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High Performance Driving Course (mallala)


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hi guys,

Sorry for the delay in launching this thread - I have been overseas for the last fortnight (but was lucky enough to have attended the Singapore F1 Grand Prix :P )

Anyway, Dean (John Bowe Driving) and I have reserved Mallala on Wednesday November 24 for my annual High Performance trackday course - this is the step up from the (Level 2A) Advanced Driving Course that some of you have previously done with the instructors from John Bowe Driving (August last year and June this year) and is the same format as my previously offered Mallala trackday courses (November last year and March this year)

Those who were on the recent June advanced driving course may have received an email invitation from Dean for a High Performance Drive Day on Monday Nov 22 - this was going to be our day, but is actually open to the general public. We have instead set aside Wednesday Nov 24 mainly for import drivers.

You are more than welcome to sign up for this if you have previously attended the above Advanced and/or High Performance courses or have been to today's SAU Trackday #2 (http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Sau-sa-Track-Day-2-t328613.html&st=460).

If you have been to the SAU trackdays as a participant or a spectator and want to improve your driving with a professional instructor, then you might like to do this type of driving course.

Places are limited and will fill up fast. Please register your interest here. Luke (heslo) or I will then email you the official enrolment form.

Regular public pricing for this course is $465. Cost for SAU members is $425 per driver, $385 if you refer an additional person (see enrolment form)

This next trackday is now less than seven weeks away - so, more enough time for you to get your car ready and book the day off from work!



* 20 places available for SAU and SA Supra members

* cost = $425 for whole day (0830-1630) of instructor led training

* theory session, track walk through, practice laps, then training

* includes morning tea + catered lunch

* lots of bottled water / softdrinks to rehydrate also provided throughout day

* instructor led (ratio 1:4 instructor:drivers)

* relatively safe unless you're really stupid

* but no insurance cover for damaging your car (you participate at your own risk)

* there will be an ambulance crew there and a doctor nearby (just in case)

* you will need to bring your own (approved) helmet

* metal valve caps for tire valves are required

* fire extinguisher fitment is optional

* no drifting

* no spectators

* no passengers other than the instructors

* a CAMS licence is NOT required.

* this is a supervised training circuit day with strict and specific rules.

* it is not a race session, nor is it a drift day.

* overtaking on corners or under brakes is not allowed.

* definitely no contact with another car's bodywork!

* everyone has the opportunity to go at their own pace



1) nos man

2) Brezza Application sent

3) Panzer

4) rick31

5) eevo Application sent

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Guys, get in on this one! Trust me it's well worth the money! I know I've gotten a few PM's over the last few months for those wanting a day like this so here's your chance. I've been to a few of these days now and every time I've come away learning a WHOLE bunch of new stuff about my car. I'd be going this time too if I had brakes, unfortunately I can't make it. A day like this is a great stepping stone to get into regular track days or to just improve your overall driving skill

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If you're a fairly competent driver there's no reason you can't be in on this day. Just those with no experience in driving at all should do the Advanced day first

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I'm keen.. Add me to the list :)

I haven't been to the first advanced driving course either but I'm sure I'll learn quick hah, especially with a 1:4 ratio of instructors to drivers.

could yu send me an entry form?


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Not sure if Kim will run one again any time soon

At this stage, probably not :blush: we only had a dozen cars for the Advanced Course this year, so it will be difficult for me to justify running that particular event again unless there is strong demand for it.

The John Bowe Driving instructors prefer people registering for their High Performance Day to have done some sort of defensive driving or car control course prior to this trackday. familiarity with the Mallala circuit is useful too.

We will have a variety of cars and driver experience out there at all times - there is no slow/medium/fast group like the SAU day so you can potentially be on track with some very fast cars during the day. What we don't want is someone lapping the circuit at 2'15 not being aware of faster cars and pulling out across the racing line in front of someone lapping at 1'18. Zero track experience is potentially dangerous. It's not being elitist - it's about being safe.

That said, we don't want to put people off this event. Please let me or Luke know via PM what sort of driving experience you have and we can tell you which course would benefit you the most. For those who have lots of track time under their belts, you can benefit from the experience of the race instructors on this day. This is a good step towards a CAMS licence.

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Guys, get in on this one! Trust me it's well worth the money! I know I've gotten a few PM's over the last few months for those wanting a day like this so here's your chance. I've been to a few of these days now and every time I've come away learning a WHOLE bunch of new stuff about my car. I'd be going this time too if I had brakes, unfortunately I can't make it. A day like this is a great stepping stone to get into regular track days or to just improve your overall driving skill


This is an awesome day out and you definitely learn a lot about yourself and your car. You pick up a lot of things about track/street driving as well. Very very helpful and will definitely help you if your keen on doing some track days and how to get your car setup for it. The beauty about a day like this is you dont need a track spec car to do it and you get first hand feedback from the pro's. This course really does open your eye to a whole new level of driving.

So get on this course if you are thinking about doing some track days down the track. Its well worth the money you pay for it. I even had an instructor in my car at one stage and they tell you a whole heap of very useful information :)

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Thanks for the feedback Krishy!

Yes, i forgot to mention that apart from having an instructor sitting next to you critiquing your driving technique throughout the day, they can (if you want them to) drive your car around for a couple of laps with you in the passenger seat to show you how it should go around the track. You'd be surprised what your car is really capable of around a circuit with a professional driver steering it. :)

So two seats are required in the cars if you want to do this trackday.

cheers - Kim

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Thanks for the feedback Krishy!

Yes, i forgot to mention that apart from having an instructor sitting next to you critiquing your driving technique throughout the day, they can (if you want them to) drive your car around for a couple of laps with you in the passenger seat to show you how it should go around the track. You'd be surprised what your car is really capable of around a circuit with a professional driver steering it. :)

So two seats are required in the cars if you want to do this trackday.

cheers - Kim

I'd love to sit in the passenger seat of my car with a professional driver showing me what its capable of.

i'm really looking forward to this day, can't wait!

bring on 24th November!!

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i think you will find that they don't go flat out around the whole track from memory...you leave the pits to start your lap there is a makeshift chicane on the back straight and you finish your lap by entering the pit lane...still decent enough track to show you what can be done :)

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i think you will find that they don't go flat out around the whole track from memory...you leave the pits to start your lap there is a makeshift chicane on the back straight and you finish your lap by entering the pit lane...still decent enough track to show you what can be done :)

no, that was the format of the Advanced Driving course - this High Performance course is the next step up with full laps all day. the back straight will be wide open. :)

the instructors generally don't go flat out in your car, but they can push it a bit harder if you want them to... :)

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