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R32 Gt-r 21st Anniversary Wrap-up Thread


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I'll be throwing a couple hundred shots up on my site over the next few days.

It's a shame the weather killed the mini shoot, especially with so many top quality machines on display. It would have been good to have been able to dedicate the time and lighting that so many cars deserved.

This was one of my favs from the day. (And a lot of other peoples' from what I gathered heh )






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damn straight....in fact we got to watch 2 bathursts!

+ duncan and me won shit... f**k YEA! :D better yet owen didn't :) just kidding kthxbai :D

ps. owen if u read this tell me if ur ever in my area otherwise ill post u that oxy sensor :)

oh and duncan what happened on the m4? saw u on the side of the rd but u seemed to be reaching into the back so i just figured u had to take off the harness to grab something :D

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and duncan and won shit... f**k YEA! :D better yet owen didn't :) just kidding kthxbai :D

ps. owen if u read this tell me if ur ever in my area otherwise ill post u that oxy sensor :D


i should be up revesby again probably next weekend? or just send it from work to my work haha, woot for free post

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Well my gf and I had an awesome day, pity the weather wasn't better but I enjoyed the drive with new scenery. It was awesome to see a great mix of trade mark cars all in the one spot. I think I was the only car from Vic though? :D

Speaking of being out of state we are staying in Penrith but when we left the cinema we drove 45mins towards Bathurst LOL. Think the movie got to my head. :)

And thanks to all those who made the day possible and thanks Terry for the Nissan gifts. :D

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damn straight....in fact we got to watch 2 bathursts!

Well, 1 1/2 Bathursts anyway. (So how DID 1991 finish...?)

Thanks to Terry and everyone for organising it: lots of fun. My son had a ball.


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Hey all,

BIG Thank you to organisers and all people that turned up on a grey day like today.I've just woke up as I was nackered after the long day.

Me and my son and nephew had a great day and it's just amazing how much time effort and not to mention $$$ has gone into some of these cars well done!

Also it shows how great and responsible this club really is given everyones behavior on the road as Duncan said before the start "NO D*** H**D Behavior"

Well done and lets do it again soon.

question: Is there Christmas cruise this year?


Dave :D

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Hey all,

BIG Thank you to organisers and all people that turned up on a grey day like today.I've just woke up as I was nackered after the long day.

Me and my son and nephew had a great day and it's just amazing how much time effort and not to mention $$$ has gone into some of these cars well done!

Also it shows how great and responsible this club really is given everyones behavior on the road as Duncan said before the start "NO D*** H**D Behavior"

Well done and lets do it again soon.

question: Is there Christmas cruise this year?


Dave :D

This year the Xmas cruise has been combined with the Jim Richards dinner :)

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What a great day!!

A big thank you :D to all the organisers of the day (it ran as smooth as a 'swiss watch) and the many hours of preparation behind the scenes. My son's and I had a great day.

Never seen so many well presented Skylines at the one event and everyone should be congratulated for the efforts to make an appearance.

A big thank you to Terry, his son Matt and the ACT contingent - it was great to meet you all at the Panther's Club on Saturday night. We will definitely be back for future events.

Pics coming soon.


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