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Hey guys, I've organized a movie night for the Halloween weekend.

The movie will be Saw VII @ Marion Megaplex Cinema

Session times haven't been released yet but should be approximately 9:30PM

Will be meeting up at Intencity beforehand at 8PM

Facebook event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=1486...event_invites=0

Pre-purchasing your tickets beforehand is recommended - saves you waiting in the line on the night and risk missing out due to ticket demands being a Halloween weekend and new release movie. Pre-purchasing your tickets can be done here once they release the times: http://www.eventcinemas.com.au/


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I am dead keen for this Vu (as I said on FB), BUT next weekend is EHP and I believe we are setting up the SAU display Friday night. I was also considering going to HQ to see Pendulum play. Decision, decisions.

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