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New Hoon Laws In Place


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HOON drivers' cars can now be impounded immediately for 14 days under tough new laws that could see other cars to be crushed or held for three months.

The new laws, passed through Victoria’s parliament this week, extend the time period police can impound or immobilise an offender's vehicle from 48 hours to 14 days on detection of a hoon offence.

Serial hoon offenders face having their vehicles crushed or sold, with the proceeds used to assist victims of crime, Roads Minister Tim Pallas said.

The courts will also be able to impose stronger vehicle impoundment sanctions. A first offence of extreme speeding - 70km/h or more over the speed limit - can now result in up to three months' impoundment or immobilisation of the offender's vehicle.

The changes come into effect next year and also allow police to immobilise cars by fitting a steering wheel lock.

The new laws are part of the government's Arrive Alive road safety strategy, which aims to cut the road toll and reduce serious injuries on Victorian roads by a further 30 per cent by 2017.

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Don't hoon and you'll be alright.

true but people who do wouldnt learn anything even with this...people will still drive with or with out the licence....

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The new laws are part of the government's Arrive Alive road safety strategy, which aims to cut the road toll and reduce serious injuries on Victorian roads by a further 30 per cent by 2017.

Because the current rules have been sooo successful in reducing the road toll.

Don't hoon and you'll be alright.

The trouble is in the definition of "hooning" 25kp/h over the limit is considered hooning. So if you miss a speed change sign from 100 to 80 and get done for it, your car can be impounded under the new hoon laws.

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Or excessive acceleration by the policemans judgement, So his had a shit day and you boot it off the lights to the speed limit without loss of traction. Awesome goodbye car for 2 weeks.

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I laughed at my grandpa who's born and raised and lived in Macedonia his whole life when he was saying Australia is a communist country, I wish I could go back overseas and tell him he's right

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I'm not scared to drive my car or cruise with mates. Don't give a shit bout cops (ones that wanna f**k you over for stupid shit) to tell you the truth. They want you to be scared to drive your car. Not gonna let them win ;)

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Don't hoon and you'll be alright.

you idiot ,its exactly that mentality that has our retarded police force pushing these rules further and further beyond the realm of normality into stupid pay up peasant land...

f**k i am sick of this bullshit system tellin us what the problem is and making innocent normal people pay for something that is a human right ...that right is to go as fast as i want whenever the f**k i want....If u get in my way ... f**k you.... this system is outta control...I blame retards in


Edited by Arthur T3
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you idiot ,its exactly that mentality that has our retarded police force pushing these rules further and further beyond the realm of normality into stupid pay up peasant land...

f**k i am sick of this bullshit system tellin us what the problem is and making innocent normal people pay for something that is a human right ...that right is to go as fast as i want whenever the f**k i want....If u get in my way ... f**k you.... this system is outta control...I blame retards in


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In my opinion, this is not the best way to resolve the issue. This is just to cover and fund the goverment for spending their money on unnessary junk the government spends money on instead of more police officers patrolling the city night life and area of crimes. It would be a better approach for the government to put more fundings supporting the car scene.

Trying to stop the car scene will just end up resulting in less people getting work done to their cars, less work for garages, less employment for mechanics and such, rise in unemployment, rise in tax rates. Would it not be more practical for the government to support the car scene and finding resolution to make it a more safe hobby. Not every modified car is a hoon's car, and that should be taken into consideration. With police on the prowl for any modified car, the car scene has almost died in Victoria. When was the last time anyone scene a row of nicely modified car cruise around without having police snooping around them? It's surely been along time since my group of friends and I enjoy a nice drive to even the local carwash due to the fear of getting harassed by the local police camping nearby and swooping on us as we leave the carwash without loss of traction from any of the cars.

Victoria should really reconsider what they are doing. Not only are they destroying a large number of the community's enjoyment and love for cars. They're putting many mechanics jobs and their families' way of live at risk. The way I see, embrace what Victoria have, support the car scene by opening up more race tracks where people are able to legally enjoy what they have worked so hard for and people won't have to result to taking it to the streets. Victoria is very limited with race tracks and with very limit track events, that is the problem. November Winton track day was ALL booked out only hours after it was posted up. If Victoria government can direct this issue, it will help with employment as these race track and track events will need people to run and monitor, people are able to enjoy their cars legally, hoons are off the road.

In an ideal world this would be the case. Obviously reality is the Victorian government still has a pocket that they like to be filled with the green notes, and what easier way than to target the people they make out to be "dangerious to the community in their weapons" - government targets the community's sence of safety to win them over and makes it out that any car that isn't standard is a hoon's car. We pour blood, sweat and tear into getting out cars the way it is today, doesn't mean we're all millionaires ready to donate our hard earned dollar to the government through the men and women in blue to cover their expenses.

**Sorry about the essay guys, just my opinion in the war against the car scene in Victoria.

VICTORIA - THE PLACE TO BE (if you don't drive a modified car) ;)

Edited by john-e boi
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you're a snitch lol

yeah total cop blackout here this weekend, thanks a lot bikies @_@, I was the only one with the balls to drive their import, wankers had two cars sitting down at one of the local cruising spots defecting everyone, so I made a hasty exit and returned to our usual parking spot, avoiding the booze buses on the way.

I just hate that they use these laws as something to intimidate and harass us with.

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I just hate the fact that it's up to the officer to decide if you're hooning or not. If I'm having a shit of a day, and I happen to accelerate quickly off the lights, or redline the car in 1st (whilst still staying under the limit of course) I would most likely get done for it. I don't do this all the time, but sometimes (when the roads aren't congested), I exhaust my anger (from having a crappy day) by racing the gears and such. By the time I get to my destination, I'm relaxed. If I can't do this, then the people around me are going to suffer...

And please, no one mention anything about anger management... it'll just piss me off.

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I'm not scared to drive my car or cruise with mates. Don't give a shit bout cops (ones that wanna f**k you over for stupid shit) to tell you the truth. They want you to be scared to drive your car. Not gonna let them win :P

well shouldnt have to be in the first place. i do feel a bit edgy when i see a cop these days but more because im wondering what sort of bullshit he will make up to try and slap a defect on me even tho everything is back to standard on my car.

or another fella like i had the other day pull me over accusing me of being on my phone. kinda stupid really the things we put up with but yeh in the end its their job n some of them are just pricks. this particular one i think was just a few cans short of a 6 pack but meh.

f**k the laws, ill keep driving my skyline till they pull an arnie and ban them all together

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