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Just Got Pulled Over By Highway


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Well as the topic states, was just pulled over on my bike, was going too fast. Helmet off, step off bike, waiting to be told i'm going to jail....

Afternoon officer,

Good afternoon, now why did we pull you over?

Ahhh going too fast

Thats all we wanted to hear, count to 10 out loud (RBT), ok mate I think we've shaken you up enough for one day go home.

Thankyou officer

Just remember, we can be anywhere at anytime!

Yes sir.

And that was that, a little respect goes a long way guys, remember that.

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One of the truest statements I've ever heard. I got pulled over once in my old falcon 75 in a 50 I had a good attitude about it, he asked who's car it was, why I was speeding and said slow down nnext time it could be worse. Mind you this has happened onmany occasions. I know we all like to hate them but respect and good attitude goes a long way


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Yep, I've flat-out admitted I was in the wrong before, didn't specify a speed "yeah, was going too fast, I was doing the wrong thing and there's no excuse", and after some polite conversation, on my way.

Good to hear, Matty. It's things like this that make us try and do better in the future.

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Yep, I've flat-out admitted I was in the wrong before, didn't specify a speed "yeah, was going too fast, I was doing the wrong thing and there's no excuse", and after some polite conversation, on my way.

Good to hear, Matty. It's things like this that make us try and do better in the future.

When about to be pinged for inadvertent speeding, ^^^ an attitude like above in Owen's case, (with humility and remorse), is definitely the best policy.

The copper might also be looking at one's body language too to see if one means it!

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Well I looked at it, it was a cold night and I wanted to get home to bed, but that's no excuse, there's never any excuse. If you can just be upfront and honest, yes sir, I was doing the wrong thing and I shouldn't have been doing it. *shrug* works out easier. If you've been caught, cop it sweet (pardon the pun)

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i got let off once after doing a drive by past cops outside a pub doing twice the limit, it woke me up alot, wont do that again!

Was in the skyline too, the guy was understanding and was really nice about it, top bloke.

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Anyone get away with speeding whilst driving their skyline? :P


I've been let off more times then fined...

Now it just doesn't get driven and I stick to the limit. That's what they built race tracks for!

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Yes!!! My husband said it was disgusting seeing how nice I was :O

Yes, but not many people can talk the leg off an iron pot > under wet cement :P

...poor copper left home to get away from that!!!

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I've been let off more times then fined...

Now it just doesn't get driven and I stick to the limit. That's what they built race tracks for!

It really takes one losing their licence for a few months to realize how much that sucks and to slow down IMO. Also, when it comes to being pulled over and getting away with it - this is a verrrrrrry grey area and depends on 3 main factors

1) Your prior record ie. if you've never been pulled over for speeding before - there's a good chance that you will get away with it - heavily reliant on following points

2) Your attitude. Especially in combination with #1 above - if it's your first offence and you're not a dick you might get away with it. Having said that, I would still advise anyone in this particular situation to NOT admit to anything - your goal is to try and preserve that virgin record, trust me - this is your get out of jail free card and something you should hang on to for dear life. No matter how serious your offence, if you take it to court with a well prepared sob story AND clean record there's a GOOD chance you will get away with it. Cops know this.

3) the cop's attitude and/or personality and current mood. If you can tell the cop is cranky and is out for blood, just keep your mouth shut - do NOT admit fault or talk back. Keep your trap shut. If the cop seems in a good mood, be friendly but don't admit to any serious offence.

The above is brought to you by "been there done that, don't believe the bastards even when you think they're being nice, chances are they're trying to avoid going to court because they have no evidence"

Or if you simply don't have the nerves to play their game, always be polite and submissive and hope they're not stingy with the lube.

Always keep in mind that they're just doing their job and part of their job is revenue raising - if it wasn't for all that revenue, they'd go bust.

At the end of the day, if you don't speed - you don't have to worry about any of it - just goto SAU track days to get the speed demon out of the system is the best solution.

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I have been pulled over 4 times for being in the wrong, twice for speeding and twice for the back end being out a little :whistling:

First time was speeding, was polite, admited fault etc as said above and that was the first time i lost my licence

Second time was for the tail being out, i actually played dumb at first because the unmarked car was on the opposite side of the road a fair way ahead and i wasnt prepaired to hang myself lol

But anyway he eventually asked if i did exactly what i did and so i gave in, and he actually let me off, both guys were polite, one asked a little about the car (was a commodore not the skyline lol) and off i went

Third time was speeding again (little harsh i think because i was overtaking a car that couldnt maintain speed waaaay out on the bruce highway) Admittedly i was a little pissed off but i wasnt rude untill he had already told me i was going to lose my licence for another 6 months despite explaining about the car

Fourth time, back end out a little bit again, coming out of a carpark and getting accross 2 lanes to the u-turn lane in heavy traffic,

Was nothing but polite and got nothing but smart ass abuse in return and the end result was being sent to court for having a knife in my car (use it for work, which i had just left for the day)

So its really just me that gets the w***kers? :(

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