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New Hoon Laws In Place


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just thought i'd cover that too, cause one would respond to what i said with that they get pick on and labeled hoon and therefore getting their bonnet popped up and defected. . . :D

I also am against silly modifications on the street that are easily defectable.

Although, I do not agree that you support these hoon laws. I hope you never apply full throttle or chirp a gear change as these things can be classed as 'hoon' activities. Whatever 'hoon' actually means??

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I remember the first guy ever to be caught with the 3rd strike of a hoon law in queensland ran from the cops and stripped his car before they came around. Surely the number of people that will run from the cops will increase which will introduce a great risk to the driving public.

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I remember the first guy ever to be caught with the 3rd strike of a hoon law in queensland ran from the cops and stripped his car before they came around. Surely the number of people that will run from the cops will increase which will introduce a great risk to the driving public.

i remember that

thats why the hoon laws list the driver and not the car now

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Ah ok, wow so does it ever reset or you remain with it for the rest of your life?

yep i have 1 now for being 7 mm under 100 mm

so if i ever get a 2nd one (im a safe driver ) i will get an ae72 and slam it as low as it will go and drive past as many hway cops as i can

then i get reset

(this is me hoping this is how it works - im sure some harcore police expert will correct us)

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Why not buy a piece of crap car after your 2nd strike, get caught intentionally with the hoon laws, give them piece of crap car and then does it reset back or are you still on your 2nd strike??

Hahaha i posted this at the same time as the above post.

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yep i have 1 now for being 7 mm under 100 mm

so if i ever get a 2nd one (im a safe driver ) i will get an ae72 and slam it as low as it will go and drive past as many hway cops as i can

then i get reset

(this is me hoping this is how it works - im sure some harcore police expert will correct us)

WTF so you got done for the first strike of the hoon laws because your car was too low?? I thought it was only things like speeding, racing and loss of traction etc.

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WTF so you got done for the first strike of the hoon laws because your car was too low?? I thought it was only things like speeding, racing and loss of traction etc.


What is hoon driving?

Hoon driving causes a vehicle to travel at very high speed, or in a manner that produces burnouts and doughnuts. Dangerous driving, careless driving, failure to have proper control of the vehicle and causing the vehicle to make excessive noise or smoke are also considered hoon-related offences if they are committed in circumstances involving the improper use of a motor vehicle. A vehicle may also be impounded for evading police, driving while disqualified and for disobeying railway level crossing signals.

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What is hoon driving?

Hoon driving causes a vehicle to travel at very high speed, or in a manner that produces burnouts and doughnuts. Dangerous driving, careless driving, failure to have proper control of the vehicle and causing the vehicle to make excessive noise or smoke are also considered hoon-related offences if they are committed in circumstances involving the improper use of a motor vehicle. A vehicle may also be impounded for evading police, driving while disqualified and for disobeying railway level crossing signals.

Yup so a car being too low should not be classed as a 'hoon' offence?? DAS KAMU please explain?

Hahaha disobeying railway level crossing signals is a hoon offence... what the

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I must admit even though I never break the road rules the "Hoon Laws" terrify me. I dont want to spend what amounts to 3 or 4 years of my disposable income buying and then building a legal modified car only to have a overzealous cop ruin it all because they are having a bad day. I know from reading some of the posts on here that most cops especially the ones like Graeme etc are good blokes but all it takes is 1 bad cop wanting to make peoples lives miserable to pull over 3 people a week to screw up 150+ lives a year because he/she doesnt like themselves or their life.

I have been driving now for over 3 years in my old commodore wagon, clean other than the slightly different colour front guard, good clean hubcaps, stock ride height etc *touches wood* never even had a second look from the cops , but I guarantee the second I finally get behind the wheel of a skyline that will all change and I will go from being invisible to being cop bait.

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I must admit even though I never break the road rules the "Hoon Laws" terrify me. I dont want to spend what amounts to 3 or 4 years of my disposable income buying and then building a legal modified car only to have a overzealous cop ruin it all because they are having a bad day. I know from reading some of the posts on here that most cops especially the ones like Graeme etc are good blokes but all it takes is 1 bad cop wanting to make peoples lives miserable to pull over 3 people a week to screw up 150+ lives a year because he/she doesnt like themselves or their life.

I have been driving now for over 3 years in my old commodore wagon, clean other than the slightly different colour front guard, good clean hubcaps, stock ride height etc *touches wood* never even had a second look from the cops , but I guarantee the second I finally get behind the wheel of a skyline that will all change and I will go from being invisible to being cop bait.

Yeah but you get two warnings before they take your car. The second one has to be ordered by a court so if it gets that far sell your skyline and drive a cheaper car.

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Hoon isn't in the dictionary so it's not a 'word.' It's an Australian only word which I believe was used to describe 'outrageous' behaviour in the 50s or so (not just whilst driving). Someone should send it in to hotforwords.com.

