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Po Po's And Their Power Trips...

Bourbon Boy

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What, so just because someone has a baby that immediately excludes them from having to follow the law? Wow, i'm gonna start popping out kids then!

With ur mentality and thought process of only seeing black and white i doubt any man would want to have a baby with u.

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The big thing is with defects is if you have a car that fits in, doesn't attract attention for any reason and you're not a P plater or young you'll probably never get pulled over.

If only this were true.

A few years ago, before I had taste, I owned a completely dead stock VL Commodore. It was in mint condition with nothing that didn't come from the factory. It was white with factory 14" alloys and absolutely dead stock.

I was pulled over while driving through town in traffic well below the 50km/h speed limit. 2 cop cars pulled up with about 5 officers approaching the car to carry out their checks. At this stage I had a spottless driving record and was not of P plate age (this was also well before P plates existed). They checked all over the car asking many ridiculous questions along the way which took close to an hour.

Some questions included "Why does'nt the engine number match the rego sticker", it did match obviously but all 5 officers were too stupid to know the difference between an engine number and a chassis number. They did not believe my answer and this 1 question took over 1/2 an hour for them to work out.

They accused me of various mods including non standard tyre size. At all times I was courtious and helpful to them as I always am when pulled over as even though I don't believe it helps at least it won't make things worse. I sat in the car the whole time talking to the mrs and listening to the radio waiting for the inevitable.

They eventually let me go with a warning and told me to go home.

I was once given a warning because the cop couldn't find the offense in his little book for leaving a car with a window down. My passinger forgot to put his window up and we crossed the road to go to a shop and was stopped before I had even got accross the road.

The point I would like to make is not whether police from any department do a good or tough job but that they focus on trivial and easy to catch offences purely to make money.

They constantly spout out the same old "slow down for safety" and "we enforce these laws for your own good" rubbish. Everytime there is a few accidents on a long weekend they come out pleading for people to slow down. For gods sake when will people realise the majority of accidents are not speed related. Of course cops know this but speeding is easy to make money off and owners of modified cars or hoons as they are now known are an easy target to blame and make the enemy.

A few non speed related deaths occur on our roads then have the police come on ACA and plead for people to slow down while showing some file footage of an idiot doing a burnout in a Skyline and before you know it people are calling for a crackdown on hoons, increased fines and more cameras.

I drive for a living so spend a lot of time on the road. To this day I am yet to see a speed trap of any sort actually in a black or dangerous area. Every single 1 without exception has been in safe obvious revenue raising positions.

Fact is policing is a business. They are there to make money simple as that.

If safety was their 1st priority things would be very different in Australia.

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What they charged you with was a $600.00 dollar spotters fee. I bet you registered it the very next day, and I bet you would've even without the fine. I don't know how many times I've remembered at the last minute, or even after the expiry date and thought how lucky I was that I didn't drive it. I only just did it last week. Even after I had just done my sons car. The rego on my 4wd ran out one day, I didn't drive it the next and remembered the rego while laying in bed the night after and did it on line the next morning. I didn't need a $600 fine to remind me as with most of us it is not deliberate a cution is all that is erequired and especially nocompassion from a female officer. Oh well she did her job well, in someones eyes. Also in SA they tell us that even when the rego runs out the compulsory 3rd party bodily insurance has a grace period of 2 weeks. That's why when you let the rego lapse you have to pay an extra fee to reset it to start from the current date or register it from the expiry date and sacrifice the previous 2 weeks you may not have driven the car for.

On the odd occasion I've watched the New Zealand TV police patrol show in which they book people for all sorts of things including expired rego and would you believe it, in front of the cameras they told the guy to drive straight home. Maybe if it is like here and the insurance is still there for a couple of weeks after reg expiry it doesn't matter. Once they've fined you, so what if you drive straight home, unless NSW is different. Also is there one fine for expired rego and one for expired CTP.

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With ur mentality and thought process of only seeing black and white i doubt any man would want to have a baby with u.

Trying to insult me, without even knowing me, isn't going to change the fact that these cops weren't in the wrong & you're all hurling abuse at innocent people doing their jobs.

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With ur mentality and thought process of only seeing black and white i doubt any man would want to have a baby with u.

With your obvious lack of intelligence and shit house attitude, I am surprised the coppers don't pineapple you as soon as you open your mouth.

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.................. how thick are u. Sure he may be lying about going to church and the drive was only 5 minutes but when you see a new born and a mother just out of hospital maybe you can cut them some slack.....

Rego can be done from a home computer, i believe he just legitimately forgot about the rego but like you the highway patrol was to thick and could not see that.

With ur mentality and thought process of only seeing black and white i doubt any man would want to have a baby with u.


This the second topic about Police in which instead of having a civil conversation, you prefer to personally attack other members.

As such I'm giving you an official warning. Keep it up and you can have a break from the forums.

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Trying to insult me, without even knowing me, isn't going to change the fact that these cops weren't in the wrong & you're all hurling abuse at innocent people doing their jobs.

I don't think anybody has actually tried to claim the cops were in the wrong. They are merely pointing out how cops discretion is a 1 way street. Yes the fine was fair and justified and no the cop didn't have to help but surely giving them an escort would not have hurt anyone.

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This the second topic about Police in which instead of having a civil conversation, you prefer to personally attack other members.

As such I'm giving you an official warning. Keep it up and you can have a break from the forums.

Actually, take a week off.

This the second time you've resulted to personal attacks, for which you have already been officially warned once. Come back and do it again and you can stay away for good.

Guys, its pretty simple, leave out the personal attacks or its closed.

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I don't think anybody has actually tried to claim the cops were in the wrong. They are merely pointing out how cops discretion is a 1 way street. Yes the fine was fair and justified and no the cop didn't have to help but surely giving them an escort would not have hurt anyone.

