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didnt read the amendmant paper but i heard on the radio the other day that your car wont be impounded immeadiately, you get done and then it has to go to court for a mafistrate to decide if it gets impounded or not (as not to incur any hardships on families etc)

so it's not all bad... sort of

Reading this thead, actually makes me miss the old days, where we can go anywhere and everywhere without the police picking on us. Driving our cars, carwash, go past Maccas, head down to the city beach whatever ect

Sadly, im one the last of the boys, who still loves his cars, others just cant deal with cost and headaches ect associated.

new law....obey it.

be a rebel and try to prove a point, suck it up and deal with the fine and your car being impounded or crushed.

get defected just cause your in a skyline.... maybe your mods should be done more wisely :D


This is y i will be moving to Sydney as soon as i get the chance. Just can't stand this city and this Govt anymore. Even tho i hate the phrase, theres no other way to describe this than unAustralian. VIC really has gone to sh|t... u Victorians out there that support this Govt, good luck to you.... u wait and see, in no time, we'll be back to the 90's when Victoria was losing population as every1 moved north.

what a sh|thole we live in

Oh and btw, to all u pple out there that think that voting liberal at this yrs state election to punish the Govt will do anything...U ARE WRONG. The libs are even more anti-hoon that the current mob.

The only way u can change this is to lobby the Govt and have enough ppl sign a petition / make some sort of declaration that u will only vote for a party that waters down these laws to something more reasonable.

End of the day, I know nobody will do this and u'll prob spend more time and effort arguing how petitions dont work and flaming each other and no1 will actually do anything about it. I remember when the hoon laws were first introduced some guys from other forums tried to start something similar and all u guys did was flame him and the old "u've got nothing to worry about if u don't break the law" attitude came out.

U think minority groups dont mean sh|t? how wrong u are!! The vocal minority always win over the silent majority. Its just that ur not vocal enough and u dont make enough threats. U get 100K ppl onboard with some sort of slogan to appose these laws (eg Drivers against Fascist laws) and the Govt might seriously start listening.

Considering how close the Fed election was, and how close the upcoming state election is forecast to be, 100K ppl might be a threat not worth ignoring.

All i've got to say to the ppl of Vicotria is this:

Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.

U think it will end with this piece of legislation? U think this will be it? The Jews thought the gettos would be as far as the Germans would go too.

Edited by Taso84
End of the day, I know nobody will do this and u'll prob spend more time and effort arguing how petitions dont work and flaming each other and no1 will actually do anything about it. I remember when the hoon laws were first introduced some guys from other forums tried to start something similar and all u guys did was flame him and the old "u've got nothing to worry about if u don't break the law" attitude came out.

You know, I agree with your sentiments...but you're doing exactly what you're complaining about...arguing/flaming on a forum with no real action occurring. Where's your petition and lobby group?

new law....obey it.

be a rebel and try to prove a point, suck it up and deal with the fine and your car being impounded or crushed.

get defected just cause your in a skyline.... maybe your mods should be done more wisely :D

What do defects have to do with this thread?

didnt read the amendmant paper but i heard on the radio the other day that your car wont be impounded immeadiately, you get done and then it has to go to court for a mafistrate to decide if it gets impounded or not (as not to incur any hardships on families etc)

so it's not all bad... sort of

That is a great addition, the previous system of complete power being with the police officer was ridiculous. At least now you have some path to object and fight. and maybe sell your car if you are guilty haha

In my opinion, this is not the best way to resolve the issue. This is just to cover and fund the goverment for spending their money on unnessary junk the government spends money on instead of more police officers patrolling the city night life and area of crimes. It would be a better approach for the government to put more fundings supporting the car scene.

Trying to stop the car scene will just end up resulting in less people getting work done to their cars, less work for garages, less employment for mechanics and such, rise in unemployment, rise in tax rates. Would it not be more practical for the government to support the car scene and finding resolution to make it a more safe hobby. Not every modified car is a hoon's car, and that should be taken into consideration. With police on the prowl for any modified car, the car scene has almost died in Victoria. When was the last time anyone scene a row of nicely modified car cruise around without having police snooping around them? It's surely been along time since my group of friends and I enjoy a nice drive to even the local carwash due to the fear of getting harassed by the local police camping nearby and swooping on us as we leave the carwash without loss of traction from any of the cars.

