught doing 110km in a 60km zone. That means $1500 in fines and on the spot loss of license. But the difference is that this officer let me drive home. She was kind enough to review the situation and let me drive from Lucas Heights back to Campbelltown. At the time when i was told of the possible outcome and fine - all that was going through my head was "Oh fudge - how the hell am i gonna get home if i cant drive?". Sure $1500 was a lot of money but i was more concerned about getting home.

With regard to driving the unregistered car, what is the difference if i drove home (that is 2 mins away) and spending half a day driving around getting my car inspected and registered while out of rego? If i got into an accident while i was in the process of registering my car, would the outcome be any different to if i had an accident while on my way home after being fined? At least of i was escorted some way there and i did get into an accident, they could at least lend some assistance.

If i got into a life threatening accident while they were around - wouldnt they be of greater use than if i were to get into a life threatening accident and have to wait for an ambulance/police to arrive later on?

With regard to driving the unregistered car, what is the difference if i drove home (that is 2 mins away) and spending half a day driving around getting my car inspected and registered while out of rego?

that is actually legal...if you take the most direct route to and from your place of residence to an inspection/mechanic for rego purposes.

And depeinding how long it can take, the RTA also offer unregistered permits for a small price (that includes CTP for that period)


Your car was from a roadworthy standard most likely inspected 12 months prior. In that 12 months, pretend a heap of your bushes flogged out and a tie rod that would be picked up for being unsafe as it was about to break, actually broke when you drove home forcing you head on into another vehicle or a pole/tree, after being "cautioned" and you, or your partner, or you newborn were seriously injured.

Did you know that the police officer would then have failed to perform their duty of care and would be deemed responsible?

Did you know that you hold ZERO insurance the moment a NSW car is unregistered?

Did you know that that means you would then be likely crying about having to sue the NSW Police Service for failing their duty of care?

Did you know that during this time you would likely lose most things financial as you would be trying to care for a critically injured person, pay for THOUSANDS of dollars worth of medical bills, as well as no longer owning that car?

What if it wasn't the roadworthiness, but another driver who is carelessly driving without rego hit you? Now neither of you are covered by rego.

As a procedural matter, the police are trained to define what the outcome should be, and stick to it. They most likely picked up some comment from you or your wife to each other like "Just get so and so to do blah", bam, they know you have family/friends available, and they'll stick to you having to get someone down.

At the end of the day, if they are satisfied that no one is able to pick you up, they WILL arrange a police vehicle to transport you home.

As to their discretion, did you know for your rego being lapsed, that the fine of $600 you received is not the only fine you can be handed? There are several more that come along with it, and the officer used their discretion not to give you those other fines...

Would it have hurt the officer to explain the reasons behind their decisions. I'm sure if there was no other choice for the officer to make, explaining that to soulblighter would have made the situation a lot better.

Police chase unregistered cars all the time encouraging unlicensed and inexperienced drivers to speed and drive dangerously in unregistered, uninsured and unroadworthy cars. Duty of care is rarely thought about.

If safety was the number 1 priority ideas like the pay by the month rego mentioned earlier would have been bought in long ago. The government needs your fines, they can't make changes that would likely reduce their revenue.

I don't know the law but would think that a police escort would provide some cover in the event of an accident, similar to driving an unroadworthy car for an inspection.

Edited by rb26zed
that is actually legal...if you take the most direct route to and from your place of residence to an inspection/mechanic for rego purposes.

And depeinding how long it can take, the RTA also offer unregistered permits for a small price (that includes CTP for that period)

I give up - i guess im still sore about the fact that the HWP officer did nothing to make a bad situation that little bit better. But someone is gonna say that its not their job to do so.

I guess thats all we can expect from the people who patrol our streets, keeping it safe for the law abiding tax payers. Dont do anything wrong and you wont have any troubles. But if you genuinely made a mistake and end up on the wrong side of the law - dont expect them to be anything other than cold, unsympathetic walls who are trained to be a certain way.

Tell me this - when you drive down the street and you see a HWP in the rear view or on comming the opposite direction, do you automatically check your speed and make sure you not going over the limit by that little bit, or do you think "gee i hope i dont get pulled over for that "random breath test" or do you genuinely think to yourself - "Man, im so glad that we have HWP catching the rust buckets and bad drivers that frequent our roads"?

Maybe the police force can spend our tax dollars and revenue from the fines that we pay to train them to be more human.

Edited by Soulblighter

And what if the car was left there because maybe 1 day after the rego ran out the wheels were about to fall off because its safety check was overdue by a couple of days. Say you have ZERO insurance according to the 2nd "Did you know" point in the above post. Well I wouldn't want to be leaving my pride and joy unattended out on the road for any length of time especially with no insurance. We all make mistakes, but for being human we have to get hit hard because taking your hard earned money will eliminate human error. $600.00 is a hefty price to pay and could have bought a lot of nice things for your kid or it could meant a very lean Christmas. Maybe there should be some sort of exemption made that allows people to drive straight home or 'til midnight giving them a once off CTP cover and when they pay the CTP it is backdated to the expiry date of your registration. That would be fair in my eyes but imagine all of the $600 fines that wouldn't be issued. The government would collapse. The average person forgetting is a bit different to a deliberate non-payer. Them and people who don't have insurance shouldn't be on the road. They are the people that need to be hard hit, maybe by confiscating their car. We've had several incidents in SA of people causing serious road crashes (loss of life) who are unlicensed, unregistered, uninsured and drunk - basically no hopers.

