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Simple answer don't speed...

Second response, "I was not speeding"

Hand held laser guns are the most unreliable speed detection device ever invented.  If you take it to court and you have admitted to speeding then the judge has no choice but to confirm the fine, if you have denied the probability is that, based on recent cases you would have the fine squashed...

All true, but I was speeding, didn't intend on speeding, was is no hurry, but the windows were up, climate on, nice tunes and no other cars around me to gauge my speed. It just crept up on me not hard in the line, especially after driving a mini around most of the day. I was happy to wear the fine (well happy as you can be), I was doing the wrong thing, so be it. I would have been my first speeeding ticket for four years, must be getting responsible or something. That is what made it weird for me, youngish male driving import skyline which doesn't look or sound standard, caught doing speed limit +17km/h, admitted that he thought he was doing +15km/h, well lets give him a warning?? Not that I am complaining, I just really wasn't expecting it.

Besides I can't be bothered arguing most of the time.

last time i got done for speeding a had just passed a truck and went round a corner then a cop was comming the other way and got me.

cop....why were you speeding?

me....i wasn't speeding!

cop...you were doing 126 in a 100

me...i was slowing down


me....lerned lesson fast....

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