Victoria should really reconsider what they are doing. Not only are they destroying a large number of the community's enjoyment and love for cars. They're putting many mechanics jobs and their families' way of live at risk. The way I see, embrace what Victoria have, support the car scene by opening up more race tracks where people are able to legally enjoy what they have worked so hard for and people won't have to result to taking it to the streets. Victoria is very limited with race tracks and with very limit track events, that is the problem. November Winton track day was ALL booked out only hours after it was posted up. If Victoria government can direct this issue, it will help with employment as these race track and track events will need people to run and monitor, people are able to enjoy their cars legally, hoons are off the road.

In an ideal world this would be the case. Obviously reality is the Victorian government still has a pocket that they like to be filled with the green notes, and what easier way than to target the people they make out to be "dangerious to the community in their weapons" - government targets the community's sence of safety to win them over and makes it out that any car that isn't standard is a hoon's car. We pour blood, sweat and tear into getting out cars the way it is today, doesn't mean we're all millionaires ready to donate our hard earned dollar to the government through the men and women in blue to cover their expenses.

**Sorry about the essay guys, just my opinion in the war against the car scene in Victoria.

VICTORIA - THE PLACE TO BE (if you don't drive a modified car) :down:

Very true. What drives me nuts is the lack of priority in the system: we live in the nicer part of a shitty suburb, it's cheap but with that comes rats stealing stuff. One of them were snooping around one of the bedrooms window while my partner was at work, so I rang the cops, they told me that they had bigger things to deal with, and for me to go outside (at like 1 am) and 'deal with them' and to "drag him into the middle of the street and phone again" if things got nasty. I am female, I'm not tall (5'7) and I am of average build, how am I suppose to fend off someone that is well over 6'0 and would have weighed well over 100kgs. I later found out that at the same time they were just finishing off a booze bus on the main road.

I wouldn't call them weapons. Weapons are guns and knifes that people keep under their seats or in their glove boxes....and possibly the steering wheel lock that I have to keep down the side of my bed, out of fear...because of lack of police patrolling problem areas.

My mechanic, who has always been happy to work on my cars, refuses to work on my Skyline, If I need something done I have to take it to Melbourne. Why? out of fear that he'll have cops on his doorstep or have his licenses taken off him. He has nothing to hide, he's not dodgy or anything but he doesn't want the attention from the cops. It's sounding a bit to much like the German SS.

I just hate the fact that it's up to the officer to decide if you're hooning or not. If I'm having a shit of a day, and I happen to accelerate quickly off the lights, or redline the car in 1st (whilst still staying under the limit of course) I would most likely get done for it. I don't do this all the time, but sometimes (when the roads aren't congested), I exhaust my anger (from having a crappy day) by racing the gears and such. By the time I get to my destination, I'm relaxed. If I can't do this, then the people around me are going to suffer...

My partner, my mum and I do the same thing, so you're not alone. Apparently my 50 year old mum is a hoon....in her Lancer...that has an amazing 69kw and red lines at 5,500. I think it's just cos her car is red....well pink cos it's epically faded. :D She was angry, and booted it (as much as you can in a 1.5lt, in a car that she never red-lines) from a set of lights, didn't go over the speed limit but got pulled over for "hoon behavior"

I rather my partner get it out of his system. He's had a shit day, I've had a shit day, the massive drive from Melb to Bendigo has exhausted me,if we didn't get it out of our system by either hard acceleration or by turning the stereo up to a deafening level we would probably no longer be a couple. We never do; burn outs, do excessive speeds, spin em around round abouts, generally loose traction.

They keep talking about this victim of crime fund but I have never seen it in action. A friend of mine was loading his groceries into his car, and had some rats steal his keys and beat the crap out of him in Ballarat (not surprising :P) did the victim of crime fund pay for the tow truck? or for all the locks to be changed? Nope.

Someone broke into my mums last year, they stole my house/shed keys and my mums car/house/shed keys and emptied the contents of both our purses on the back veranda. They took cash & my drivers license. The victim of crime fund didn't cover the cost of the locks being replaced on the Lancer, we had to nag the Insurance company to pay for it. They didn't pay for the locks to be replaced at my house, on the shed, my mums house, or the cost of a new drivers license....so what do does it cover?

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