Come on guys, grow up, if you have bills pay them before there due, if you get booked for something you did just suck it up and dont do it again, lots of crying little children who cannot accept that they are idiots, go cry to your mother.


stuffem, Absolute less than zero respect for traffic branch cops. In nearly 40 years of driving I have yet to see them hiding behind the bushes with their ray gun when its pissing down rain, wet and cold on a dangerous piece of road when it really does count.

In the same time frame I have yet to see a friggin truck pulled over gettin written up but i can drive the road any day and watch the diesel jockeys go nuts speeding, tailgaiting, lane hogging, cutting people off, losing crap from uncovered loads, non working tail lights etc.

I've been booked probably more than most, I do around 120 kay a year and 90% of my tickets come from doing less than 10 kph over the limit on a freeway or such. against the rules? definitely but I am not going to change my habits to the point that I'm driving around with my eye on the speedo instead of the road.

Am I nice to them, Like hell. they can blow a goat. Any time one of them wants to put their safety record against mine I'll put money on me. In all those years I havnt bruised a grape.

When I see them being serious about doing the job properly my attitude will change. Until then I'll continue to point out the 30 year old mitsubishi sigma with rust holes you can see through, broken windscreen etc driving past as he's writing out my ticket for doing 6 kph over the freeway limit and telling him what a nice person he is.

just a few points

1 the statement from the girl was she was pulled over in carpark, but statement from LAC said she was pulled over before entering carpark, video should prove who is been untruthful

2 LAC sad she had no seatbelt for her intire trip, ifso unless she came from nextdoor to carpark why did the police not pull her up as soon as they saw her instead of waiting till she got where she was goin

3 people need to know there is a difference between gd and hwp, gd tend to hate hwp to

4 the police don't take prisoners from jail to court prison guards do

and finaly here are some of my encounters with hwp,

1 i was pulled over 5 mins from my house the officer came to my widow where i was seating with my liecence i hand and the first thing said to me was "funky tyres you have on the car how much did they cost" i replied "$550 per tyre" (tyres where re55s 265/35/18)the then said "so you've got a bit of money then" i was then asked to open bonnet i did and then got out of car, the officer kicked the lower lip on thr front of car and said " that is to low" i said nothing and opened bonnet, where the officer said my pods where not legal, i asked why not to which the officer said "they don't comply with adrs" i asked which adr do they not comply to, he said " i don.t need to know i just need to know they don't comply"

I was defected for pods,ride height and for the tyres, when i took the car to the local bridgestone agent to clear defect he told pods where fine because none of th factory polution gear was removed or changed, the ride height was factory with black uncut springs, and he sold me the re55s and said it was a crime for him to let me leave the with then on if they where illegal and so he would not have sold then to me.

2 at penrith 1 night where the hwp pulled into the car park and stopped behind a pos vh commonhore got out there hammer looking stick and slid it under the back of the car where it hit something the officer had a look under the car saw what it was hitting then went and wrote out a defect for the driver, at which point i went over to the driver and had a chat with him while officer gave him the defect then iasked the officer what it was hitting and he said "it is hitting the diff and the car was to low" i asked was that all it hit the officer replied "yes" i said has the car got correct tyres and rims officer said "yes" i said how then do you lower a solid diff

the officer thensaid "the defect was writen and it was now the drivers problem" got in his car and left

Police chase unregistered cars all the time encouraging unlicensed and inexperienced drivers to speed and drive dangerously in unregistered, uninsured and unroadworthy cars. Duty of care is rarely thought about.

mate, you've had some very valid points throughout this thread, but you've just 100% lost me.

So not only are we now blaming the police for well, upholding the law, but they are now at fault cause farkwits who should be shot on site, run from the police when asked to pull over and inevitably crash head on wiping out some innocent family.

This is the police's fault as well is?

oh and XKLABA, re point 4, my bad i meant the lock up, not jail.

mate, you've had some very valid points throughout this thread, but you've just 100% lost me.

So not only are we now blaming the police for well, upholding the law, but they are now at fault cause farkwits who should be shot on site, run from the police when asked to pull over and inevitably crash head on wiping out some innocent family.

This is the police's fault as well is?

oh and XKLABA, re point 4, my bad i meant the lock up, not jail.

My point was duty of care. If an officer sees an idiot like this and puts the lights on and the idiot tries to run, the outcome is obviously going to be deadly. If the police use their duty of care in every situation they would not be able to chase this idiot as it will obviously be extremely dangerous to the idiot and every other road user at the time. If they don't chase they don't run so yes police do have to wear some responsibility for the consequenses.