There're probably just as many murders as fatal car accidents caused by hooning. So if a life sentence is not enough to deter some folk, what's next after that Gumby?

Punishments have proven themselves not to work. If there's a leak in the roof, stop putting buckets down and fix the hole. Driver training AND places to participate in motorsport within 4hrs of Melbourne is the only solution.

Don't attack the motorsport dragon or it will attack you. Embrace it and it shall embrace you!

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Yeah but you get two warnings before they take your car. The second one has to be ordered by a court so if it gets that far sell your skyline and drive a cheaper car.

Yeah I know, its all just a bit ridiculous that they can impose a punishment without you being given the right to defend yourself in a court of law. It spits in the face of innocent until proven guilty and due process, we really are moving towards a society where police will be judge, jury and executioner. I know we are probably decades perhaps even a century away from that sort of power being in police hands but it scares me none the less that we are in a society that values the illusion of safety over real safety and rule of law.

Also in my personal experience Police have been nothing but nice to me especially the times I have had to pick up my brother from the police station, but by the same token 2 out 3 of the police I personally know are not fit to wear the uniform. The first one was considered psycologicallly unfit to serve in the army yet the police will give him a firearm and send him out into the community, the second is hardcore psycotic feminist wanting to just make any man she can suffer with as much hurt as she can physically or legally visit on them. It just scares me that there are people like that in the thin blue line that protects us common folk from the evils of the world. Just for the record I have the upmost respect for the police and their work in the community, its just a few bad apples that ruins there reputation for all of them.

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I can clearly understand how frustrated the car enthusiasts are with all the new traffic laws. In the same time that "hoon" laws have come in we have added use of official warnings/fines for theft, criminal damage, drunk, offensive behavior and much more and all were previously court appearance for same thing. That's if they are first/second time offenders and fit the criteria.

Fine for theft/criminal damage is the same as the fine for doing 10+ km/h over speed limit.

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I can clearly understand how frustrated the car enthusiasts are with all the new traffic laws. In the same time that "hoon" laws have come in we have added use of official warnings/fines for theft, criminal damage, drunk, offensive behavior and much more and all were previously court appearance for same thing. That's if they are first/second time offenders and fit the criteria.

Fine for theft/criminal damage is the same as the fine for doing 10+ km/h over speed limit.


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I can clearly understand how frustrated the car enthusiasts are with all the new traffic laws. In the same time that "hoon" laws have come in we have added use of official warnings/fines for theft, criminal damage, drunk, offensive behavior and much more and all were previously court appearance for same thing. That's if they are first/second time offenders and fit the criteria.

Fine for theft/criminal damage is the same as the fine for doing 10+ km/h over speed limit.

A fine? I suppose that's better then nothing. However if you're a rat and go around stealing peoples cars/personal possessions you're probably not going to have the money to pay the fine so they take it out of your Centrelink payment at $10 a month for the next 20 months?? You know can't get blood out of a stone. Honestly I have no sympathy for those people (mainly cos I'm still pissed off about my backdoor being forced for the second time this week)

Solution to the "Hoon Problem"

1) designated track days across different locations in Vic (Gotta give something to us country folk..after all we are the "Hoon Capital of Victoria...now put that on the Bendigo number plate) in monitored controlled areas.

2) Proper training....do what NZ does shave 6-12 months off your P's for doing defensive driving courses...They'll love it, they get to have fun and be rewarded by less P time.

3) Organise more local competitions for burnouts and other "hoon" offenses. It's not encouraging it but then it can be done in a safe and controlled environment.

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well going the way it does, it'll only be a matter of time before everyone in VIC is a hoon according to the pollies.

can't blame the cops, they're not the ones that make up the laws. blame the people you've elected into state government, who are clearly passing bills to appease joe public by scapegoating. "we're spending $600,000 p/a on making our roads safer... by labelling people as hoons."

"hoons" unfortunately cop it as they are the ones people notice on the road. you can't tell a mass murderer or petty thief from a normal person, but you sure as hell can tell a loud or brightly coloured car.

knee jerk reaction politics. find the largest brightest target, do something about it, even if it doesn't solve the actual problem, and people will think you've revolutionised the system. gets you re-elected.

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well going the way it does, it'll only be a matter of time before everyone in VIC is a hoon according to the pollies.

can't blame the cops, they're not the ones that make up the laws. blame the people you've elected into state government, who are clearly passing bills to appease joe public by scapegoating. "we're spending $600,000 p/a on making our roads safer... by labelling people as hoons."

"hoons" unfortunately cop it as they are the ones people notice on the road. you can't tell a mass murderer or petty thief from a normal person, but you sure as hell can tell a loud or brightly coloured car.

knee jerk reaction politics. find the largest brightest target, do something about it, even if it doesn't solve the actual problem, and people will think you've revolutionised the system. gets you re-elected.


Their just the ones that get paid the big dollars to enforce it....but some of them take it to far.

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