I understand that & probably wouldn't have even commented until I read the bit where he wishes heart attacks, diabetes etc. on them for simply doing their job.

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I understand that & probably wouldn't have even commented until I read the bit where he wishes heart attacks, diabetes etc. on them for simply doing their job.

It is the internet, sometimes people exaggerate to make a point. Like Jawrgy probably exaggerated a little to show his frustration at not being able to get his point across. Jawrgy's responses were a little too personal but not really any more so than Zebra's comments.

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What "our new father" shouldn't have done was driven an unregistered vehicle.

WTF Prue? in which part of the post did i say that i knowingly drive an unregistered car? KNOWINGLY.If i'd known that the car was unregistered at the time i wouldnt of driven it.

Weevil - i know that it is illegal to drive an unregistered car, i never contested that it was legal (read 1st line 5th paragraph). I never said that the cop wasnt doing her job or was it her fault the car was unregistered. I got the car registed the next day (MONDAY).

I know the law and i admitted that i was wrong, and i have copped the fine. I paid the damn fine. What you are not getting is the lack of understanding (and assitance) that i recieved from HWP.

I wasnt being rude, i explained camly that we just got out of hospital the same week, and it had slipped my mind and that i will get it done the next day. but all i got from the HWP brick wall was "you are out of rego - get yourself, your wife and your newboard out of the car and find another way home - have a nice day".

Im sure that a little helping hand in situations like this will gain the NSW HWP alot of favour with the public.

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Excellent post rb26zed on what can happen in the real world without being nasty about it. Obviously those guys were out for a bit of fun at somebody elses expense. Too bad if they made you late for something important. As far as a warning for leaving a window down, is that the best they could come up with. You're lucky they didn't defect you on suspicion. They don't realise or care that their little jolly can have a domino effect on several peoples lives. When my son came home at 12:15am when he was supposed to be staying at a mates place my wife and I were almost in panic mode because we thought something really bad had happened. That sooned turned to anger and a sleepless night when we found out how our son was treated, what the defect was for and that the cop smiled as he did it. Driving on the roads is a bit like lambs to the slaughter, you never know when you number comes up but if it does you just have to be polite and cop it sweet, and accept that they are making our roads safer.

I can see that one day the people will rise and stand up to the carry on in the name of road safety. but it could get ugly. At the moment will are still all individuals who are easy to divide and conquer. We need more people who carry some weight to get into politics and change things back to reality or focus on the real issues that matter. We need more Nick Xenephons. But he even fights a loosing battle against casinos. Don't suppose it has anything to do with the governments cut of the profits, a bit like the taxes on cigarettes and alcohol or people who pay more rego on V8's for some unjustified reason.

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WTF Prue? in which part of the post did i say that i knowingly drive an unregistered car? KNOWINGLY.If i'd known that the car was unregistered at the time i wouldnt of driven it.

Weevil - i know that it is illegal to drive an unregistered car, i never contested that it was legal (read 1st line 5th paragraph). I never said that the cop wasnt doing her job or was it her fault the car was unregistered. I got the car registed the next day (MONDAY).

I know the law and i admitted that i was wrong, and i have copped the fine. I paid the damn fine. What you are not getting is the lack of understanding (and assitance) that i recieved from HWP.

I wasnt being rude, i explained camly that we just got out of hospital the same week, and it had slipped my mind and that i will get it done the next day. but all i got from the HWP brick wall was "you are out of rego - get yourself, your wife and your newboard out of the car and find another way home - have a nice day".

Im sure that a little helping hand in situations like this will gain the NSW HWP alot of favour with the public.

& yet you still say you hope they have a heart attack? Maybe they had more important places to be rather than escorting you home. Yes it sucks & yes they probably should've helped you out, but they probably come across cases like this a lot. They can't help everyone.

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It is the internet, sometimes people exaggerate to make a point. Like Jawrgy probably exaggerated a little to show his frustration at not being able to get his point across. Jawrgy's responses were a little too personal but not really any more so than Zebra's comments.

Yeah i have to say that it brought up a whole lotta bad memories from 6months ago. A bit harsh yes but at the time i was raging.

Being made to take a new born out of the car and having your already emotional wife sob about how we cant actually afford a $600 fine and then being left with no assitance from the people who are supposed to protect you can send anyone into that sorta rage.

So i will edit and remove that part of the post and apologise to HWP (my first post was not directed to anyone else in the police force other than HWP) that i have offended. I believe that enough people have read it to get a feel of how upsetting the situation was.

And clear things further - yes i was going to church which was 5 mins from home. My brother in law (who is on the forums) can vouche for that. He had to come and pick us up.

And if it makes a difference i was not driving the skyline - we were in our Mazda3.

MODS: i cant edit my first post. No edit button. Assitance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Edited by Soulblighter
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Why is it that all I hear is *whinge whinge farking whinge* I lost my licence once, I learnt my lesson and have never been fined or even pulled over apart from the odd RBT since.

As for the point of the Highway patrol guys not letting Soulblighter drive home, If you had a crash, Unregistered and un-insured when the police knowingly let you go, could you imagine the shit storm that would occur?

I completely understand why they didn't, and if I were a cop I wouldn't do it either, No way would I stick my neck out for something like that, just because somebody I'd just pulled over, "SAID" they had just gotten out of hospital or I forgot etc, for all he knew you were flat out lying though your teeth just trying to get out of it.

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I wasnt being rude, i explained camly that we just got out of hospital the same week, and it had slipped my mind and that i will get it done the next day. but all i got from the HWP brick wall was "you are out of rego - get yourself, your wife and your newboard out of the car and find another way home - have a nice day".


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