If they have no problem throwing their duty of care out the window every time they chase one of these idiots or a drunk driver etc then why use duty of care as a reason not to use a bit of discretion and compassion in a situation like soulblighter's. The duty of care excuse is hypocritical.

There are other ways to catch idiots other than police chases. If safety was the number 1 priority many of these measures would have been in place for years.

I'm not blaming police directly for this as its a joint problem caused by both government and police.

2 LAC sad she had no seatbelt for her intire trip, ifso unless she came from nextdoor to carpark why did the police not pull her up as soon as they saw her instead of waiting till she got where she was goin

The police can, and will on occasions wait for a better point in time to pull someone over. If in Sydney, traffic may have been crawling at 10 - 20KM/H being it would have been near peak time, meaning, they'd wait until she pulled off a busy road to pull her over to not impede traffic flow.

and finaly here are some of my encounters with hwp,

1 i was pulled over 5 mins from my house the officer came to my widow where i was seating with my liecence i hand and the first thing said to me was "funky tyres you have on the car how much did they cost" i replied "$550 per tyre" (tyres where re55s 265/35/18)the then said "so you've got a bit of money then" i was then asked to open bonnet i did and then got out of car, the officer kicked the lower lip on thr front of car and said " that is to low" i said nothing and opened bonnet, where the officer said my pods where not legal, i asked why not to which the officer said "they don't comply with adrs" i asked which adr do they not comply to, he said " i don.t need to know i just need to know they don't comply"

I was defected for pods,ride height and for the tyres, when i took the car to the local bridgestone agent to clear defect he told pods where fine because none of th factory polution gear was removed or changed, the ride height was factory with black uncut springs, and he sold me the re55s and said it was a crime for him to let me leave the with then on if they where illegal and so he would not have sold then to me.

I'm going to take a guess, that you've been defected before for things like you were.

I would also hazard a guess your body kit was not stock if the suspension was, otherwise, I'd say who ever passed your car did a half assed attempt and most of your suspension/bushes are flogged allowing the car to droop.

stuffem, Absolute less than zero respect for traffic branch cops. In nearly 40 years of driving I have yet to see them hiding behind the bushes with their ray gun when its pissing down rain, wet and cold on a dangerous piece of road when it really does count.

In the same time frame I have yet to see a friggin truck pulled over gettin written up but i can drive the road any day and watch the diesel jockeys go nuts speeding, tailgaiting, lane hogging, cutting people off, losing crap from uncovered loads, non working tail lights etc.

I've been booked probably more than most, I do around 120 kay a year and 90% of my tickets come from doing less than 10 kph over the limit on a freeway or such. against the rules? definitely but I am not going to change my habits to the point that I'm driving around with my eye on the speedo instead of the road.

Am I nice to them, Like hell. they can blow a goat. Any time one of them wants to put their safety record against mine I'll put money on me. In all those years I havnt bruised a grape.

When I see them being serious about doing the job properly my attitude will change. Until then I'll continue to point out the 30 year old mitsubishi sigma with rust holes you can see through, broken windscreen etc driving past as he's writing out my ticket for doing 6 kph over the freeway limit and telling him what a nice person he is.

Go join a truck company. My fathers partner works for one, and they have a person who deals ONLY with having to get defect notices etc cleared on a small fleet of 50 trucks. The RTA does the majority of pulling over trucks, as for speeding fines, they get pinged EVERYWHERE... Notice how they don't just have a single POINT to get pinged at, they have a time lapse setup over a 100km run etc.

And what if the car was left there because maybe 1 day after the rego ran out the wheels were about to fall off because its safety check was overdue by a couple of days. Say you have ZERO insurance according to the 2nd "Did you know" point in the above post. Well I wouldn't want to be leaving my pride and joy unattended out on the road for any length of time especially with no insurance. We all make mistakes, but for being human we have to get hit hard because taking your hard earned money will eliminate human error. $600.00 is a hefty price to pay and could have bought a lot of nice things for your kid or it could meant a very lean Christmas. Maybe there should be some sort of exemption made that allows people to drive straight home or 'til midnight giving them a once off CTP cover and when they pay the CTP it is backdated to the expiry date of your registration. That would be fair in my eyes but imagine all of the $600 fines that wouldn't be issued. The government would collapse. The average person forgetting is a bit different to a deliberate non-payer. Them and people who don't have insurance shouldn't be on the road. They are the people that need to be hard hit, maybe by confiscating their car. We've had several inci
Go join a truck company. My fathers partner works for one, and they have a person who deals ONLY with having to get defect notices etc cleared on a small fleet of 50 trucks. The RTA does the majority of pulling over trucks, as for speeding fines, they get pinged EVERYWHERE... Notice how they don't just have a single POINT to get pinged at, they have a time lapse setup over a 100km run etc.


Doesnt appear to alter their driving habits much now does it. :(

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